I want to do right, but I am weak

Question: Hello, I am writing to you about my life. I am in my forties. I have always known that I am a complete sinner. I want to do good, but weakness gets in my way. When I was young I was introduced to pornography. Recently I walked away from it and I am trying…

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Thank you for your article on drug use

Question: Hi Brother, Please keep me in your prayers. I’m a brother, in my thirties, who is struggling with sin — marijuana use being one of them. I definitely am trying to rid myself of all sin and that is certainly one of them. I just read the article that was written on the website.…

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Should I work things out with my drug-addicted husband?

Question: My husband and I have been married for about five years. We only dated for a year before we got married. Throughout those five years, I’ve been the sole provider of the family. Now I understand that without some education he can’t get the job he wants, but he will work somewhere for a…

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I’ve tried to quit drugs, but I keep going back

Question: Well, to start out with I have been hooked on a certain drug since my youth. I’ve tried quitting many times. Sometimes I will go a while without, and sometimes not that long. But it seems no matter how long I go without, I feel miserable and go through bad withdrawal (more psychological than…

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How is smoking weed any worse than drinking once in a while?

Question: Is smoking weed bad in God’s eyes? Yes, I know the horrible effects it can have on your health, but I’m talking from a Christian’s point of view. Some people get drunk and God will see them through, but when they smoke weed will God resent them? What if I want to try it?…

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I am miserable after my divorce

Question: I recently got a divorce, not by my choosing, but because of my actions — I cheated on my wife on numerous occasions. I am also a recovering drug addict. I can’t honestly say how many times I left her all alone at the house with our children. I put her through misery, not…

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My relationship with God has always been a roller coaster

Question: Hello and thank you for reading, I am a 25-year-old man. I was born in a Christian family, my father being a pastor. My relationship with God has always been a roller coaster. There have been times when my faith has been strong and my will was aligned with God’s. I would even speak…

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What do I do about my drug-addicted husband?

Question: Hello, I am a follower and believer of Christ for almost four years now. I don’t know what to do with my husband. He is doing drugs. We are living with my in-laws in a living room. We are struggling money-wise, but thank God my husband got a raise. He is a hard-working man.…

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How do I correct the mess I’ve made with my life?

Question: My question is regarding sex outside of marriage. I know God tells us not to do it. And I have regrettably led a life thus far where I knew God’s commands, but chose to ignore them thinking I knew what was best. I’m struggling to find my way back to the straight and narrow.…

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Does the Bible have any advice for hopeless addicts like me?

Question: I’ve been a member of the church of Christ for about a year now, I know I have a lot of desire to live for God. I love learning about Christ and trying to do what he wants of me, but my addiction to weed is bringing me down. I want to stop because…

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Should I let the father of my child, who is a drug addict, see our baby?

Question: Hi, I am a recovering alcoholic. I started attending church while being a reckless fornicator, alcoholic and pothead. The Lord changed my life completely and eliminated all cravings and temptations to drink and smoke. I decided to leave all my friends and the life I had known because I did not want to be…

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I need help getting out of adultery and addiction

Question: Good evening sir, I need help with sin. I know Jesus is the only help, I gave my life to Christ initially two years ago. I’ve rededicated my life a number of times since then. God started blessing me, I basically have come from zero to something. God gave me a virtuous wife, a…

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Marijuana Causes Long-Term Changes

Source: “Dr. Kabran Chapek … says, ‘I’m not surprised when someone with anxiety tells me that they use marijuana or alcohol to help them sleep, or calm their nerves. It’s predictably people with over activity in their brains and problems like anxiety or PTSD who use sedating substances—we can see it on their SPECT scans. The problem…

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Marijuana Causes Long-Term Changes

Source: [“Marijuana Causes Long-term Brain Changes,” Amen Clinics, 2015 February 06]. “Dr. Kabran Chapek … says, ‘I’m not surprised when someone with anxiety tells me that they use marijuana or alcohol to help them sleep, or calm their nerves. It’s predictably people with over activity in their brains and problems like anxiety or PTSD who use…

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I found out my husband is smoking marijuana

Question: I attend a church of Christ in my hometown and I am looking for direction from spiritually mature sources. Without giving unnecessary long details, since I realize how many questions you must receive, I will just get to the point: I found out about a month ago that my husband is smoking marijuana and…

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My husband is a drug manufacturer and got me into drugs as well

Question: I’m a woman in my thirties with several beautiful children.  I’m married. My husband and I are from different countries and very different cultures. We met in my country and immediately started seeing each other. He accepted me with my children and treats them as his own.  Within three months we got married. I…

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What do I do about my drug-using husband?

