Posts Tagged ‘pornography’
When does Matthew 5:28 apply?
Question: Hello, I have a few questions about porn and lust. Jesus says, “Whoever looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). What does that mean if I’m unmarried? Am I a fornicator at heart? I saw the next question on social media: Do those…
Read MoreMy life is a ruin
Question: My friend, I don’t know where to begin. I have prayed to the Lord for wisdom. I don’t know where, but I’ll just begin. As a child, I grew up very lonely. I later found out I have autism, though I am high-functioning. As I got older, I had to go to preschool, where…
Read MoreAm I being unrepentant?
Question: Hello, I am a fellow disciple of Christ who recently has had his faith attacked from seemingly every possible angle. The foremost attack is self-inflicted in the form of a sin I committed. I want to preface this with two things: First, I need to hear the truth, no matter how painful. Second, I…
Read MoreI’m stuck in a cycle of shame and guilt
Question: Dear sir, I have visited prostitutes in the past. I repent each day to our Lord for my fallacies. I never plan or think about paying for sex again in my life nor of falling back into the pornography trap. I seem to be stuck in a cycle of shame and guilt. I am…
Read MoreIs there hope for me to overcome pornography?
Question: I’m a Christian and a member of the church of Christ. I’ve been married for 20 years. For most of those years, I have struggled with pornography. Nobody knows this about me. I’m also a very weak Christian. Here’s how the cycle works for me: I watch porn, masturbate, feel guilty, pray for forgiveness,…
Read MoreCan taking Holy Communion miraculously heal?
Question: Dear friend, I was baptized as an adult who believes in Christ. I was told that he is our Perfector and our Savior. I had previously struggled with lust, hoping to rid my life of pornographic images. After the baptism, I would still sometimes masturbate, which a Christian friend said he once had problems with.…
Read MoreI fell back into pornography
Question: Greetings! I am a young Christian man who has endured nearly 13 years of porn addiction. I understand it’s not proper for us Christians to feast on such trash. I had even alienated myself from my home church for nearly ten months and had to attend different churches. About two weeks ago, I decided…
Read MoreThanks for the article “Lies Pornography Tells Men”
Question: Thank you for taking the time to write the article titled “Lies Pornography Tells Men.” I have been open quite often (maybe even too much, thinking transparency will help me) about an ongoing struggle with pornography since my late teens (I’m now in my late fifties). Any of the ramifications that God puts forth…
Read MoreI caught my 8-year-old son looking at homosexual porn
Question: Recently I discovered my 8-year-old son had been looking up gay porn. He was very honest when I confronted him. He told me he started looking at these images two years ago. I am devastated that I did not protect him from porn in general but the male search made it ten times harder…
Read MoreThe Root Cause of Sexual Sins
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I’ve become fascinated by the lists presented in the Bible when I came to realize that many of them are more than a collection of related items. Permit me to illustrate this with a list that Paul gave in Colossians 3. “Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead…
Read MoreI Wish Someone Had Told Me by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 5:7-14 I. I ran across an article by Chuck Lawless about “Ten Conversations I Wish Someone Had with Me as a Teenager.” A. Hindsight generally reveals that mistakes could have been avoided B. I constantly get told: “I wish someone had told me just how bad this could get” C. And…
Read MoreDoes Every Man Do It?
by Bobby K. Thompson Jesus said: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28). This passage became more conspicuous due to…
Read MoreI know pornography is wrong, but I can’t seem to defeat this sin
Question: Hi there, I want to start by explaining my situation. I’m 21 years old and was raised in church my whole life but I never really surrendered my life to Jesus and truly believed in him until this past year. I have been able to turn from many sins and things I used to…
Read MoreSex, Preachers, and the Church
“The Bible does not hide from or obscure the power of the temptation to illicit sex. In language that is refreshingly clear and direct without itself indulging in titillation, the text warns the reader of the debacle that awaits him should he succumb in this area and at the same time promises profound sexual joy…
Read MoreWhat should I do about my hidden sexual life?
Question: Hello Brother, Your site is a valuable tool that helped me with some issues and questions that I have in matters of doctrine and the Christian lifestyle. I’ve been following your site for many years ago. I’m a young preacher. I’m a full-time minister in the church of Christ and I’m in my mid-20s.…
Read MoreI’m afraid my past sins will affect my child
Questions: Hello, I am a 25-year-old married woman, and I am currently pregnant with my first child. My husband and I have been together for five years and married for over two years. When we were first together, I was at a very low point in my faith. We were not abstaining from sex. I…
Read MoreI’m supposed to be baptized soon, but I keep focusing on sexual things
Question: Hello Jeff, For years I hated gay and trans people. I am always ridiculing them and when I’m downloading a movie or tv series I always check whether there are gays in it or not first before downloading. The violent stuff or heavy sex (man and women) doesn’t matter to me, it’s always seen…
Read MoreJamaica Patois Wisdom – Pornography
by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…
Read MoreDo I need to confess my every lust to my spouse?
Question: Hello, I first wanted to say thank you for posting these articles and questions/answers. They are very encouraging and I am thankful for your commitment to scripture. I am a baptized Christian man in my mid-20s. My wife (also a baptized Christian) and I have been married for several years now. I did not…
Read MoreMy past makes me unworthy of God
Question: I have been doing well concerning abstaining from pornography. I suppose it has been over a year since I last involved myself in that mess. Prior to that, I had gone about three years without giving in to it. I certainly can’t say I have overcome that sin, but I guess I would say…
Read MoreThank you for your article “Lies Pornography Tells Men”
Question: Thank you for the article “Lies Pornography Tells Men.” It is so hard for women right now…and consequently men too in marriage. I wish this article was sharable. So many men don’t understand they actually need to talk to their wives, spend time with their wives, and not be a stranger to their wives…
Read MoreCan I remarry if my husband divorces me?
