Marijuana Smoking Isn’t Healthy

Source: Kathleen Doheny, “Recreational Marijuana: Are There Health Effects?” WebMD, 11 December 2012. Lung Damage “‘Putting smoke in your lungs is not good for the lungs,’ says Roland Lamarine, HSD, professor of public health at California State University, Chico. … Some research shows that marijuana smoke has up to 70% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco…

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How do I say no?

Question: I am having this difficulty with saying no sometimes to things like sex, partying, spending money, too much work, overwhelming myself in a way. What is the right way to say N-O to a man I am in love with without hurting his feelings? Answer: “Do not think that I came to bring peace…

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Illogical Reasons for Decriminalizing Marijuana

Source: Paul Hammel, “Ideas to ease pot laws just blowin’ in the wind,” Omaha World-Herald, 20 November 2012. People continue to promote illogical fixes to problems. Iowa Representative Bruce Hunter wants to decriminalize marijuana possession. His reason? “He is pushing decriminalization of pot because sending users to prison contributes to overcrowding. It also doesn’t make…

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Marijuana Impaired Drivers

Source: “Cops ponder how to deter stoned driving,” Omaha World-Herald, 18 November 2012 Now that Washington and Colorado have legalized casual marijuana use, the concern has been raised about driving under the influence. “Marijuana can cause dizziness and slow reaction time, and drivers who are high are more likely to drift and swerve.” The question raised…

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Recreational Use of Marijuana Approved in Two States

Source: “Marijuana tourism: A budding industry?” Omaha World-Herald, 12 November 2012. As predicted, the push for legalizing marijuana under the guise of medical need was merely a rouse to get recreational use legalized. Both Colorado and Washington have voted to legalize the use of marijuana in their states so long as the drug is bought and…

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Should I confront my friend about his language?

Question: There’s a friend I have who was recently baptized. He was taught about baptism, and we left him alone, and he eventually made the choice without any pushing of any sort. He knows cursing is wrong, and he doesn’t curse around me. Well, he does euphemistically.  But that’s a huge improvement from what he used to…

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My best friend has started to smoke. How do I make him stop?

Question: I’m 14 years old and female. My best friend (who’s a guy) has just started smoking cigs and will start smoking weed soon. He doesn’t know how much I care about him. Since I am an only child, I view him as my older brother (he’s older than me by half a year). I…

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I’m worried because my husband is a drug dealer

Question: I am a 25-year-old mother of three. I am married. My husband and I have children, but he started caring for my firstborn, who was from another man, ever since she was in my tummy. I am a foreigner in this country, but we got married illegally in the country of my origin when…

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Drunk Driving Down Among Teens

Source: “Drunken Driving Down,” Omaha World-Herald, 3 October 2012 It is nice to have some good news once in a while. “In 2011, 10 percent of high school students reported drinking and driving, compared with 22 percent in 1991.” More notable is that this change is attributed in part to enforcing the law. “The legal…

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Marijuana Use Linked to Testicular Cancer

Source: Bill Briggs, “Dude, it’s your junk! Pot linked to testicular cancer,” NBC News, 10 September 2012. “Scientists at the University of Southern California say they’ve detected a link between recreational marijuana use and a greater chance among males in their early teens through their mid-30s of contracting a particularly dangerous form of testicular cancer –…

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What do I do? My husband starting to use drugs again

Question: I have been married for over 30 years. We own our own business and work very hard. My husband and I have weathered many storms in our marriage. He has cheated on me, drinks a lot, does drugs, lied, and was verbally abusive to me. We have worked so many problems out with each…

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Marijuana Permanently Lowers IQ

Source: Stephen Adams, “Cannabis smoking ‘permanently lowers IQ’,” The Telegraph, 27 July 2012. Source: Madeline Meier, et al, “Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 30 July 2012. “Researchers found persistent users of the drug, [marijuana], who started smoking it at school, had lower IQ scores…

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Why won’t my drug-using cousin leave?

Question: Hello, I’ve been praying for a cousin of mine who lives with my family to leave this house or change. His mother has left with his sister to another state but he stayed behind. He uses drugs and steals from us. He causes my family and me anxiety and stress. I can’t sleep thinking…

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How do I help a friend who has gotten involved in fornication and drugs?

Question: Hello, I was hoping you could help me with a problem I have been struggling with for a couple of weeks. I have a Christian friend who has become involved in a relationship where she has started having sex with her boyfriend and occasionally smoking and taking drugs because he does too. Since she started…

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I am so miserable. I need help

Question: Hi, I can’t find an answer, and I need guidance, I can’t find my path I feel like I am walking in the same place don’t go forward. A little background: My mom and dad divorced when I was an older child. My dad drank heavily and abused my mom mentally and verbally. He…

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Any advice on how to handle a marriage to a drug addict?

