Should I separate from my lying husband?

Question: My marriage with my husband is troubling. He has a pattern of habitually lying about minor things, and it hurts. I want to figure out my options righteously in this marriage as it is hard to think. I can go days or months thinking something was true, only to find out it wasn’t. Is…

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Is my only change of being with someone else is if my husband dies first?

Question: Oh, where do I start? My husband and I are officially roommates. We have been married for over 25 years, and more than half of them have been miserable. He was extremely abusive verbally, mentally, emotionally, and physically, starting 15-plus years ago with me and our children. To the point that we separated everything…

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Is it wrong to have a relationship when divorced?

Question: Good afternoon, I have a question. If I was married and got divorced and then started a relationship with someone who isn’t my husband, is this considered adultery? Now that I’m saved, is it still a sin to start a non-physical relationship with another saved person who is not my husband after being baptized?…

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If we get married, will the sin stop?

Question: Do you really answer questions? I have something bothering me. Can you help me with it? I met a woman who has been divorced for a year. I intend to marry her, but the fact is that we have had sexual relations before marriage, and we are living together already. When we get married,…

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I only suspect that my ex-husband committed adultery

Question: Hi, I married this guy 5 years ago. We both came from Christian homes, but neither of us had a real relationship with God. At first, I didn’t want to marry him. We just started dating, and we already had intimacy, but he told me that it was illegal in this country and asked…

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Is it a problem that the divorce papers don’t mention adultery?

Question: Hello sir, I have a question for you regarding my brother. Right out of high school, my brother was married at a young age, with no children for 2 years. His wife allegedly began having an affair. At the time, there were many signs of cheating but no admission from her or proof that…

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Can you separate instead of divorcing?

Question: Hello, First, thank you for your patience, guidance, knowledge, and service. To God be the glory, and may His will be done always. I have a question and need guidance. Recently, a fellow Christian couple realized that they were in an unscriptural marriage. The option of going back to her original spouse is not…

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My husband left me, claiming I was violent

Question: Hi! Please share your wisdom with me. I am standing in need of spiritual guidance and prayer. I have been married for over a year. Half the time I was together with my husband at home and half the time we’ve been separated. My husband did the unimaginable and betrayed me. I was raised…

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Should I divorce my husband?

Question: Hello, My husband and I have recently separated. He lives in a different spot. It’s been hard for me to decide whether or not I should stand for my marriage or just file for divorce. There was infidelity on my part 7 years ago, and I had carried the guilt with me for a…

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Do I have grounds for a divorce?

Question: Greetings from the Philippines! I support your website and have been reading the posts and questions of other readers. I came to you because you answer the questions carefully and evaluate each scenario. I have been a Christian all my life by religion but just recently surrendered my life to Christ. My husband and…

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Do I leave my alcoholic husband?

Question: Hello, I have been reading and following your website for several years and found it very helpful and edifying. I am writing to you for some scriptural guidance on my marriage. I have been married to my husband for many years. I am a member of the church, but he is not. As with…

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What if a person lied about his past marriage?

Question: Greetings, I have enjoyed reading your studies and answers for many years. I have two questions if you could answer them please. So far I have only been able to find an answer in necessary inference. If a Christian in good standing unknowingly marries a person who lied about his marital status, when the…

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Is Matthew 5 only for the Jews?

Question: Hello, A friend of mine who is against divorce and remarriage says that Matthew 5 has a “Jewish element,” that is, the word “council” in Matthew 5:22, so it is a chapter only for Jews and not for Christians.  What do you think about that? Thank you. Answer: This is a variation of an…

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My wife wants a divorce

Question: Hello Brother, I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. My wife has decided that she wants to separate and sell our home. She has also discussed divorce, saying that she’s unhappy. First off, I acknowledge that while by worldly standards I was a good husband, by Christian standards, I failed…

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What if the innocent party isn’t so innocent?

Question: Good morning brother, In Matthew 19:9, the Scripture teaches that a person can divorce another if the other person has committed adultery. My question is: Could the person trying to divorce the other not be able to go through with a divorce if they aren’t innocent? For example, me and my wife are going…

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Not Enslaved

by Matthew W. Bassford From time to time, I receive article requests from brethren who want me to address a particular topic. Sadly, my usual response to these requests is to forget that they have been made and never write about them. However, recently someone asked me about my views of “not enslaved” in 1…

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Did my marriage end for the right reason?

Question: Good afternoon! I recently became aware of your ministry and have been reading your articles. I immediately loved the tone and the thoroughness of the answers to questions that people asked! I have one for you that has concerned me! I am in my fifties. I accepted Christ as my Savior decades ago. I…

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Challenges for the Year by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 1:28-32   I.         Toward the end of each year, people tend to review the year and record the trends that are evident             A.        I’ve been collecting several articles in the last few months dealing with moral trends             B.        We are not of the world, but we must live in it -…

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What if my husband dates while we are legally separated?

