Did I marry her?

Question: Hello, pastor! I’m in my early twenties. Since last year, I’ve had a doubt that eats away at me. I dated a girl (whom I believe to be a virgin) two years ago. As the relationship progressed, we started to misbehave. More specifically, I touched her breasts with my hands and mouth, as described…

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How do I deal with a boyfriend who won’t respect boundaries?

Question: Dear brothers in Christ, I am writing to you because I need your advice. My soul is weary, and my heart is exhausted. I am a Christian girl in my mid-twenties. I worship in a church of Christ. I grew up in a Christian family. Only one of my siblings didn’t become a Christian.…

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Can I get married in the church?

Question: Hello, I have a question. It happened months ago, but I want to know about this concern. I was studying doctrine. I liked a brother, and I decided to go out with him. We were like boyfriend and girlfriend but never agreed to be in a relationship. That date went so far that we…

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Does morality change with age?

Question: I spent a lot of time looking at your answers to several sexual questions. I am fairly clear ( I think ) that intercourse is a grave sin outside of marriage. Anything that leads there is wrong. A few months ago, I reconnected with a childhood friend. I believe God set this in motion.…

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My life is a ruin

Question: My friend, I don’t know where to begin. I have prayed to the Lord for wisdom. I don’t know where, but I’ll just begin. As a child, I grew up very lonely. I later found out I have autism, though I am high-functioning. As I got older, I had to go to preschool, where…

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How do I move forward from a breakup?

Question: Good evening, I’m relatively new to this website, but I have found it particularly helpful for hearing Q&A’s specifically related to Christian life. I’m a freshman college student who dated a girl for around 4-5 months when college started. It has been almost three months since she broke up. I’ve been slowly getting better,…

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Did I defile myself by sexually touching a woman?

Question: Greetings, I just wanted to know if I sexually touched a woman with clothes on but no intercourse, did I defile myself as Revelation 14:4 says? “These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and…

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The Root Cause of Sexual Sins

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I’ve become fascinated by the lists presented in the Bible when I came to realize that many of them are more than a collection of related items. Permit me to illustrate this with a list that Paul gave in Colossians 3. “Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead…

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Would kissing in a play be considered fornication?

Question: You guys do a great job with your answers to some very open, graphic, and very personal questions. Keep up the great job! I’ve been a Christian for almost 40 years and I have never heard this question before, but a couple of weeks ago someone asked this in Bible study: if a married…

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Is sexual touching a public or private sin?

Question: This is a situation involving a Christian man and a woman. I have several questions. The man is married and his wife is still living. The woman’s husband has passed away. and she is now single. As friends, they became close. At times they have embraced each other. They also have touched each other…

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How do you repent of childhood sins?

Question: My brother and I do not get along. When we were kids we experimented with sexual sins. It was years ago. My mother mentioned that maybe, because of the things that I confessed had happened between my brother and me, we opened some demonic portal and need to repent. How does one repent from…

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Should I tell my girlfriend that I cheated on her?

Question: I and my girlfriend have been in a distant relationship for over two years. We’ve decided to marry after her graduation. I never had any intention of cheating on her before. But recently I had to be with a girl for academic purposes. I spent hours in her home doing our projects. We became…

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I keep getting involved in lewd behavior that I know is wrong

Question: I need spiritual help, sir. I thank God for your life and ministry. Please, sir, I pray the Lord will use you to restore me to Himself permanently. Sir, I became born again several years ago. I have been growing through discipleship but for about two years my life has been fluctuating. The instrument…

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How do I fight the temptation to commit fornication?

Question: I always told myself as I grew up that sexual immorality would never be a problem for me because the consequences scared me too much, but in recent years, the constant exposure to sex being “normal” and “acceptable” I guess have overcome me. I see so many sites that push for birth control and…

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What does “uncover the nakedness” mean?

Question: In Leviticus 18:6-19, the phrase “uncover the nakedness” is used repeatedly. What is meant by this phrase? Answer: There are three sets of words in the Hebrew that are translated as naked or nakedness. The Hebrew adjective ‘arom refers to being without clothing. It can mean without any clothes or being inadequately clothed (Job 22:6).…

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Notes on Sex

Fornication (Greek: porneia): Porneia, typically translated as fornication, sexual immorality, or sometimes just immorality is defined as follows: “Porneia, which is relatively rare in classical Greek (Moulton-Milligan), originally stood for “prostitution” … In other, later contexts it denotes “unchasity, illicit sexual relations” of any kind (“fornication” is a somewhat archaic but common translation).” [The Complete Biblical…

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How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy?