Question: I have been married for over a year now. My husband is a drug addict. When I married him, I didn’t realize the problem existed; it was a whirlwind romance. Marriage probably should have waited. We weren’t together all that long before we got married.  I have a young son out of wedlock to a…

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Am I forever lost or saved?

Question: I’m 17 years old and I’ve been trying my best to be a faithful worker for the Lord Jesus Christ.  I really just wanted to say I love your website; it seems to be well put together and full of helpful articles and lessons.  But I have quite a question to ask of you,…

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I keep doing things that I know are wrong. Can you pray for me?

Question: I have great trouble with resisting sin, porn, drugs, alcohol all on occasions. I know it’s wrong, but I find myself still indulging.  Please pray for me to overcome. Answer: To realize that what you are doing is wrong and harmful is a step in the right direction, but what you need next is…

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Recreational Drug Use Is Sinful

by Bryan Matthew Dockens Recreational drug use is sinful because it violates the law. Under the current legal code in the United States, the recreational use of narcotics is strictly forbidden. The word of God requires obedience to the law: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except…

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Should my friend leave her drug-abusing husband?

Question: I was Googling information on divorce for my best friend, and I came across this site with all of the women getting advice so I figured I would try to explain the situation as best as I can without leaving important information out. My friend got pregnant when we were in high school, with…

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What happens if you take marijuana and ecstasy in one night?

Question: Hi, I would like to know if you take weed with ecstasy in one night, what will happen afterward. Let say a day or two after. Answer: Ecstasy and marijuana are among the most commonly abused drugs. I didn’t find much in the way of research on how these two drugs interact. But there…

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Thank you for showing how to handle a drug-addicted husband

Question: Thank you so much for your website. I am desperate to be pointed in the right direction on my situation. Your article titled “My husband continues to use drugs” was exactly what I have been searching for these last three years. I knew in my heart that I should not move on from my…

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Any advice on how to handle a marriage to a drug addict?

Question: I have been married for over a year now. My husband is a drug addict. When I married him, I didn’t realize the problem existed; it was a whirlwind romance. Marriage probably should have waited. We weren’t together all that long before we got married.  I have a young son out of wedlock to a…

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Can I divorce my husband because he refuses to be intimate with me?

Question: I am quite torn as to what to do.  My first husband and I divorced because he was very abusive and repeatedly unfaithful.  My second marriage is proving to be a nightmare as well. He is cold, cruel, and emotionally abusive.  He has not slept in the same bed with me in two years…

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I think my husband is being unfaithful. What should I do?

Question: My husband and I had a lot of issues to deal with prior to our marriage. He grew up in the church but had fallen away for years after he left our country. He returned after many years and I met him in a Bible school. I thought that he was trying really hard…

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My husband continues to use drugs. Should I tell him to leave?

Question: Hi! I was wondering if someone could give me some insight on a problem I’m having.  My husband and I have been married for over a year and have an infant child. Our little boy was planned and no surprise. When we married, my husband was a minor and a “recovering” drug addict, and…

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Can you tell me your source for your opening statement in “Social Drinking”?

Question: I’m an addictions counselor. Having recently read your article “Social Drinking,” (Dudley Ross Spears), I have a question: How did you come up (substantiation for) with your opening statement: “We live in a world where social drinking is accepted by over two-thirds of our entire population”? Answer: One of the sources I used when…

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I’ve done so much wrong, I fear it is too late for me

Question: Thank you so much for your web site. The analogy of the young soldier being afraid to die and the old man being afraid to live was very touching to me. I myself am an agnostic, but then I have a tremendous fear of God, so perhaps this is telling me I do believe in God…

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I Got Sick of the World

by Gerry Sandusky “You were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ” (I Peter 1:18-19). My religious background could be summed up by saying there was almost none. My Baptist grandmother took me to the Methodist…

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How can I help an abused girl who has been thrown out of her home?

Question: I’m a college student who’s a leader in my church’s high school ministry. One girl recently revealed to me, while on a mission’s trip, that she was abused by her parents, culminating in her being thrown out of the house at the age of 16. We talked and I assured her that God and…

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Is teaching in prisons and rehab centers worth it?

Question: Our church has been working with a prison ministry. It began many years ago by a lady who would travel many miles to the women’s prison. In that time I only know of one woman who came to be baptized, and, if my memory serves me right, when she was released she returned to…

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What Might Have Been

by Barney L. Keith How painful is the thought expressed by one of the great poets, John Greenleaf Whittier: “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: ‘It might have been!'” Many a person has thrown away his life in drug addiction, (including alcohol). Numerous are those who have thrown…

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Why is marijuana wrong when it is only a plant?

Question: You say marijuana is wrong even though it’s a plant and must have a purpose. I’ve found that it is really only illegal because of racism and because the medicine companies would lose money, but sugar comes from a plant too, and it can cause diabetes and other illnesses. So, if the Bible says…

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