Are the sexual things we do sinful if we plan on marrying?

Question: My girlfriend and I have been dating for over three years now, and it’s a given that we’ve faced sexual temptation. Though we have not gone “all the way” we have done mostly everything else. We’ve talked about marrying each other and think it’s a very real possibility. If this is the case, are…

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What intimacies are allowed or not allowed to engaged couples?

Question: My girlfriend and I are very grateful to the Lord for the love and gift we are to each other. We love the Lord and want to honor Him and His law for us as an unmarried but betrothed couple. We are committed to saving sex for marriage. I am searching deeper into His…

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Sexting Is Associated with Risky Sexual Behavior

Source: Eric Rice, et al, “Sexually Explicit Cell Phone Messaging Associated with Sexual Risk Among Adolescents,” Pediatrics, 17 September 2012. Source: Genevra Pittman, “”Sexting” again linked to risky sex among teens: study,” Reuters, 18 September 2012. Source: Genevra Pittman, “Teen sexting: Strong link to risky sexual behavior,” Christian Science Monitor, 17 September 2012. Basic common sense has been once more confirmed.…

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Can you give some guidelines for how to behave in courtship?

Question: During our courtship, my girlfriend and I kept making small compromises that almost led to sex. We know we want to marry one another; in fact, it took us about four months to get to know each other because we wanted to make sure God is being glorified in the midst of our relationship.…

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What are all the types of sexual sins?

Question: What are all the types of sexual sins? Answer: “Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). One of the problems with coming up with lists of possible sins is that men are too inventive in coming up with new ways to…

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What is included in porneia?

Question: Hi! I have been studying sex and the Bible. What I am really confused about is that the Bible does not mention oral sex or mutual masturbation. It only mentions anal sex and vaginal sex. Thus, how are oral sex and mutual masturbation a sin? How is it sexual intercourse? In Greek, porneia means…

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Is “dry humping” considered fornication?

Question: Is “dry humping” considered fornication? Does it count as sex before marriage? Answer: Dry humping is slang for rubbing or bumping the genitals against someone or something in order to gain sexual stimulation. It isn’t fornication, but fornication isn’t the only sexual sin that can be committed. Paul warned, “It is good for a…

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What Boys, Girls, and Their Parents Need To Know

by Wendi Capehart The following is adapted from an old post the good blogger at Wit-nit wrote. He wished to illustrate just how heady and disorienting a brew lust can be, how dangerous in the hands of the immature, but he is not a believer and he wrote an R-rated post. He allowed me to…

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What types of touching are forbidden?

Question: I was just wondering, in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship what is considered “too far?” I’m referring to touching breasts, genital touching, oral sex, and the like. Is touching OK if all clothing is still on? Is seeing one’s undergarments a sin? For me, personally, all forms of sex are sex and are forbidden, but touching…

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Is a handjob a sin if you love her and it doesn’t lead to sex?

Question: Is a handjob a sin if you love her and it most definitely does not lead to sex? Answer: A “hand job” is slang for mutual masturbation; using the hand to stimulate the genitals. Saying that it does not lead to sex is a misnomer. It would be more accurate to state that in…

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Is kissing and fondling my boyfriend fornication?

Question: My boyfriend and I indulge in kissing and fondling only. Could this be fornication? Answer: The Bible states that sexual touching is not right prior to marriage. “Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman” (I Corinthians 7:1). The reason is…

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Is seeing or touching private areas a sin?

Question: I went to your website and wanted to know a few things that I’m too embarrassed to ask anyone else about. I was wondering if the following were considered sins. So since you are a Bible site, I figured you’d know. Please be specific and everything. Is it a sin to show my boyfriend…

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Is it wrong to perform masturbation and petting?

Question: I read your sermon about masturbation, but I didn’t find a Scripture that says it’s wrong. Is it wrong to perform masturbation and petting? Is tongue kissing wrong? I am confused because does it mean that masturbation is a sin? Do you have any elders that you could ask? I am a member of…

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What does lasciviousness mean?

Question: What does lasciviousness mean? And does it speak clearly in the Bible about homosexuality? Answer: Lasciviousness, licentiousness, lewdness, or sensuality, depending on the translation of your Bible, means being wanton, lewd, or lustful. William Barclay described it as “a love of sin so reckless and so audacious that a man has ceased to care…

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Why do I feel like I don’t deserve to be cleansed?

Question: I was baptized as a baby in the church and have always been a Christian, but I have not been actively involved in fellowship as much as I’d like to be. My husband and I engaged in sexual acts (not intercourse) before marriage which I know are wrong. I have asked God for forgiveness…

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Is it wrong for a married couple to record themselves having sex?

Question: Do you think it’s wrong for a married couple to record themselves on video when having sex? Answer: The question that must be asked is, “For what purpose?” Why would a couple want to record private moments, especially given that it may be seen by others? The only reason that I could come up with…

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Is foreplay wrong if it doesn’t lead to sex?

Question: I’m a 22 male and I have been searching for an answer on this site. Sex is not a problem before marriage for me, but what about foreplay if you are certain it will not lead to sex? It has never been a problem to stop before thinking about sex, but is foreplay really…

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How does adultery start?

Question: How does adultery start? In what way then is it looked upon as adultery Answer: James describes the steps leading to death from sin as thus: “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each…

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