Does past adultery prevent a person from getting married?

Question: Hello brother, I have been single for many years, and I have now found someone in the church I’m wanting to marry. But in my past, I was not very faithful to God in my daily living. In my past, I slept with someone who may have been married herself. I’m not totally for…

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If an elder commits adultery, does that disqualify him?

Question: Hi brother, Regarding the article Does divorce disqualify a man from being an elder? If an elder commits adultery, does this disqualify him? It appears, after considering the tenor of the whole of Scripture, that he needs to resign. His opinion is meaningless now. Based on the issue in total, he needs to be…

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I accidentally fell in love with a married man

Question: Hello, I just want to ask for some advice because I am struggling right now. I am a woman who is single. And I met a married man. We accidentally fell in love with each other. I tried everything to avoid him because I know he is married. But even as hard as I…

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The Adulterous Woman Text: John 8:2-11   I.         People rarely want their sins pointed out.             A.        It should be understandable. We want to think well of ourselves and have others think well of us also.             B.        The common response to rebuke is to attack the messenger – Proverbs 15:32             C.        You’ll hear people inappropriately quote, “Judge not …” – Matthew 7:1…

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I want to marry this woman, but I don’t know if it is right

Question: I met a beautiful amazing woman, and I want to marry her and start a family with her. She is a Christian, and we make a great team. However, there are some hesitations on my part. She had sex when she was younger to an unbeliever, but she didn’t marry him. She left him.…

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When is a marriage covenant broken?

Question: When is the marriage covenant broken? When a married person actually commits the sexual act outside of marriage or when his spouse divorces him? Answer: Covenants are vows that last for the lifetime of the parties entering into the covenant. “For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is…

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Why do I feel guilty about dating after my divorce?

Question: My ex-husband and I cheated on each other during the time we were married. Looking back I can see that we were lukewarm Christian. I cheated on him at the last because he came home and told me he loved this other girl and everything and he cheated on me a lot and I…

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My husband committed adultery and had a child. What do I do?

Question: Good Day, Please, can you help me? My husband had an affair and a child was conceived. He first lied to me, saying it was a one night standing due to issues he had with his mother. But that was a lie. He was in a full relationship with the lady. He has asked…

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Are all remarried people adulterers?

Question: In the New Testament, we can make this general observation: When porneia is use independently, it refers to all immoral sexual acts. When it is used in a list with moicheia (the Greek word for “adultery”), it takes on a narrower definition of immoral sexual acts before marriage and moicheia refers to immoral sexual…

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Did Bathsheba tempt David?

Question: Just a quick question, I’m curious as to what your thoughts are. Do you believe that Bathsheba had some scheme in mind or was just as guilty as David was by bathing where she could be seen? After all, she was on her own property and perhaps, did not realize that someone would be watching…

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I feel I will commit adultery if I divorce my husband

Question: I grew up in the church and was baptized. I got married and my husband was baptized as well after we were married a couple of years later. My husband left me, well abandoned me, and does not go to the church anymore. I have been studying Scriptures. I want to file for divorce,…

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Can my daughter be forgiven of her adultery?

Question: My daughter went abroad to seek for better income for her family. She left her husband and children with me. But as the years went by, she revealed that she is living with another man, and they already have a child. Her kids never knew about the situation, but her husband did. He tried…

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What should be done about a minister who is committing adultery?

Question: Recently some in our congregation have found out that our married minister is committing adultery. This information was shared with certain brothers. They approached the minister, who vehemently denied it, but there is valid proof of this affair. The minister continues to preach and will be preaching at a church lectureship in a few…

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Does my parents’ adultery affect me?

Question: Hello, I am a faithful Christian and try to the best of my ability to follow the teachings of Christ. But unfortunately, my parents are atheists, and they had me while committing the sin of adultery. Does their sin have any repercussions on me, and if yes, what should I do? Answer: When Israel…

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Is this considered adultery?

Question: My wife spent the night at a hotel in a different state with another man. She said she did not have sex, but they kissed, he touched her breasts and was on top of her without a shirt, and she played with his nipples, etc. She tried to lie to me at first and…

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Does my marriage have to end because I committed adultery?

Question: Dear Jeffrey, I committed adultery with a married woman while I was married to my wife.  I told my wife, and she forgave me.  Is our marriage still right with God, or do I have to terminate our marriage? Answer: “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries…

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Can an unmarried adulterer marry someone else?

