We are going too far sexually and can’t figure out how to stop

Question: I am 18 and I want to stop all this fooling around that my girlfriend and I keep getting sucked back into. Basically, we say, “okay, this can’t happen again so what are we going to do to keep ourselves from it?” Then we come up with things but next thing you know, the…

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Could I pay the dowry now, have sex, and get married later?

Question: Hello, I have a few questions I’d like to ask. I have been reading your posts, and I like your answers because they are in line with God. I have a girlfriend whom I love so much and want to spend the rest of my life with. I am a Christian, and she is…

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My boyfriend is pushing to have sex

Question: Good day, Please, I have something bothering me about my relationship. I have been dating my spouse for a year and a half now, but he has been asking for sex recently, and I don’t wish to engage in such activities. For now, we can’t afford money for our wedding. My question is: can…

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Am I not married to my partner after living with her for seven years?

Question: Hello, I came across your website today and read one of your questions and answers topic and found it very interesting and comforting. I want to start by apologizing for the length of this question, but here goes: I have been studying the Bible for a long time and still thoroughly enjoy studying it…

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My bad past is affecting my current relationship

Question: Hello there, I have something on my heart and I saw your site and decided to reach out. I was raised Catholic and in high school was allowed to choose what religion I would be and went from Catholicism to non-denominational Christian. My reasons were that I believe God loves all of his people,…

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I got into pot and sex when I was young and messed up my life

Question: I messed up my life when I was young with pot and sexual promiscuity. My life was trash and destroyed. I kept going as I felt I had gone too far — to the point of being put in a mental institution and attempted suicide — the point of no return. It was a…

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It feels like I’m being forced to commit fornication

Question: I am originally from a different country than the one in which I currently live. I am a 28-year-old male. A few years ago, I moved to this country to study. Prior to that, I had tried to make something out of my life in my home country, but I failed to do so.…

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I couldn’t help myself and I slept with a prostitute

Question: Hello, I am writing in the hope that you could advise me. I have never been baptized, though I have tried to be a practicing Christian. The problem is that although I knew better, and that I shouldn’t, I gave in to temptation and slept with a prostitute. I wish I had not done…

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I feel like I’m the worst person in the world

Question: Good day sir, I came across your page and the contents of it really touched me. I have a problem, but the solution seems very difficult a road for me to take. Looking back at my life, there are a lot of things I stood against only for me to eventually become a partaker…

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Why can’t I stop committing fornication with my girlfriend?

Question: I wasn’t a Christian but she was, even though she was not baptized. Later, I attended a campaign held by her church, and I was baptized with my girlfriend on the same day. We were in the same church for several years. Later we were attracted to each other again, and we had sex.…

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I can’t stop sleeping with prostitutes

Question: Hello sir, I read your article, and I felt I could tell you my deepest secret. I started sleeping with prostitutes some years back and have been fighting seriously to stop it. The problem is I have begged God for forgiveness on several occasions; yet, I fall again. Sir, I am tired of begging…

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I don’t trust my boyfriend anymore

Question: I started dating a guy, who I believed had a strong passion for Christ and teaching others about him. We’ve been dating for less than a year, but I have come to realize how lustful he is, and how much he thought about sex and mutual masturbation. A few days into dating he began…

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Does marriage bring forgiveness for fornication?

Question: I have read a number of things that you have written, and I find you to be very well-spoken, and you explain points very well in an understanding way. However, I’m still a little lost. I’m trying to find out if, when two people who have committed premarital sex are married, whether or not…

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We are having a really hard time not having sex before our wedding

Question: Hello, I have a question concerning sex before marriage. My fiancé and I are getting married in about four months, and we are having a really hard time with not having sex. Here’s why we are struggling so much. We are so ready to commit fully to each other and bring our lives together…

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If It Feels Right then Go with It

by Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. If “it feels right then go with it” is the prevailing philosophy of too many in our time. Along with this, we are told by “experts” that it is unhealthy to suppress one’s feelings. Folks are encouraged to let it all out. The idea of exercising self-control and discretion to…

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I got a girl pregnant twice and now I have no life

Question: I impregnated a girl over ten years ago. I told her that I couldn’t marry her. I went to university and tried to assist her to develop academically too, but all effort was abortive. I was taking care of the baby and paying all the bills. After some time, she has another baby with…

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Do I wait for my boyfriend to marry me?

