How do I help my unemployed husband?
I’m writing because I don’t know what to do. My husband is showing job instabilities. This all started when he left his very good and secure job because he had some colleagues who tried to tempt him to gaze at other women. He left because he wanted to be loyal to me and not deal with temptation, which I admire. However, he has tried a few jobs since then and can’t get the right fit. The last job let him go suddenly. He didn’t meet the job responsibilities of the others to stay. I am a stay-at-home wife per his requests, but this instability causes me stress and fear. He’s adamant about not wanting me to work. I want to be obedient and patient with him (this has been going on for almost three months). We have no formal education, but I don’t want us to be in a dire situation.
What is your best advice for me to support him and eliminate stress?
Most men define themselves and their worth by their jobs. Losing his job is devastating. Thus, you can encourage him as he searches for a job. Since his view of himself is fragile, it is important to treat him with respect. "Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband" (Ephesians 5:33).
Work together on a budget so that you can see how long your money will last. That budget will also lay out backup plans. If your money gets too low, one option is that you get a job to keep the family afloat until he can land a job that can support the family. Another option is finding a job you can do from home that can supplement the income he can bring in, like the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. He should not let his pride cause hardships for his family.