Where should I live?

Question: Hi, I found your question and answer page and have been reading sermons and many of the answers you have replied with. I am struggling with a problem that is weighing very heavy on my heart and mind. My husband and I currently are living in separate homes about 10 minutes apart. It has…

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Is a shotgun wedding or a wedding involving a lie valid?

Question: God bless brother. I have questions about marriage. If someone lies in order to get married does God acknowledges that marriage? A young man married a woman after three weeks of knowing each other. He has a severe ambivalent attachment disorder. She lied to him about her child from a previous relationship of being…

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I’m unsure if I’m married to my ex-boyfriend

Question: Good evening! I’ve been praying, reading the Word, and reading godly people’s commentary on this topic – but I am still confused. I’m unsure if I will ever receive a definitive answer, but I would really appreciate any Scriptural knowledge you could share. I basically am just unsure if I’m technically married to my…

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Love and Respect

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Love-and-Respect.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 5:25-33   I.         There are some topics that are joined such that you cannot have one without the other.             A.        Faith and obedience are two sides the same subject.                         1.         You can’t really have faith without obedience – James 2:14-18                         2.         And you can’t really have obedience without faith – Romans 4:2-5…

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Should we marry after committing fornication?

Question: Good morning, I have a question. I am a Christian, growing in grace, I’m 26 years of age. I met a young Christian lady during the time I was asking the Lord who will go with me on this mission as a wife. When I saw her, my spirit agreed that she was the…

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My husband doesn’t want more children

Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton! My husband told me more than once that we could have another child, but then he said he can’t psychologically take on the responsibilities of having another child. I’ve openly and honestly told him why I would like another child and that it was hurtful for him to break a promise…

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Man as the Head

by Doy Moyer Let’s start with this well-known statement: “For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:23). The immediate thought seems to be that the man is where “the buck stops” in the home. This…

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Who gives permission to marry if your father isn’t around?

Question: Hello I’ve been having problems with what to do when it comes to my wedding next year. My parents and my fiancé’s parents have separated. According to our African customs, the father should be the one to give permission on whether we get married or not. He is also the one to receive the dowry.…

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Did the vows I made in my head marry me to someone else?

Question: Hi! Before I married the love of my life, I would read stories online where the reader would marry either a character or a real person in the stories. I cannot remember if any of these stories included vows that I may have read and given in my head as I read. I struggled…

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Should I stay with my husband or my children?

Question: Good morning brother Hamilton I don’t want to say I am a fan, but I learned a lot from the lessons, sermons, and questions and answers on the La Vista Church of Christ website, and I am still learning. Glory to God for such initiative. I am grateful for having such a platform where,…

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Can relatives of one family marry relatives of another family?

Question: Is it morally legal for a father, brother, and son to be interested in marriage with three unrelated females that just so happen to be a mother, sister, and daughter, related to each other, but not to the men? If not, which ones and why not? Answer: Though we are not under the Old…

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I don’t want to force him, but my boyfriend doesn’t want to marry me

Question: I’m right now in a situation in which my boyfriend doesn’t want to marry me. From the beginning of our relationship, I didn’t want to force him but I wanted this relationship to end up in a marriage. From a religious point of view and I’m from an area where marriage is important before…

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Will my future partner determine if I’ll make eternity?

Question: Good evening, sir. Please, I have a question that has been bothering my mind. Will my future partner determine if I’ll make eternity? Answer: Who you choose to marry can reveal your attitude toward righteousness. If you knowingly marry a sinner, then you are knowingly placing temptation before you. After all, Paul warned, “Do…

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Is it compulsory to marry and have children?

Question: Is it compulsory to marry? Is it compulsory to bear children? If you don’t bear children are you sinning against God and Genesis 1:28? Answer: “But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. … I think then that this is good in view…

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Is it a sin not to get married in a church?

Question: I am in my late twenties and my fiancee is a year younger than me. We live in an African country, and we have been engaged for several years now. We have been waiting for the approval of my fiancee’s parents. They don’t want the marriage because I am a pastor and I’m not…

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I’m worn out being a wife to my husband

Question: Good afternoon, I have been married for over ten years and have been abundantly blessed with children. These past years have been a nightmare. I cannot be married to him anymore. I just cannot do this anymore. He is a very angry man. He mismanages the finances, has made so many terrible decisions, and we are…

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Does impotency mean a person is not really married?

Question: I have been noticing that La Vista Church of Christ is one of the few congregations that tackle this sensitive issue. My question is in the case of the unconsummated marriage, does this indicate a de facto crisis within the marriage or is the marriage act incidental, solely the business of the husband and…

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Would you marry a couple who are committing fornication?

