It’s About Sex, Actually

by Matthew W. Bassford Without a doubt, the greatest marketing campaign of the modern era was (and continues to be) staged by the gay-rights movement. The recent sea change in the national attitude toward same-sex relationships is the result of a brilliant, decades-long initiative in framing and public relations. Though I don’t approve of the…

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You Cannot Say There Are Only Two Sexes

Source: Alex Griswold, “Denver Post Columnist Fired After Arguing There Are Two Sexes,” The Washington Free Beacon, 20 January 2020. Often there are multiple reasons a person is fired from a job, but that this issue is included is a sad comment on the lack of tolerance for opposing views, especially when those views happen…

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People Do Leave Homosexuality

Source: Jeff Johnston, “Do People Change from Homosexuality? Hundreds of Stories of Hope and Transformation,” The Daily Citizen, 5 August 2015. A list of stories of people who left homosexuality, some for decades. “Typically, this is a process of growth and change, not an instantaneous transformation. Nor is it easy or without relapse for most.…

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How do we deal with homosexual family members?

Question: My husband’s sister is homosexual and is living with a partner. My son’s wife is best friends with a homosexual woman who is married to another woman. As a Christian who believes that everything Christ taught and everything the Bible says is true, I know this is wrong. My question is this, I love…

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How do I respond to the “I never told you to hate anybody” meme?

Question: Hi Jeff, I recently came across a post that, rightly so, was completely wrong. The post basically says and I will also attach the picture, that Jesus never said homosexuality is wrong, marriage can be with whomever and it doesn’t matter who you worship. My question is just by the gospels alone, can it…

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Sexual Orientation Can Change Even Into Adulthood

Source: Christine E. Kaestle, “Sexual Orientation Trajectories Based on Sexual Attractions, Partners, and Identity: A Longitudinal Investigation From Adolescence Through Young Adulthood Using a U.S. Representative Sample,” The Journal of Sex Research, p. 811-826, 8 April 2019. “Substantial changes were common not only from late adolescence to the early 20s but also from the early 20s…

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Are there really not that many homosexuals?

Source: Justin McCarthy, “Americans Still Greatly Overestimate U.S. Gay Population”, 27 June 2019. A poll in 2017 found 4.5% of the United States population identifies itself as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. But notice that this lumps a lot of people together with different sexual practices. Source: Statista Research Department, “U.S. Homosexuality – Statistics & Facts”, 9…

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Genetic Links to Homosexuality?

Source: Andrea Ganna, “Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior,” Science Magazine, 30 August 2019 The claim is that they found five possible influences toward homosexual behavior in DNA, but at the same time the report is full of qualifiers. “In aggregate, all tested genetic variants accounted for 8 to 25%…

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How do I explain to my son that his friend is sinning?

Question: One of my sisters in Christ is a teen girl (age 19). She is also my son’s best friend. I know her well, and I follow her on social media platforms. She recently posted a picture of herself with a friend who is a girl. Her written post attached to the picture included calling…

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No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Source: Tyler O’Neil, “Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender”, PJ Media, 23 Aug 2016. Source: Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer and Dr. Paul R. McHugh, “Sexuality and Gender,” The New Atlantis, No. 50, Fall 2016. “The understanding of sexual orientation as an innate, biologically fixed property of human beings — the…

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Using Love as an Excuse by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 13:4-7   I.         Love is a wonderful attitude             A.        God is love and we should imitate our Father – I John 4:16             B.        But people pervert what love ought to be and use a claim of “love” as a cover for permitting sin II.        Love as an excuse to do wrong…

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I commend you for answering this so well

Question: Hey Jeffrey, I just wanted to say this is a very common accusation, especially today, that I found in “It’s your fault that people are biased against homosexuality.” I commend you for answering this so well, too many it would have proven difficult. Answer: Thank you for the kind encouragement.

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Did God change His mind about sexual sins?

Question: Did God change? How is it that God that was so quiet about fornication, adultery, and polygamy in the Old Testament and then suddenly changed in the New Testament? Answer: It is in the Old Testament that we learn that a man is to leave his family, get married, and become one flesh with…

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How to Misunderstand the Bible

I.         Yet another book appears on the bookshelves claiming to help the casual reader to better understand the teachings found in the Bible.             A.        “The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart” by Peter J. Gomes.             B.        The author claims that contents of the best selling book in the world is mostly unknown and misunderstood.             C.        In…

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Are gay people going to hell?

Question: Is it true that gay people go to hell? I’m not gay, but a lot of people are, and it’s not out of choice. They are just born attracted to men. So if it’s not an option, why should they get punished for it? Answer: “Attraction” just means what you find appealing. Some people…

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Doing Much Harm by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 11:1-20   I.         An article by Michael Kruger, written back in February 2018, got me thinking about how some people leave the church             A.        The article focuses on Jen Hatmaker, a Texas author and has a TV show. She has taken public stances contrary to the Southern Baptist denomination…

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How do I talk to an uncle I suspect of being homosexual?