Question: Hello, I have a question about divorce. My husband and I are both in our mid-twenties. We’ve been married less than two years. We are both in the body and have been for some time now. Because of my upbringing, I have anger management issues. So throughout our marriage, my husband has been saying…
Read MoreThe Epidemic of Internet Pornography
by Art Adams Biblical Insights, July 2007 Cyberspace has opened an exciting world of enjoyment, business, educational, and networking opportunities. However, what exists in cyberspace via the Internet is merely a clone of the real world and real-time. The Internet can be used as a tool for growth or a weapon for destruction. The choice…
Read MoreHow do I confront my dad about the porn app I found on his phone?
Question: Good day, My dad told me that he used to watch porn when he was a teenager. Recently, I spotted a ‘free porn viewing site’ on his phone. I don’t know if I should do something about it. If I confront him I will either get the beating of my life, or I will…
Read MoreI Quit! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 10:35-45 I. We’ve all seen people frustrated with a task. “I quit!” they yell as they storm off. A. Funny thing … Do you remember who it was? Neither does anyone else. B. However, there are times I ought to quit. 1. I can allow myself to get into a rut.…
Read MoreI fell back into pornography after having left it for years
Question: I am very embarrassed to bring this up — embarrassed and very afraid. I am a Christian and have attended the church of Christ my entire life. As a teenager, I finally came forward in repentance and was immersed into Christ. I struggled for a long long time — over a decade — asking for…
Read MoreThe Death of Wonder
by Anthony J. Hamilton How often do you feel a sense of wonder? There is a Hebrew word, pâlâ’, with the following definition: Primitive root – to be marvelous, be wonderful, be surpassing, be extraordinary, separate by distinguishing action. It is used in several different ways: for people being separated for service to God and…
Read MoreI’m so lonely that I look at pornography at times
Question: Hi! You have a great site. I’ve used it many times over the years, and I’ve listened to the sermons. Two questions: I have a problem. I don’t feel lust, but I end up looking at women on sites — usually those with clothes on. I think it comes from loneliness and wanting to…
Read MoreHow do I break the habit of looking at pornography and visiting prostitutes?
Question: Dear Sir, Good morning. I am a married man with two small kids. I have a habit of looking at pornography and visiting prostitutes. Please help me by providing a solution to get out of this habit. Please help me. Answer: Suppose someone came up to you and said, “I have this habit of…
Read MoreI found pornography on my fiance’s flash drives. What should I do?
Question: I found flash drives in my fiancé’s stuff: one had a hidden folder of photos of family, wallpapers, and a folder named “Girls” with half-naked pictures of women — both anime and movie star. Another flash drive had a New Folder with mixed pictures both half-naked anime photos plus photos of us. I confronted…
Read MoreI want out of my marriage
Question: Good morning, I have serious problems with my marriage. I’m married to a pastor, who was a man of God. Recently I have found out that he has been searching for pornography with his phone. He also flirted with women on social media. It has been going on for a long time. I confronted…
Read MoreHow do I talk to an uncle I suspect of being homosexual?
Question: I have seen things that make me suspect my uncle is gay. He is also very feminine. I have seen on his phone him searching for gay porn and in gay chat rooms. I know if my grandmother found out she would be devastated … unless she already knows. The reason I’m telling you…
Read MoreSpiritual Wisdom and the Internet
by Matthew W. Bassford The Internet is one of the most powerful inventions in human history. If we use it to seek the Lord, it can accomplish great things for Him. Without the Internet, I certainly wouldn’t be able to blog, and I probably wouldn’t be able to write hymns. This is to say nothing,…
Read MoreNot What They Told You – Pornography
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 4:1-8 I. Trials come in many forms – James 1:12 A. We often think of trials as hardships that are imposed on us by life. B. But temptation to sin is also a trial that we have to overcome C. Temptation doesn’t come from God – James 1:13 1. Though God allows…
Read MoreLimping Between Two Opinions
by Matthew W. Bassford The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal is one of the most famous in the book of I Kings. Even though the direction of the book is generally downward, I Kings 18 contains a moment of spiritual triumph. However, even before the triumph takes place, there are still lessons…
Read MoreNot What They Told You
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Society often justifies sin by not portraying the complete facts and, thus, making dangerous things appear to be minorly harmful or even beneficial. Not What They Told You – Alcohol Not What They Told You – Marijuana Not What They Told You – Opioids Not What They Told You – Pornography
Read MoreI have had guilt since I let an escort do oral sex on me
Question: Hello, The other day I spent the night with an escort but did not have sex. I am still a virgin in my 30’s. I did, however, receive protected oral sex for several minutes. Since then I have had immense guilt over it. I have had depression since I was a teenager and have…
Read MoreIs it possible to watch pornography and not sin?
Question: Is it possible to watch pornography and not sin? In any way? Answer: It is difficult to come up with an example of a legitimate reason for viewing pornography since the reason it exists is to stimulate lust in the viewers. “For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you…
Read MoreI’ve been going through a lot and I’ve just had it with life
Question: I need help. I’ve been going through a lot right now. But here is what is going on: We couldn’t afford to stay at my original house, so we had to move into a smaller house. Money is really tight right now. We’re poor. I don’t know if God is doing it to us.…
Read MoreHow do I confront my dad about his viewing pornography?
Question: Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read this question. I have read your replies to others in the past and appreciate the biblically based advice you give. My father is a Christian man, married to my mom for over 30 years. Unfortunately, a few years ago, I accidentally discovered he has been…
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