Thanks for God-Given Friends by Anthony Hamilton My beloved grandmother, Sara Melson, completed her sojourn in this world the Saturday before Thanksgiving. She had faithfully fought the good fight and completed her race. She has entered into her final rest. She was among the most generous, serving, and encouraging people I know, and I am so thoroughly blessed…

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How Jesus Dealt with His Friends

by Steve Goff A true friend is not easily found. A trustworthy advocate who consistently manifests affection for us and who honestly seeks our best interest without ulterior motive is rare in this life. But one such friend available to all men is Jesus Christ. In temptation, we can find no greater comfort than from…

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Courageous Friendship by Garry Floyd

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Friends by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 119:57-64   I.         You can tell much about a person by the friends he keeps             A.        “Wait a minute! I’m my own person!”             B.        Perhaps, but outside our family, our friends hold a strong influence in our lives             C.        You can’t choose your family, but the people you choose to be your…

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How to Ruin Your Influence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 14:34-35   I.         Your reputation, your ability to influence others is valuable             A.        Ecclesiastes 7:1 – Better than expensive perfume             B.        Proverbs 22:1 – Better than great wealth             C.        Christians are expected to influence the world – Matthew 5:13-16             D.        But if we ruin our ability to influence others, what good are we?…

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Exactly Who is Influencing Who? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Chronicles 13:4-12   I.         Most Americans tend to have an independent streak.             A.        We would like to think that we think for ourselves.             B.        As Christians, we aim to influence those around to do good.             C.        But influence is not a one-way street. II.        Our thoughts are shaped by many things             A.        Parents                         1.         Seth…

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What Is This Thing Called Love? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Song of Solomon 8:6-7   I.         We use the word “love” freely today. Perhaps too freely.             A.        I love to have another piece of cake.             B.        Mama loves her baby.             C.        He fell in love with her at first sight.             D.        He loved her through fifty yeas of marriage.             E.        I love my country. II.        The…

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He Who Sows Discord Among Brethren Text: Proverbs 6:16-19   I.         Some people are not satisfied with the way things are.             A.        They want people to change, but they go about it the wrong way.             B.        They are missing any love for their brethren II.        Gossiping and Talebearing             A.        Talking about other people.             B.        People who engage in it have too much time on their hands…

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What does the Bible teach about soul mates?

Question: Good evening, I’m trying to understand what the Bible teaches on the matter of “soul mates.” Could you offer some guidance? A coworker of mine asked me today if I believe in soul mates. She’s been married before and divorced for what I understand are unscriptural reasons. She is now dating a man she…

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How do I stop being envious of my friend?

Question: Hello Sir, I had a question about trying not to compare myself to my friend. Any advice is welcome! My friend and I are very similar. I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend so alike to me! We’re both in college and graduating this year. She got a full academic scholarship to college,…

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I have no friends. I don’t trust anyone

Question: Hi, I found this website by accident. I read some stories and would like to have some guidance and advice. I’m the youngest of four siblings. My parents both work. Both make enough that we can manage. When I was five, my next oldest sister passed away when there was a big earthquake in…

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How do you live a proper life and stay connected with a diversity of people?

Question: Oh, Minister, I’ve read your answers to so many questions, and they have helped me greatly. I am a college student who has been going through problems of finding meaning in an increasingly secular society where it seems that drinking, doing drugs, and “getting laid” are what get people to like you. I know…

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I have no friends and I’m depressed

Question: I’m 18. I don’t have a girlfriend or any friends. My parents are not religious. Should I tell them about the Bible? Is it fair that you have a great family who are Christians? What did I do to deserve this living hell? I’m depressed. How do I solve this issue about an existential…

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How do I stop being so involved in my friend’s sinful life?

Question: Here’s the background story: A year ago my friend, whom I’m very close to, dated someone who wasn’t mature enough for a relationship, but she still went out with him. She gave her all to him (including sex), and three months later they broke up. Ever since then they have been messing around, and…

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How do I deal with my friends’ poor conversations?

Question: I have two friends who I talk to regularly. I associate with them on a weekly basis more or less. One of them believes in God though he is not “devoted” as one would say and the other is an atheist. Both of them know clearly that I am a Christian, and they don’t…

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Making Friends

Text: Proverbs 18:24 (KJV or NKJV)   I.         I received a note from a fourteen year old boy. He has moved a lot in his short life, attending ten different schools. The school he is currently attending was the first one where he stayed for more than one year. But it has left him with a…

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Imagined Sins by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 30:5-6   I.         Certain ideas get repeated in the religious world, often enough that people accept them as truth without stopping to ask if this is really in the Bible or not             A.        “You are saved by faith alone” – despite James 2:24             B.        “Baptism is an outward sign of an…

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I found out someone I trusted had lied to me. What do I do?