Question: I have seen things that make me suspect my uncle is gay. He is also very feminine. I have seen on his phone him searching for gay porn and in gay chat rooms. I know if my grandmother found out she would be devastated … unless she already knows. The reason I’m telling you…

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I recently slept with a guy. Is there any hope for me?

Question: Hello Sir, I’ve sinned against God. I am gay. I slept with a guy just recently. Please, is there any hope for me to inherit God’s kingdom? I’m really confused. Please help me. Answer: The same passage that says that homosexuals cannot inherit the kingdom of God also says that fornicators, adulterers, and drunkards…

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Why can’t two women or two men marry and become one flesh?

Question: Hello, I am a Christian and I struggle with homosexual feelings. One thing I’m stuck on is the statement that homosexuality is wrong because only a man and woman can become one flesh. Then I ask what is one flesh? And I get the answers… One flesh is having the same values One flesh…

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Does Galatians 3:28 support gender diversity?

Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton, I’ve found out that a large number (possibly a majority) of my friends are LGBTQQIAA+. Some are genderqueer, transgender, gay, lesbian, pansexual, and asexual. A very large percentage of my year group is not straight or cisgender. I know that having homosexual sex is wrong. Should I rethink my friendship with…

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Does God hate gays and bisexuals?

Question: Does God hate gays and bisexuals? Answer: May I ask my own question? Does God hate thieves? What you are implying in your question is that who a person chooses to have sex with somehow innately defines who the person is. God doesn’t see it that way. People can change and God has gone…

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What exactly is sodomy?

Question: What exactly is sodomy? My understanding is that it is oral sex with either the same sex or between man and wife, but I have had many arguments with other people who say oral sex is OK between married people. This is such an embarrassing topic, but I really want to hear your opinion.…

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How do I help a friend away from homosexuality?

Question: I need to help someone! A friend of mine is saying that he’s gay. He says he likes another friend of mine (who doesn’t like him, but sometimes they get too intimate, like extended hugs and caresses). I got curious and kept asking him until I got to the origins of his problems, I…

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The sins of Sodom were not homosexual

Question: The sins of Sodom were not homosexual. The Bible itself tells us of her sins at least fourteen different places. This is false teaching at its worse. So why aren’t the fourteen verses stating her sins posted? Answer: Isn’t it interesting that you give a very specific number of passages regarding the sins of…

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Does I Peter 4:8 defend homosexuality?

Question: I found a verse in the Bible that can be used to defend homosexuality: “And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins” (I Peter 4:8). In other words, even if it is a sin, the love of these two people for each other completely…

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Why would God allow me to be born a homosexual?

Question: Hi, Man of God, My question is this: if being gay is a sin, why would our God allow me to be born like that? Secondly, I have been praying to God that if I’m wrong, he must fix me. But until now, nothing. I believe that God said Ask, Seek and Knock. He’s…

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What do I do? A friend propositioned me

Question: One of my friends, who is also a male, has sexual desires for me. He says that he loves me a lot and this is something that will complete the cycle of love for him. He also says that he is not gay. He has never had sex with any other male, but he…

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Should someone who says he is gay lead singing in a congregation?

Question: Yesterday my husband was disheartened to hear that one of our song leaders at our church of Christ is a confessed gay man who came out on social media and declared he has tried all kinds of treatment but just can’t feel differently.  We both wish the best for all people in seeking their…

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What do you say when someone comes out of the closet?

Question: Hello! What should a Christian do if someone they love comes out of the closet? I had a close friend whom we haven’t talked to in person in about a year, and she recently came out of the closet. What do I say? How can I help, other than prayer? Answer: I assume you…

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The Fallacy of the “Phobia” Charge

by Doy Moyer Typically, by its very nature, a phobia is an irrational fear. Phobiasource tells us that real phobias are emotional or anxiety disorders causing one to experience intense irrational fear. The person’s reaction is automatic (uncontrollable), and may result in a rapid heartbeat, shaking and trembling, the feeling of need to flee, shortness…

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How do I tell my boyfriend about my horrible past?

Question: I was raised in a broken family, so my mother took care of us though we were poor. I faced so many problems since I was young, like older relatives sleeping with me, but since I was young l didn’t realize how they were taking advantage of me. When I was in my twenties…

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Should I go to a Thanksgiving dinner hosted by my homosexual sister?

Question: My sister is homosexual and before that, she was baptized but turned her back on God and now is “married” to another woman. Am I allowed to go visit with her like when she holds family dinners and things? Or where exactly do we draw the line? I have some family that says I’m…

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What do we do if our daughter tells us she is gay?

Question: I suspect that in the very near future my middle-aged daughter is going to tell my wife and me that she is gay. She was raised in the Church of Christ but left when she went to college, graduated, and lives in the college town. We don’t get to see her much, she does…

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Because of your answers, I’m going to follow Satan

Question: I’d like you to stay with me to the end, please. I’d like to thank you for helping me make up my mind about something. After seeing how a man of faith such as yourself can be so unfeeling toward the plight of others, I have decided to follow Samael aka Lucifer or Satan.…

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