Question: Good day sir, I previously had sex with a married woman. I myself am not married but have found someone whom I sincerely love and would like to propose marriage to her someday. She does not know of my fornication as it happened some time ago before our relationship. My girlfriend and I are…

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Is it true that I can’t marry the woman I committed adultery with?

Question: Hello, I don’t know if you’re still doing answers to questions, but I notice that you have answered a great many questions on your website, and I would like to ask one of my own. I am in a difficult situation and hoping for Christian guidance. I am an expatriate in my thirties living…

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How can I stay out of fornication?

Question: Evening sir, I need spiritual deliverance. I am a married man, but before my marriage, I was lost in fornication. I even dragged my fiancee into it. We realized later that it was not good and confess our sins. However, I couldn’t get control over my sexual desire, to the extent that I masturbated…

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Was the Samaritan woman really married that many times?

Question: In John 4, I get confused with the issue of marriage. Christ wanted her to call her husband until she said she had none. Then Christ said she had had five husbands, except that her present man was not her husband. Was Christ trying to prove that she had never married properly? And if…

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Did God change His mind about sexual sins?

Question: Did God change? How is it that God that was so quiet about fornication, adultery, and polygamy in the Old Testament and then suddenly changed in the New Testament? Answer: It is in the Old Testament that we learn that a man is to leave his family, get married, and become one flesh with…

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Notes on Sex

Fornication (Greek: porneia): Porneia, typically translated as fornication, sexual immorality, or sometimes just immorality is defined as follows: “Porneia, which is relatively rare in classical Greek (Moulton-Milligan), originally stood for “prostitution” … In other, later contexts it denotes “unchasity, illicit sexual relations” of any kind (“fornication” is a somewhat archaic but common translation).” [The Complete Biblical…

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I was pressured into adultery and gave in. Can I be forgiven?

Question: I have a few questions. I am a Christian and committed adultery. Although there was an element of consent, this occurred in a high-pressure situation where there was intense coercion. My Christian therapist (psychologist) believes my past, with its complex trauma, and mental health condition has put me in a position where I was…

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I want out of my marriage

Question: Good morning, I have serious problems with my marriage. I’m married to a pastor, who was a man of God. Recently I have found out that he has been searching for pornography with his phone. He also flirted with women on social media. It has been going on for a long time. I confronted…

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Please pray that I can stop having sex with prostitutes

Question: Dear Minister, I’m a 30-year-old married guy who has been having sex with prostitutes for the last two years. I’m feeling guilty, but I can’t stop doing this so far. I need your prayer so that, through the help of Christ, I can stop having sex with prostitutes. Please do uphold me in your…

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Shouldn’t the man sleeping with me divorce his wife?

Question: Hello, I am a 32-year-old female. I have three children. I was married but divorced. I met a guy, and he was a very good friend. He introduced me back into church and has helped me through so many hard times. I used to actually think that he was perfect. He is a very…

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I got myself into a mess and I’m not sure how to handle it

Question: I’ve been married for less than ten years. She left me a few years ago for the guy that took her virginity. I never divorced her, hoping she would come back. I honestly didn’t know where she was or if she was alive or anything. She called my mom over a year later to…

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Has God forgiven my friend who is living with a married man?

Question: Hello, I have a close relative who is in an illegal relationship. He was married, but he knew that the marriage was already broken. He was trying to fix the situation when he realized there was no more love in his heart for his wife. He then reunited with a long-time friend via social…

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I’ve been angry about my ex-boyfriend entering into an adulterous marriage

Question: Hello, My old boyfriend got into an affair with a married woman (with children). They have been pronouncing their love for each other for several years now, and they just got married this last weekend. During this time, I have been dealing with such deep anger toward the people who condone this. His family,…

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Is a single person who commits adultery prevented from getting married?

Question: There is much discussion and teaching within the church about divorce, adultery, and remarriage, but something I’ve never heard discussed is what about the person who commits adultery, but who wasn’t married? The Bible is clear that a spouse who commits adultery with someone else is not eligible to remarry another if that married…

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What is the penance for adultery?

Question: Hello, I would like to know what is the penance for adultery. If forgiveness is possible, does the “forgive and you shall be forgiven” apply? Answer: The idea that there are acts of penance done for sins is not taught in the Bible. It is merely a Roman Catholic tradition. See: Do we have to…

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Could God have sent a married man to be my husband?

Question: Could a man who is married be the husband God sent to me? The reason why I ask this question is that I have never felt this way about anyone, especially someone who is married. The shocking thing is that he feels the same way that I feel, and we both are trying to…

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