Question: My question is: If you end up counseling someone you are considering to perform their wedding and you find out they are currently living together, what do you do? I know you will discuss that with them from the Bible no doubt. But what do you do if they do not get that right…

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Is a wedding necessary since people don’t always keep their promise?

Question: Hello. I’m new to this website and I have an important question regarding premarital sex. My best friend and I love each other to the point where we like to show affection toward each other. We are 100% sure that we will stay together forever. I’m his first partner and so is he. However,…

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Are promises the same as marriage covenant?

Question: Dear minister, I have been feeling torn, confused, really unsure of what to do at times, I have prayed, trying to trust God to help. In the context of understanding marriage, I have searched about promises compared to covenants, including some answers on your site, and from other sources. Before I became a Christian…

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My wife doesn’t want to study the Bible

Question: Hello brother. I have a question that I would like to ask and I hope you are able to respond if you have a spare moment. I foolishly married a woman who “believes in God” and attending Sunday morning worship but that’s about it. She doesn’t think that she needs to read the Bible…

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I can’t marry my girlfriend because we are from the same clan

Question: Hi, I am from Uganda. I have lived with my girlfriend for 8 years, but it was only a few months back that I realized we belong to the same clan. I love my girlfriend because she has been there for me, but the problem is, I need a holy marriage. This last summer…

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Does marriage mean I lose my individuality?

Question: Does marriage mean I lose my Individuality since we will be one? Is it a sin if don’t share everything on my mind with my wife?  Does it mean no privacy for me? Please note that I’m not married yet. Answer: The concept of being one is found in a number of relationships in the…

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Am I not allowed to get married because I committed fornication?

Question: Sorry about this being a tough one. As a believer, I am in a really tough spot. I firmly believe the Bible teaches that sex is a biblical marriage. Although this is not what the church or mainstream media teaches. In Scripture, any time virgins had sex it was understood to be marriage. “He…

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Can a father prevent his daughter from marrying?

Question: Good evening Jeff. I have some questions that I need Bible facts to support, so I need your help. It is whether a man can prevent his daughter from getting married? If a girl’s father doesn’t agree to her marriage, can she still be scripturally married? Does I Corintians 7:37 mean that the above…

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Does past adultery prevent a person from getting married?

Question: Hello brother, I have been single for many years, and I have now found someone in the church I’m wanting to marry. But in my past, I was not very faithful to God in my daily living. In my past, I slept with someone who may have been married herself. I’m not totally for…

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Your teaching has been an encouragement to me

Question: I hope everything is well with you, and I hope God is protecting the Lavista Church of Christ! I’ve been encouraged a lot with the teachings about marriage, contraception, etc. I am thankful that God helps me a lot in spiritual growth. I hope to know more about God, His church, and His Word.…

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Should newlyweds live with his parents?

Question: Good evening, My boyfriend and I are both members of the Lord’s church and both very faithful. We have been courting a number of months and have talked bout the future of marriage. I am so nervous about marriage because it is such a big decision and neither of us believes in divorce. We…

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Can I marry my brother’s ex-girlfriend?

Question: Dear sir, I must commend you for the wonderful work you are doing in assisting people with important answers using the Bible. I have a girlfriend whom I love so much and I plan to marry. The problem I have is that she and my younger brother once dated and had oral sex before…

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What do we do? Our wedding was delayed

Question: I have a question about getting married. My fiancé and I have been engaged for two years now. We have finally gone down to the courthouse, have filled out an application, and have obtained our marriage license. We had an appointment with the Justice of the Peace today. I have sinned with her and…

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I learned a lot about marriage from your site

Question: Good day, I just want to thank God for such great revelations and teachings about marriage, I learned a lot from this site. May the good God you serve bless you. Answer: It is good to hear that the information was useful to you.

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What Is This Thing Called Love?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/What-Is-this-Thing-Called-Love.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Song of Solomon 8:6-7   I.         We use the word “love” freely today. Perhaps too freely.             A.        I love to have another piece of cake.             B.        Mama loves her baby.             C.        He fell in love with her at first sight.             D.        He loved her through fifty yeas of marriage.             E.        I love my country. II.        The…

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When is a marriage covenant broken?

Question: When is the marriage covenant broken? When a married person actually commits the sexual act outside of marriage or when his spouse divorces him? Answer: Covenants are vows that last for the lifetime of the parties entering into the covenant. “For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is…

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Should a husband have a say in what his wife wears?

Question: I read your response to someone asking about unmarried people touching and getting involved in foreplay. The response was very good, I think. Is there any real biblical evidence for women to cover their chests as the average guy does? Women seem to have less and less clothing on. It makes it difficult for…

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Was I married without my consent?

Question: I will like to first thank you for the work you do. I have a problem that is bothering me, and I would like to seek answers. I met a lady while in my second year at university. We dated for a while, but we had many challenges as we disagree on a lot…

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