My life is a ruin

Question: My friend, I don’t know where to begin. I have prayed to the Lord for wisdom. I don’t know where, but I’ll just begin. As a child, I grew up very lonely. I later found out I have autism, though I am high-functioning. As I got older, I had to go to preschool, where…

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Does Love Sanctify?

by Adam Litmer The following question was submitted for consideration. “I was recently in a conversation where someone claimed that genuine love sanctifies homosexual relationships. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that in the moment. Would you mind offering some thoughts?” I’m happy to offer a few thoughts. The statement about genuine love “sanctifying”…

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Is it wrong to have a homosexual family member living at home?

Question: I have a question that I would like your understanding and advice on. I have Christian relatives who denounce homosexuality but have a daughter who is a lesbian. Being family, they have, at times, allowed the lesbian daughter and her “partner” to live together in the house with them and later assisted the two…

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Why would God let me be born with same-sex attraction?

Question: Why would God let me be born with same-sex attraction? Answer: Before answering your question, we need to come to an understanding regarding terms. Proponents of various sins like to play word games in order to disguise their intentions. “Remind them of these things, and solemnly charge them in the presence of God not…

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How do I handle a daughter who decided to become a lesbian?

Question: Brother, I have been a member of the Lord’s church since I was a teenager. I have always attended. I raised all of my children in Lord’s church. My youngest daughter has rebelled ever since her Dad divorced me. She even married another girl! She has pressed me to accept her as she strays…

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How do I help my niece who is coming out as agnostic and gay?

Question: Today, my niece confided in me about coming out as an agnostic and a gay to her parents. As most coming-out stories are, she was met with disapproval from her parents as they were members of a conservative denominational church. She is distressed by this, causing her to be emotionally and mentally distressed; hence,…

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I caught my 8-year-old son looking at homosexual porn

Question: Recently I discovered my 8-year-old son had been looking up gay porn. He was very honest when I confronted him. He told me he started looking at these images two years ago. I am devastated that I did not protect him from porn in general but the male search made it ten times harder…

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The Perversion of Homosexuality

Quote from Robert Jeffress But God’s Word has not changed. The Bible describes homosexuality as a perversion of God’s design for human sexuality that has devastating physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Christians should not fall into the trap of cutting our consciences to fit this year’s fashion, to paraphrase American playwright Lillian Hellman. Homosexuality is…

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The Collision Between Homosexuality and Christianity

by Dennis Abernathy The agenda of the LGBTQ is to redefine the family. Bumper stickers are seen all over that say: “Burn the Binary.” What does that mean? It means to destroy the distinction between man and woman or male and female. Apparently, such foolishness is making inroads in our culture, since more and more…

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Do I keep fighting for my daughter?

Question: Firstly, thank you for your ministry. Your doctrine is thoroughly biblical, honors God, and gives Him the glory. God is surely using you to help others through His word so may God continue to bless it and you. A brief summary of my situation and then my question. I will attempt to keep this…

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I want to change my life. Can you help me?

Question: Greetings to you, I have read almost everything that you have written on homosexuality and you have answered most of my questions. Still, I feel like writing to you with some of my other questions and feelings. I am a young guy. Since I can remember, I felt attracted to men and not girls. I…

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Your article answered my wife’s question on “Sodomy” so well

Question: My wife had a question about ‘Sodomy’ and your article answered it so well. Taking a peek at your other articles and seeing the depth in each one is encouraging me to go deeper into the Word. If I lived closer, I would surely come and visit. Even though I’ve been a Christian for about 10 years,…

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I Don’t Go There

by Jefferson David Tant People use many devices to mitigate or cancel out plain Bible teaching. This ancient practice can be traced to the Old Testament. Seven hundred years before Christ, Isaiah was dealing with a rebellious people. God told him: “Now go, write it on a tablet before them And inscribe it on a…

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The Sin of Sodom

by Matthew W. Bassford The most famous example of homosexual activity in the entire Bible occurs in the early part of Genesis 19. There, two angels in human form come to the city of Sodom and pretend to be travelers seeking hospitality. The patriarch Lot invites them into his home, but at evening, the men…

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Why Does It Matter to You?

by Doy Moyer “Why does it matter to you what people do in their own privacy? Why not just leave them alone? They aren’t hurting you. It’s their life; it’s none of your business.” In one sense, it doesn’t matter to me what others do privately.*  I have no interest in spying on people or…

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A City Full of Idols

by Matthew W. Bassford As all of us are doubtless aware, we are currently in the middle of Pride Month, a celebration of a number of different lifestyles the Bible condemns as sinful. In case we have forgotten, anytime we shop at a chain store, displays and decorations all remind us. I would not be…

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Why Did the Adulterers and Homosexuals at Corinth Change?

by Terry Wane Benton Paul mentions a list of sins which included thieves, drunkards, adulterers, and homosexuals (I Corinthians 6:8-10) and said, “such were some of you”. They were washed from such sins, justified, and sanctified. What was the motivation that moved them to change? They did not argue that they were born this way…

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What should I do about my hidden sexual life?