Question: Hi Jeff, How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy? Answer: Let’s start with what most people would agree would be going too far: sexual intercourse or fornication. Sexual acts outside of marriage are sinful and are covered under the word “fornication.” In Greek, the word is porneia. It is…

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We are going too far sexually and can’t figure out how to stop

Question: I am 18 and I want to stop all this fooling around that my girlfriend and I keep getting sucked back into. Basically, we say, “okay, this can’t happen again so what are we going to do to keep ourselves from it?” Then we come up with things but next thing you know, the…

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It is shameful to scare people into thinking that dry humping can lead to pregnancy

Question: I’d just like to point out that your article on dry humping was completely dishonest. It is shameful to scare people into thinking that dry humping leads to pregnancy, especially through clothes. Instilling fear in people so that they will follow your agenda is wrong, and it’s not Christian whatsoever. Answer: “Put them in fear,…

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Did I waste my time saving myself for my wife?

Question: Hi I have an issue that’s been eating me up for a while. I love my wife. She loves me. I don’t want to lose her and I’m sure she feels the same. The problem is about history. We were both virgins before we got married. However, she “did stuff.” She was involved with…

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I’m such a hypocrite. I fell into sexual immorality

Question: Hello, I really need help as I feel totally hopeless. I gave my life to Christ in college after God saved me from untimely death. I have been so hot for God, going about doing evangelism and, by the grace of God, many people have come to know Christ through me. However, recently I…

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I regret my sins, so why did my girlfriend dump me?

Question: Hello, I seem to have a very unique situation, as I cannot find anything like it other than on atheist websites and, well, that is advice I do not want. My girlfriend and I have only been together for a short amount of time (6 months) but due to my lease running up at my…

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Is my boyfriend the reason for my nightmares?

Question: I had a boyfriend. We have been in a relationship for a while. We were involved in sexual things, but we didn’t have sex. But I had some spiritual issues, and I got delivered, but I went back to it. I had a dream that if I continued with the sins, I wouldn’t be…

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I kept my boyfriend from penetrating me, but now he won’t talk to me

Question: Hi, I am 27 years old. I’ve kept myself a virgin all these years. I recently met my long-time chase. I told him I was already in a relationship three years ago (that relationship did not work out), so we started talking again and visiting each other. The first time I visited he tried…

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I want to marry a godly man, but I seem far from it

Question: Hello and praise the Lord! I normally don’t do this but I am in need of help. First I am a born-again believer and have been living for God for over a decade. My issue is this: I gave my life to Christ early twenties and from that point on I vowed to save…

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Should I break up with my boyfriend now, or wait until next spring?

Question: Hi, I read one of your articles on your site, and I wanted to ask a similar question concerning my non-believing boyfriend. I never had intentions of going out with a non-believer, and I’m not sure of how things turned out this way. I never intended this to happen, but somehow it happened. He’s…

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I engaged in immoral behavior with a woman. Does this mean I cannot marry?

Question: I’m a member of the church, but lately, I’ve made a poor, sinful choice by going somewhere I was tempted. I went to a massage parlor for the sole purpose of helping my body. Later during the massage, I engaged in some immoral foreplay activities with the woman there. I’ve been reflecting on my…

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If I put my fingers in her private area, is that fornication?

Question: Hey, God bless. I have a question: My girl and I converted several weeks ago. Ever since then, we haven’t had sexual intercourse, but last night we started kissing and it go to a point where I had my hand on her private part. I sort of rubbed her for like 30 seconds and…

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How do we avoid the temptation to have sex?

Question: I am 23 years of age and a college student. I have been in a relationship for over a year now. My motive for being in the relationship is to be with my partner now and stay with her until God blesses us to marry. My problem is how do I handle my sexual…

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Why has God given me such a miserable life?

Question: I am 24 years old, a single female, living in a liberal yet strict family. Since the age of 2 or 3, I had been molested by my grandfather until I was in 10th grade. In midst of my 6th to 10th grade, my cousin who is older than me also started molesting me.…

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