The Anti-Divorce Jesus by Terry Wane Benton Let Me Tell You About My Jesus

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If a couple divorce, and then reconcile, do they need to remarry?

Question: A married couple divorces, within a short time they reconcile, (in God’s eyes the wife would have been wrong, she repented and made it right with God and the church). This all happened many years ago, but they just never formally remarried, and the state in which they live it is legal for either…

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My husband is living with another woman, should I divorce him?

Question: I am a member of the church of Christ. I am now battling with the decision to divorce my husband. I don’t know what to do. My husband and I have been married for about five years. He got baptized while we dated. I was born and raised in the church, but he never…

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Can you remarry after a separation of seven years?

Question: I don’t doubt God’s forgiveness, but can a person remarry when he is separated from his spouse for over seven years? The marriage was not annulled nor have they divorced yet. Do both commit adultery if they have a new partner? Answer: “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual…

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Since my divorce, my children no longer believe in God. What can I do?

Question: Hello, Several years ago my wife became involved in a charismatic group and my marriage fell apart. As I dealt with this situation over the years, I see the effects on my children from what has happened. They were preteens and teenagers when the divorce happened. Throughout all of that time, I have made…

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My wife just told me she filed for divorce. What can I do?

Question: Hi, My wife left for summer break with my two kids.  Three weeks later I noticed that she was acting weird with me, so I had a long conversation with her. I found out she file for divorce and that she is not coming back. We have been married for three years but have…

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My husband, who is an addict, left me. What do I do?

Question: I read the answer you gave regarding the woman who was still bitter as her husband left and she was still angry toward her mother-in-law although she had passed away. I wonder about my own situation and how your answers here apply. My husband left me and my two infants. Shortly after we married…

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Do I have to remain separated from my husband for the rest of my life?

Question: Mine is a difficult question.  I am a Christian and have been separated for over 10 years. My husband and I are both Christians actually, I am faithful he is not. Our marriage has been terrible. Alcoholism, drug abuse, neglect left me alone for the first several years which ended up with me committing…

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My husband returned to his first wife and now I’m confused

Question: Good day, I have been separated for over a year from my best friend of over 10 years and my husband for less than a year, though legally we were married for over a year. He had been married once before to a woman who continuously committed adultery with multiple people every time he…

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What do I do? My husband is a drug addict

Question: Dear sir, I have a question about my marriage. My husband is addicted to drugs. I’ve been praying and trying so hard to get him to stop. He keeps promising and goes back to it. We live overseas and things are getting so hard for me, more than I can handle. We have a…

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What do we do, now that a member has confessed to being a pedophile?

Question: A week ago a brother in Christ has confessed to his wife (our sister in Christ) that he’s been molesting several little kids. He came forward because he’s been caught. He repented in front of the church (not giving any details). He asked the congregation to pray for him regarding his sexual problems and…

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Now that I realize I am in adultery, how do I fix the problem?

Question: Good morning, I’ve recently come across this site and have received much clarity through other readers’ questions. I personally have realized that I am an adulteress. I have married (my first marriage) a man who divorced his first wife. I know that the divorce was not due to any infidelity on her part, thus…

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Can I remain in my marriage and be forgiven?

Question: I have a question. About 20 years ago, I was married to a guy I had met, dated, and had sex with beforehand. After about two years of marriage, I was very unhappy and depressed. One day my husband at that time brought one of his co-workers home to give us an animal. Basically,…

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My marriage is ending in divorce because of my anger and I need advice

Question: Hello, I have a marital question and I am desperately seeking God’s guidance, hopefully through your advice. I have been married for about five years now. We are a young couple in our early twenties. Since the beginning of our relationship, we have always had a special bond and got along great prior to…

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Is divorce only allowed during the engagement?

Question: Regarding How could a woman in an adulterous marriage have the right to remarry after a divorce? I believe there is something very important you are missing. Matthew was written to a Jewish readership, Mark and Luke were written for a Gentile readership. As you know from the nativity story, Joseph was betrothed to Mary. Their marriage had not…

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I’m heartbroken that I have to end my marriage

Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton, I wrote to you a month or so ago and you were very helpful. I wanted to thank you again. Just a refresher. I found out after my husband and I were married for less than six months that he was viewing pornography. Of course, like the world seems to view, he…

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Do I keep going even though my heart isn’t in it?

Question: I found your website just a few weeks ago, and I can’t stop reading it. My husband left our children and me over a year ago. He was committing adultery with a woman at his workplace, I found out about it, and he left to be with this woman. They currently live together, exposing…

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If both are committing adultery, could either one remarry?

Question: Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with the following: How would you respond to a man who was married, and after four years of marriage his wife committed adultery. He decided to move out. The two remained legally married for another whopping 8 years, but both ended up living with other…

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If the other spouse refuses to reconcile, can he remarry?

Question: I have a question. If someone divorces their spouse and then tries to reconcile with them, and in the middle of reconciling, the other decides they wanted to be with someone else. Is the one who tried to reconcile able to remarry? Answer: The only reason given that allows for remarriage after a divorce…

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What can I do? My ex-husband is about to marry his mistress

Question: I need your help. My ex-husband is marrying his mistress. According to the church, they are “shacking up” and need to be right by God.  They getting married is the right thing to do, according to their church. I have departed from my husband (he divorced me), hoping we someday he will see his…

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Can a man who divorced his wife for witchcraft marry again?

Question: Sir, How do I advise my sister? A man from our town is proposing marriage to her, but here is the issue. The man had been married last year to a lady. The marriage only lasted six months or so. Under the power of God, the lady confessed to being a witch and responsible…

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I’m trying to hold my marriage together, but my wife won’t stay at home

Question: My wife has been inconsistently living at home. It’s been one excuse after the other. We have been divorced once before because she committed adultery. I fear God’s judgment on my head and know that I am no perfect person myself. Although I have never physically committed adultery, I have in my heart. I…

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