Question: How do I deal with my husband who is on drugs and has a low-income job? He says he doesn’t have enough money to pay the bills, but he has money to buy drugs, cigarettes and God knows what else. I have four wonderful children. We don’t have much money to support our children…

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I need to testify against my alcoholic husband. What do I do?

Question: Hello, I came across your website and thought I would tell you my situation and get your perspective on it. I’ve been married for a little over five years. My husband is an alcoholic. He can go for months without a drink, then once he does, he’s usually off and running to do drugs.…

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My girlfriend died and I feel like I’m losing my faith

Question: Several months ago my beautiful girlfriend died from a heroin overdose. She and I were so in love and my life revolved around her. We missed each other the moment I would leave for work. We were together for two years and have been through a lot together.  I had so much more to…

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The Truth About Marijuana

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I run into so many people who argue that there is nothing harmful about marijuana that I thought it best to share this video about the actual facts. Argument: You should have the right to do what you want with your own body The argument is applied inconsistently. The same people…

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by William C. Sexton The word addiction is one we usually associate with drugs. An “addict” is defined as “one who has a confirmed habit, as the overuse of drugs…” (Webster’s). If we look, however, we can see that one can be addicted to almost anything; that is, to have a “confirmed habit.” I suggest…

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How do I let go of my girlfriend’s past?

Question: I am 21 and have been a Christian since I was 8, I am a virgin and plan to stay that way until I get married. A while back I started dating a girl who I had met at church, she had only been a Christian for about a year and a half. I…

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My husband, who is an addict, left me. What do I do?

Question: I read the answer you gave regarding the woman who was still bitter as her husband left and she was still angry toward her mother-in-law although she had passed away. I wonder about my own situation and how your answers here apply. My husband left me and my two infants. Shortly after we married…

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What do I do? My husband gambles and my son is an addict

Question: I am reaching out for advice from you. I am just at the end of my rope. I am in a situation that I do not know what to do. I have talked to many many people in the church where I go. Everyone that knows me knows my situation, and I have no…

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Can you make bad things happen by speaking about them?

Question: Can you put bad things and words into the universe by saying them?  My husband says in Mathew 12:35-37 it says you can.  When I try to tell him his son is going to die if he keeps using drugs, he tells me I am putting that into the universe and it will happen…

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What do I do? My husband is a drug addict

Question: Dear sir, I have a question about my marriage. My husband is addicted to drugs. I’ve been praying and trying so hard to get him to stop. He keeps promising and goes back to it. We live overseas and things are getting so hard for me, more than I can handle. We have a…

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My son just died of a drug overdose

Question: My son just died of an overdose and you judgmental hypocritical sheep wouldn’t know up from down. Answer: I’m sorry to hear of your grief. I’m a bit puzzled why you think someone literally on the opposite side of the world had something to do with this. I realize that you are just looking…

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Could I go to heaven after committing all these sins?

Question: I have a bunch of questions, but please answer them. If you Have sex before you are married, Drink, smoke, or do drugs, Use God’s name frivolously, Steal, and Tell people that you hate going to church and it’s a big waste of time will you go to hell, or at least go to spiritual jail?…

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Over Diagnosis of ADHD Indicated

Source: “An ‘astronomical’ rise in ADHD diagnosis, The New York Times, published in Omaha World-Herald, 02 April 2013. I don’t know why this is so surprising. Common sense has indicated for decades that children were being drugged for no other reason than to keep classrooms calm and to allow parents to control their children with little effort.…

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My husband has gotten involved in drugs and gambling. What do I do?

Question: My husband and I have been married for twenty years. We have four children together. Two of them are grown with their own families now, but two of them are still at home. During the first part of our marriage, my husband was a wonderful father and husband but for the past seven years,…

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Should Christians support the legalization of marijuana for medical use?

Question: Hello, I am a Christian, and I do not imbibe alcohol or any other drugs for recreational purposes. I have in the past (my youth) partaken in sinful inebriation, but have been sober for several years and have since been baptized. My question is whether or not you think that Christians can safely support…

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