Does it matter who performs a wedding?



My fiancé and I have planned a destination wedding. The wedding package we purchased has an officiant included. I mention this because the planner stated that they have their preferred vendors meaning we potentially cannot reach out to the local church and ask a minister to marry us. We are members of the Church of Christ. Ideally, we would want a minister for the church of Christ to marry us. Scripturally, does it matter who marries us? In the sight of the Lord, will our marriage be valid? Does the Bible say anything about who could officiate a wedding?

I feel convicted on this matter, almost as if we are doing something wrong by not getting married in the church or having a minister of the church officiating. Can you please clarify this topic?

Thank you so much for your wise words and your Bible answers. God bless you and your ministry. Your archive has really helped me learn and grow. Thank you.


What makes a marriage is the covenant exchanged by a man and a woman (Malachi 2:14). Marriages existed long before the church was established. As long as a wedding follows the rules for covenants, they are recognized by God. See Marriage Covenants. A marriage before a Justice of the Peace is just as valid as a marriage officiated by some church official. There is no difference. If it made a difference then you would find a law in the New Testament saying that everyone who became a Christian would have to get married again, and such a law does not exist.

How you want to celebrate your wedding is up to you. If you want a preacher you are familiar with to do the wedding, then tell the coordinator that you already have someone selected for the job. I'm positive that it has happened before. They just like to work with people they are familiar with.



Thank you so much for your response. We really appreciate it.