Question: I am in my thirties. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 15 years now. We have a child who is 8 years old now. My boyfriend left for another country when I was four months pregnant. I went through my pregnancy and had our child in his absence. My child…

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I don’t trust my boyfriend enough to marry him

Question: I grew up in a Christian family. I did choose to be baptized at age of 11 or 12, but now that I’m older I find myself reading the Bible for my understanding and find myself in a tough situation that will cause me to not inherit the kingdom of heaven. For this reason,…

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Do I have to marry him because we had sex?

Question: I am in my early twenties, a newly born-again Christian and a Protestant. I am in a relationship with a Catholic guy for over five years. We did have sex and he has been loyal to me all these years. He is also a violent and angry person. As I grew in Christ, I…

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If I don’t have sex, he refuses to support me

Question: I have been living with my children’s father for ten years. I am a stay-at-home mom in my late twenties. I was baptized at my church camp. He’s upset with me all the time — before and after I was baptized. Well, I sinned. I had sex with him two weeks ago. The reason…

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I’ve had sex twice with a co-worker. How do I stop this?

Question: Hello, I am in deep need of your advice. I am in my early twenties. I’ve been seeing a lady in my department, and we’ve been having a secret affair both outside and sometimes at work when we are alone. Over these last few months we’ve had sex — today makes the second time.…

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Why do Christians think they can sin and not go to hell?

Question: Hi sir, I am Muslim, and I have some questions. Please do not ignore them. In Pakistan, where I was brought up, I had a lot of Christian friends. I use to visit their homes and I always felt comfortable with them. I have been to their churches and always stared at the beautiful…

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Can I continue with the relationship without the sex?

Question: Good morning minister, Please, I am in need of your advice. I have been involved in premarital sex with my girlfriend. Although before all the sex stuff started, I didn’t build a friendship as part of the relationship. I guess I was carried away with the emotion of getting involved with the girl. Now…

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Now that I became a Christian, will he come back?

Question: I have a lot of questions. My former boyfriend lived in sin for four years. I was not saved yet, but he was. He called it off because he could no longer live in sin, and he has to get right in his heart and mind and with God. I am here 100% for…

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My best friend thinks he should have sex because I sinned in my past

Question: Greetings for the day! My best friend is not a believer, but he wanted to marry me. He was good and had no wrong relationships, but he watches porn often. He thought I was good too. But when he came to know about my previous wrong relationship, he was broken. I have repented now,…

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I was saved, but I still live with my boyfriend

Question: I was saved, and I believe and love God with all my heart. But I live with my boyfriend. I ask for forgiveness and I still go to church, but lately, when I walk into church I feel so ashamed. What do I do? Will God forgive me? Answer: “For this is the love…

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I don’t think we can hold out for three years

Question: I met my girlfriend after a strong heartbreak from the previous relationship, and she helped me a lot to recover. I was a Catholic then, and I was not born again. When we met she was born again and she used to pray for me to see the truth, though I was not seeing…

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Is God punishing me for my past fornications?

Question: I have been visiting your site for almost two years now, off and on, and I wanted to have your input on some things as someone who knows God and Scripture well. My situation: I have for the past two years been dealing with the emotional pain and sorrow of losing a relationship with…

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Is it a sin to continue having sex until we get married?

Question: I was researching the forms of fornication and how to deal with my present life. I am a 25-year-old lady with two kids from one man, but we aren’t married yet. Because I sinned, it has drawn me away from God, and I feel bad for all the wrong mistakes I have made in…

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I want to do right, but I am weak

Question: Hello, I am writing to you about my life. I am in my forties. I have always known that I am a complete sinner. I want to do good, but weakness gets in my way. When I was young I was introduced to pornography. Recently I walked away from it and I am trying…

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