Question: Sir, I have a friend whom I trusted so much. I always told her the truth, and I was very open with her. But yesterday I found out that she was lying to me about something she told me before. I am so heartbroken presently, and I don’t know how to get over it.…

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Should I warn a friend about her current boss?

Question: My wife and I have been friends with a lady at church and worked with her over the last four years. Over the years I have become this lady’s confidant to which my wife says “back off.” The lady and I have assured my wife that it’s an innocent work ethic between us. In…

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Are Christians only allowed to talk to Christians?

Question: Hello, Does the Bible say that we’re not allowed to talk to anyone who’s not a Christian? If so, what happens if a Christian does talk to someone who’s not a Christian? Thanks! Answer: I’m scratching my head trying to figure out where such an idea could possibly come from. It would be impossible…

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Can a Christian be friends with an atheist?

Question: Good day sir, I am a woman. I have a friend who has morals and beliefs similar to mine. She is a focused, good person. I have known her for about six months now and, though it’s not long, I feel she is someone I would want to remain friends with. The only thing…

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How do we define a Christian friend?

Question: Hi, I was going through ‘How do I deal with non-Christian friends?’ Several questions went through my mind. How do we define ‘Christian’ friend? Because I have friends in the Lord’s church who are there, because. well. that’s where they were born. Then I have other friends who are Pentecostals and SDAs who, though…

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How do I deal with non-Christian friends?

Question: My three best friends are all agnostics or atheists or something like that. They donīt seem to care about my faith. One of them swears very often, and we tell many kinds of perverted jokes or innuendo-jokes and things like that when I see them. I don’t know if they are a very good…

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Should I confront my friend about his language?

Question: There’s a friend I have who was recently baptized. He was taught about baptism, and we left him alone, and he eventually made the choice without any pushing of any sort. He knows cursing is wrong, and he doesn’t curse around me. Well, he does euphemistically.  But that’s a huge improvement from what he used to…

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How do I find friends when I’m a Christian?

Question: Hello! I’m a Christian.  I’m very conservative, and I act differently from other people my age.  I’m in college right now and most girls my age like going drinking, partying, or having sex before marriage.  I’m waiting for marriage. Anyways, lately, I have found it very difficult to make friends.  Everyone is so liberal…

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How do I find opportunities to do good?

Question: How do I find opportunities to do righteousness when I’m either at home studying or at college or school studying? I mean I need opportunities to practice Christian skills. Should I ask God to help or should I really sort myself out as a Christian and then scour the streets like a modern-day superhero…

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How do I socialize with others when they are so demeaning?

Question: I would like to ask, how do I mix around with people at work or school? My colleagues and classmates often gossip and speak or joke with cutting words (demeaning or swearing). I want to keep my faith but yet I see the need to blend in instead of being anti-social. Answer: A person…

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Is it a lie to friend someone on Facebook that you don’t know?

Question: Hi there, Please tell me, if we have sent friend requests to people on Facebook that we had never met before and do not know that is like lying then what? Will we keep sinning by lying as long as we leave the friend requests stand to the persons we have sent to the…

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How do you love a neighbor who doesn’t want you in their life?

Question: I’ve lost my way. How do I get my life right with God again? I was raised up to believe in God and I still do. Right now I believe that I have lost my spiritual compass along with my relationship with God. One thing I will never forget from God’s word is “to…

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Faithful Wounds

by Zeke Flores “Faithful are the wounds of a friend …” (Proverbs 27:6). I enjoy being in the company of insightful people with a lighthearted sense of humor. Who doesn’t like a jovial conversation just for the sake of having a few laughs? I also like serious discussions about current events, politics, moral issues, and…

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Am I being unloving toward a sister in Christ?

Question: Today I had some trouble with a friend, who is also a sister in Christ. She was unbearable, but still, I didn’t argue or anything with her. I just don’t feel like being near her because it stresses me. Am I being unloving to her? Answer: So what do you do when your brother…

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What do you do when all your friends tell you you are not living life?

Question: My ultimate goal should be as Solomon said “Fear God and keep His commandments” because Solomon did all the world had to offer but still came to that conclusion.  This I know. But I still suffer from what people challenge me with on a daily basis. They tell me all the time that I…

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What does the Bible say about accountability between friends?

Question: Where in the Bible does it say that one should have a good group of friends to keep him accountable? I had a friend who said I should stop seeking my friends’ help for accountability and just ask God. If that is true, why does God talk about the church and community? I think…

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