Question: Hello Brother, Your site is a valuable tool that helped me with some issues and questions that I have in matters of doctrine and the Christian lifestyle. I’ve been following your site for many years ago. I’m a young preacher. I’m a full-time minister in the church of Christ and I’m in my mid-20s.…

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I’m supposed to be baptized soon, but I keep focusing on sexual things

Question: Hello Jeff, For years I hated gay and trans people. I am always ridiculing them and when I’m downloading a movie or tv series I always check whether there are gays in it or not first before downloading. The violent stuff or heavy sex (man and women) doesn’t matter to me, it’s always seen…

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How should we treat a homosexual?

Question: Hello Mr. Jeffrey, I have this question that has been bugging me for a while. The Bible says homosexuals are bad. Now how should we treat if we meet someone like that? Is it rude to ignore them? What if a close friend or a family member comes out as one and they don’t…

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What do you do about an adult child who remains a homosexual?

Question: If a child, who is an adult, wants to live a homosexual life, does not want to listen to God’s word, and does not claim to be a Christian, can a parent still talk to them? Can they visit their parents? Can they have a meal together? The parents are members of the Lord’s…

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Was “homosexual” mistranslated?

Question: Hi, I recently came upon a claim that, because of mistranslation, homosexuality was condemned even though it isn’t stated as being bad. I read certain people explaining that I Corinthians 6:9-10 is mistranslated since “homosexual” wasn’t even a word in Ancient Greek. They even claim that only the abuse of boys by older men…

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Natural Relations

by Matthew W. Bassford Though the battle is over these days (at least as far as wider American society is concerned), the past couple of decades saw a great deal of strife over the practice of homosexuality. In their ultimately successful assault on Biblical morality, gay-rights proponents adopted three main strategies: rejecting the authority of…

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What if I change my gender and marry my best friend?

Question: Hi, I have someone who I love deeply. He is more of a best friend because of how we experience each other. He is like a friend or best friend than a lover, which is a spouse. I want more than anything to get married, have a child, and have a family. But I…

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Is homosexuality only wrong if it is promiscuous?

Question: I came to your site following a question about the word pharmakiea, or pharmakon. I had seen some claims that this was the word translated to witchcraft in the New Testament Greek, but that it had an additional meaning of using drugs. At least one source was arguing that drug use of any kind…

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They’re Coming After Your Children

by Jefferson David Tant After much criticism, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir has removed an offensive video in which they sing about their plans to convert your children to homosexuality. “The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus set a music video to private after the group said it received ‘threats of harm’ over the song…

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Response to Gays’ Reaction to Ads that Call Them Sinners

by Marsha Norris Sentry Magazine, September 1999 In a country that was founded on God and whose strength and morality were based on the Bible, we have lost our bearings. Today’s culture, the feel-good, instant gratification-seeking society, is intent on bending and twisting the very foundation that once made us a great nation into a…

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Flawed Logic from Marilyn Vos Savant

by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, June 2002 I am accepting of people of all sexual orientations, but the following point was made to me recently: “Gay people cannot be normal. If everyone were gay starting tomorrow, the human race would die out, so being gay cannot be nature’s intended way.” I’m having trouble finding a logical…

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Why are there hostilities between the straight, alt, and LGBTQ communities?

Question: Maybe you’ve heard, maybe you haven’t, but in somewhat recent news, the “alt” community (which is a community of emo, gothic, and other similar groups) and the LGBTQ (a group that represents what the letters stand for, but also peace, love, and tranquility) have become somewhat hostile toward Christians. One example of hostility was…

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Was it sinful to allow a guy to touch me?

Question: I am a straight guy (unmarried). When I was traveling on a bus at night, while sleeping, an old man sitting near me touched my genitals. I didn’t react to it. I pretended to be asleep. It was pleasurable to me so I didn’t react. Did I commit a sin? Answer: What if we…

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The Homosexual Agenda

by Jim Deason Biblical Insights, July 2007 I have heard it said that you can cook a live frog by placing him in a pan of water at room temperature then slowly but steadily increase the heat until the deed is done. I have always been skeptical of that tale (and have never been so…

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The United Church of Christ Is Not of Christ

by Kent Heaton The prophet Jeremiah wrote, “But thou shall say unto them, This is a nation that obeys not the voice of the Lord their God, nor receives correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth” (Jeremiah 7:28). The news unfolds daily how a nation once built upon the fundamental teachings…

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Twisting the Scriptures: The Homosexual Agenda

by Jefferson David Tant In the push to legalize same-sex marriages and make homosexual practice on the same level as to whether I prefer a blue or black necktie, some bizarre efforts are made to evade the clear Scripture teaching. One such effort is the publication of “The Queen James Bible.” This is published by…

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Why has God left me alive after my sexual abuse?

Question: Hi, I was sexually abused by a man in a church. I went down the road of homosexuality, I asked the Lord into my heart at the age of 23. But many times I fell into sin. I am concerned as I don’t hear the Holy Spirit anymore.  From what I have read in the…

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Even after being baptized, my sister refused to leave her lesbian relationship

Question: Good afternoon, I need help.  My sister in Christ was baptized.  She has started a relationship with another woman. I’ve taken her over to Leviticus chapter 18 and studied with her about this.  But she refuses to end the relationship. She’s married to this woman and needs a place to stay.  I’ve prayed about…

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Can non-believers join you for worship?

Question: Hi, I have two questions for now from reading your web site, I am sort of looking for the why and wherefore from you and God’s word. With your invitation to join the congregation for Sunday worship and Bible study; do you have any restrictions on who can and cannot join you for worship…

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