Question: My husband and I separated three years ago but are legally married. If he decides to date other people is that adultery in God’s eyes? Answer: In biblical days, the idea of a legal separation did not exist. Legal separations are essentially trial divorces. The hope was that by providing some space between the…

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Is Matthew 19:9 only for Jews?

Question: About the marriage and divorce issue in Matthew 19:9, Jesus was replying to the Jewish people. Does this mean that it does not apply to Christians but only Jews? Answer: You are missing an important implication. When laws were given to people there is an immediate audience and implied general audience. For instance, when…

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Am I able to remarry?

Question: Hi, I came across your church page while looking for an answer to a difficult question. I have found many different answers but as a member of the Church of Christ, I wanted to try to get a response that aligned with my religious beliefs. I read through quite a bit of the Q&A…

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Shouldn’t the divorce decree mention sexual unfaithfulness?

Question: I wrote to you years ago concerning my ex-wife, who divorced me for desertion while I was stationed in another country while in the military. She has since passed away. I’ve been a widower for years now and I’ve met a lady in the church. She has had two previous marriages, both, according to…

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My wife lied about her virginity. Can I divorce her?

Question: Hello, I have gone through many of your articles and answers, but still, I am doubtful on the exception clause of Matthew 5:31-32. I have a few questions to ask you. It would be better to quote Bible verses so I can go by the word of God. The question is regarding my marriage…

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Hard Sayings

Hard Sayings – Part 1Hard Sayings – Part 2 Text: Hebrews 5:5-14   I.         There are hard sayings in the Bible             A.        When Jesus was followed by a crowd looking for free food, he began explaining that they needed to seek spiritual food that only he could offer – John 6:35                         1.         Eventually Jesus said something hard to…

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Would I be able to remarry?

Question: Your website is wonderful and I am learning a lot! I have seen similar questions but not quite the same. I’m not sure if I was a believer at the time of my marriage or afterward. I grew up in the church and knew who God was but I did not have the Holy…

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Playing on the Edge

by Zeke Flores Some 2400 years ago, God’s people were confronted with their sins. Again. When Ezra the priest heard about how Israel had broken God’s law by marrying foreign women, he tore his robes, prayed, and fasted. When faced with the gravity of disobedience to God, the people committed themselves to faithfulness. And it…

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Am I wrong for moving on while waiting for the divorce to happen?

Question: Good evening, Several years ago, my wife left me for another man. She now has a child with this man and has been living with him since then. I waited over a year, trying to reconcile with her, but my attempts failed. I have moved on and have every intention of marrying the woman…

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How do I deal with a member who is in an adulterous marriage?

Question: I have a question that requires me to go outside of the current congregation where I am a member. If there is a member who is in an unscriptural marriage, which I do have personal knowledge of, and who is being allowed to preach and teach in worship service, should I remain a member…

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Do I let go of my failing marriage?

Question: I’m sorry this is a bit long. My husband has cheated on me several times in our marriage. Each time, he would convince me he would change, and he would for a few years, but then it would happen again and again. I would take him back and just pray and hope he wouldn’t…

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Why can a broken vow to God be forgiven but remarriage remains adultery?

Question: If God can forgive someone who breaks a vow to Him, although we know that vows should never be made, then why is remarriage possibly considered adultery when they’re breaking a vow of marriage? What is the difference between a vow to God and a vow made for marriage? Answer: All sins that are…

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Can I remarry if my husband divorces me?

Question: Hello, I have a question about divorce. My husband and I are both in our mid-twenties. We’ve been married less than two years. We are both in the body and have been for some time now. Because of my upbringing, I have anger management issues. So throughout our marriage, my husband has been saying…

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Did my fiance have a right to divorce his first wife?

Question: Hello! I really appreciate your question and answer site. I use it regularly when studying a specific subject. I have a question, and I believe I already know the answer, but I wondered what your response to my question would be. So here it goes … I divorced a few years back due to…

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I want someone to love. Why can’t I remarry?

Question: I was married for ten years. In the last four years of marriage, my husband was a deacon at the church we attended. Throughout our entire marriage he had a lying and stealing issue, and unbeknownst to me an opioids addiction as well. Long story short the opioids took over his life. He started…

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Would it be right to marry a man who had committed adultery but was forgiven?

Question: Good afternoon! I am reaching out because I have been combing through the collection of divorce articles on your website and believe you have an extensive biblical understanding of the subject. I hope that you can offer some clarity on a certain situation that I am receiving conflicting counsel about. I am seeing a…

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Why does the ESV remove that God hates divorce in Malachi 2:16?

Question: Do you know why in Malachi 2:16 the ESV removes the saying that God hates divorce? Answer: “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless” (Malachi…

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