I don’t think we can hold out for three years

Question: I met my girlfriend after a strong heartbreak from the previous relationship, and she helped me a lot to recover. I was a Catholic then, and I was not born again. When we met she was born again and she used to pray for me to see the truth, though I was not seeing…

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Is God punishing me for my past fornications?

Question: I have been visiting your site for almost two years now, off and on, and I wanted to have your input on some things as someone who knows God and Scripture well. My situation: I have for the past two years been dealing with the emotional pain and sorrow of losing a relationship with…

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Is it a sin to continue having sex until we get married?

Question: I was researching the forms of fornication and how to deal with my present life. I am a 25-year-old lady with two kids from one man, but we aren’t married yet. Because I sinned, it has drawn me away from God, and I feel bad for all the wrong mistakes I have made in…

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I want to do right, but I am weak

Question: Hello, I am writing to you about my life. I am in my forties. I have always known that I am a complete sinner. I want to do good, but weakness gets in my way. When I was young I was introduced to pornography. Recently I walked away from it and I am trying…

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How do I know I won’t fall into fornication again?

Question: I seem to be struggling with my Christian life. I keep dabbling in fornication, which is always painful for me, so I don’t even know why I do it. I also noticed I don’t have a lot of Christian friends around. I can’t seem to actually find any friends, even in my church. I…

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I keep having sex because I’m looking for love and acceptance

Question: I am a mother of a teenage boy. I was traditionally married to his late father who died over a decade ago. I always find myself falling into the same sin: I cannot resist sex. I am HIV positive, and I always tell that to my partner. I am a Christian and have tried…

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We just can’t get enough money for lobola in order to get married

Question: Good day, I have a very loving relationship with the father of my toddler. We love one another dearly, but unfortunately, we have no money. He has no money, and I cannot go on living day-to-day worried about the next meal. Our child lives at my home, where my parents cater to the child’s…

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Will God punish me through my child because I sinned?

Question: Hi, I’m 20 years old and currently pregnant with my first child. Before I found out the gender, I would watch porn, even though I do have my boyfriend and he doesn’t know about that. When I found out that I’m having a boy, they also told me he has an abnormality that can…

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How can I get closer to God and be filled with the Spirit?

Question: Hi, I was looking for a particular topic online when I came across your page where you gave advice about fornication and other matters. I’m 21 years old. I was baptized when I was 11 years old. Since then, I changed churches, and I’ve been at my present church for over five years. I’ve…

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I feel hopeless because I had sex with more than one guy

Question: Good Morning, I’ve been having a really hard time dealing with my past and my relationship. My ex-boyfriend of several years and I broke up. I lost sight of the Lord and I sinned. I had sex with other people, and I am full of so much guilt and shame. My ex and I…

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Can I not marry the woman my brother had sex with in the past?

Question: Bless you sir, I must confess you are doing a great job here. I have a pressing need and I’m disturbed. Is marring a lady your brother once had sex with in the past incest? There is a lady I’ve been dating for sometime now. My brother broke the ugly news that I can’t…

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I don’t want to sin anymore

Question: I was married before, when I was a young kid of 17. I was forced to marry. I didn’t know the laws of God because my parents didn’t really believe. We never had Bible studies at home, and I never was forced to go to church, so I didn’t get to know God. My…

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Is Lust Fornication?

by Wayne Jackson The word “fornication” derives from the Greek term porneia, one of a cognate group of five words that together occur fifty-five times in the New Testament. The noun form is found twenty-five times, predominately in the letters of Paul. The word is generic in scope in that it refers to a variety of…

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God doesn’t give up on me because I fell again, does He?

Question: Good Morning, I finally rededicated my life to the Lord. I was doing well. Then I felt strong enough to invite a friend over. Huge mistake! One thing led to another and we had sex. I feel awful. I don’t want to continue this or ever engage in this again. It’s to the point…

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How do I return after committing fornication again?

Question: I wrote to you before regarding fornication and God’s forgiveness. I prayed and straightened my life back out — until about a month ago I stumbled again. I am writing to you for help. I’ve been praying for forgiveness and asking for the Lord’s help in overcoming this problem, but I didn’t know if…

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My boyfriend and I sinned this afternoon. What do we do?

Question: My boyfriend regretted having sex with me after I cried because I allowed him to have sex with me. I cried because I prayed to God some years back that I was never going to engage in sex before marriage, but I was able to control myself these last few months with all the…

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How do I tell my boyfriend about my horrible past?

Question: I was raised in a broken family, so my mother took care of us though we were poor. I faced so many problems since I was young, like older relatives sleeping with me, but since I was young l didn’t realize how they were taking advantage of me. When I was in my twenties…

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My boyfriend doesn’t want to get married

Question: Hey My boyfriend and I are in a relationship for almost five years. We had sex in the first year of the relationship but then decided to wait until we were married to have sex. We got baptized and went without sex for over two years then we had sex again. I told my…

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Why is sex so bad if we are going to get married soon anyway?

Question: Hello, I have been dating my boyfriend for almost three years now. We absolutely love each other and have talked about getting married in the future a good bit. We are in no rush to get engaged yet because we are both still in school and don’t have the money for that yet. I…

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All I want to do is get married

Question: I am a 23 years old female. I am Christian but I’m struggling with sexual immorality with different partners because when things are bad I break up with one and try another one thinking that he might be the one or he might be better than the previous one. I have been trying to…

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My daughter claims she doesn’t have to get married to have sex

Question: Hello, I came across your website and I have read several articles pertaining to the subject of premarital sex but I have a very unique situation for which I cannot find an answer. My daughter and her fiancé have engaged in premarital sex. When I confronted her about this and gently told her that…

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Can I get baptized even though I’m still living with my boyfriend?

Question: I have been with my partner for 19 years, but we are not married.  I started going to church three years ago, but my partner isn’t a believer.  Some in the church say that in the eyes of God we are married and, therefore, I should be baptized. However, others say I should be…

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My boyfriend wants to have another child, but I’m a Christian now

Question: I am a born-again Christian for just over five years. Since then I haven’t been involved in any sexual relationship, but before I became born again, I was involved with someone with whom I have a child. He moved to another country a few years ago. Now the thing is, he has been telling…

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Thank you for the answer on sexual sin

Question: Hi. I was on your church’s website and saw a question posted by a man who committed a sexual sin. I recently committed the same sin and the advice and the scripture you shared with me were also a great help to me. It helped me remember that God is not finished with me…

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Why should I wait until marriage to have sex?

Question: Recently my boyfriend and I have been struggling with waiting until marriage to have sex or having sex before. I want to try to have sex after marriage but recently we have done oral sex to each other to satisfy the sexual urges we have. The point is, my boyfriend and I both are…

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I can’t stop committing fornication

Question: Hi, I love the things of God and like to do his bidding. I love evangelism and missionary work, which I engage in, and am happy doing it well. I am in my thirties and still single. My regret is that around December last I ventured into a relationship with a lady. We were…

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I had no choice. How can I find peace?

Question: Hi, I need peace and a word from God. My boyfriend of two years promised to marry me and start a family after I gave him a child. I could not conceive. I wanted to do things right and marry first, but he insisted that I live with him first, and only then would…

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