I don’t know how to handle this situation

Question: Hey, I know you’re not God or anything, but I’ve been dealing with some sins in my life. I was baptized last year, and I moved my kids’ father into my home. Around that time, I didn’t think of anything else, so I explained to him what needed to be done, and that was…

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Can a couple live together if they are strong enough to resist temptation?

Question: Is it biblical for unmarried couples to live together if they are just powerful enough to resist temptation, or are they merely fooling themselves and still giving the assumption of sin? Answer: “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall” (I Corinthians 10:12). While it is your intention…

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Is it wrong to share a place with a person of the opposite sex?

Question: Hello Jeffrey, I’m always so thankful to have you answering my questions biblically! Here soon I’m thinking about moving to another state. I am in need of some change. I don’t have a whole lot of money. There is a person who has offered to let me stay with him and split the bills.…

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My boyfriend changed his mind about marrying me

Question: I’ve been with my boyfriend for several years. We have a small child together. We have bought a house together. And I love him. We have blended a family consisting of his prior child and my prior children from a previous marriage. He ask me to marry him one night about two years ago,…

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Would God bless our marriage after living together?

Question: Hello! Thank you for answering so many important questions. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years, and we weren’t Christians when we started dating. In the last few months, our faith has shifted and we are trying to clean our lives up. We are not married, but we are living together…

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Am I not married to my partner after living with her for seven years?

Question: Hello, I came across your website today and read one of your questions and answers topic and found it very interesting and comforting. I want to start by apologizing for the length of this question, but here goes: I have been studying the Bible for a long time and still thoroughly enjoy studying it…

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Has God forgiven my friend who is living with a married man?

Question: Hello, I have a close relative who is in an illegal relationship. He was married, but he knew that the marriage was already broken. He was trying to fix the situation when he realized there was no more love in his heart for his wife. He then reunited with a long-time friend via social…

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If I don’t have sex, he refuses to support me

Question: I have been living with my children’s father for ten years. I am a stay-at-home mom in my late twenties. I was baptized at my church camp. He’s upset with me all the time — before and after I was baptized. Well, I sinned. I had sex with him two weeks ago. The reason…

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I was saved, but I still live with my boyfriend

Question: I was saved, and I believe and love God with all my heart. But I live with my boyfriend. I ask for forgiveness and I still go to church, but lately, when I walk into church I feel so ashamed. What do I do? Will God forgive me? Answer: “For this is the love…

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Is it a sin to continue having sex until we get married?

Question: I was researching the forms of fornication and how to deal with my present life. I am a 25-year-old lady with two kids from one man, but we aren’t married yet. Because I sinned, it has drawn me away from God, and I feel bad for all the wrong mistakes I have made in…

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We just can’t get enough money for lobola in order to get married

Question: Good day, I have a very loving relationship with the father of my toddler. We love one another dearly, but unfortunately, we have no money. He has no money, and I cannot go on living day-to-day worried about the next meal. Our child lives at my home, where my parents cater to the child’s…

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Should I move back in with my boyfriend if we don’t have sex?

Question: Hello, I recently went through a bad breakup with my boyfriend of several years. I moved in with him, and I sinned all the time by having sex and getting drunk. When we finally parted ways, I realized that I needed to change my ways and live for God. I have been on a…

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Can I get baptized even though I’m still living with my boyfriend?

Question: I have been with my partner for 19 years, but we are not married.  I started going to church three years ago, but my partner isn’t a believer.  Some in the church say that in the eyes of God we are married and, therefore, I should be baptized. However, others say I should be…

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I moved in because I thought we would get married soon

Question: I moved in with my boyfriend and his grandma. Before I moved in we had talked about marriage, so I assumed that we would marry shortly after I moved in. After a few months my boyfriend said to me, “You know, we are like husband and wife, even though we aren’t legally married.” He…

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My boyfriend left me and his child. Any advice?

Question: I have been in a relationship for 11 years. We have a child and used to get into it about my other kids sometimes. He’s been cheating on me for over a year. I found out earlier this year, but he said he was sorry and I was the one he wanted to marry.…

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Do you think God brought us together so we can live together?

Question: I have a lot of unanswered questions. I am not at peace in my current living situation. Recently I agreed to live with a Christian man whom I’ve known for a long time, and I’ve grown very uncomfortable with the arrangements. Let me start by saying that my ex-husband and I were friends with…

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If I marry the man I’m living with, I’ll lose half my benefits

Question: I married at 15 to get away from an abusive father. That husband had an affair with our friend. I forgave him and took him back. He did it again. I divorced him for adultery. I later married an older man who was divorced, who committed adultery many times. I finally divorced him. Fifteen…

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Should my girlfriend share an apartment with an unmarried guy?

Question: My girlfriend and I are in a sticky situation and I would like some godly advice on this matter. We are currently in a long-distance relationship because of our education and live a few hours apart. She lives in an apartment with a roommate of hers. Her roommate can no longer afford to pay…

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Is it all right to stay living with someone until we get married?

Question: Okay so on the subject of living together before marriage: I chose this before I knew God. Now, I am stuck in this situation. I have repented for having premarital sex. My boyfriend and I will be getting married soon. Will I go to hell if I die? I have nowhere else to go…

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I want to stop committing fornication, but I’ve lost control

Question: I want to stop fornicating. I have always prayed that I want to get married to the man I would be dating for the first time, and I thank God for giving me that. I have been with this guy for eight years, but my problem is that at first, he wanted sex and…

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Should I marry the non-Christian I’m living with?

Question: Hello, I am having a few issues. I fell in love with a non-Christian and planned to marry her. I fully believed that God would save her and she would become Christian. I love her but after my pastor kept pushing me not to marry her because she was not a Christian and we…

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My boyfriend wants to move in before we get married

Question: Dear friend, I am super confused now, and it seems like I am in a dilemma. I do not know what I am supposed to do. Please help me. My boyfriend wants to live with me. We are going to rent a two-bedroom apartment. We are seriously in love and plan to marry later…

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We’re living together without sex, so why are brethren saying it is wrong?

Question: Hello, My fiancé and I are planning to marry in June 2014. Until that time, we have made the decision to share a home and other resources with each other. She recently moved from another country and, as young people, we do not make enough money individually to be in comfortable financial situations. Furthermore,…

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