Can I remarry after both my husband and I have committed adultery?

Question: Hello. I need your help and guidance. I’m currently in the process of a divorce, which has been going on for two years now. My ex-husband and I were very young when we decided to live together. I was 16 and he was 17. I admit that I latched onto him because I wanted…

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How can I know why my boyfriend was divorced?

Question: Hi, I’m a member of the church of Christ and my boyfriend became a member a few months ago. We have been seeing each other for a year and a half. He told me that he was married before, but they were only married for about two months before they filed for a divorce.…

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Where is a passage that says the innocent can remarry?

Question: Hello, I have a serious unanswered question that’s been bugging me since I was asked to seek the truth. I used to work for a company where there was a man. We had a few talks and pleasant conversations when we had time. I tried to help out when I could. Not long before…

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Is it wrong to divorce my wife if she moves out?

Question: I found out less than six months ago that my wife of two years was seeing another man. My wife and I had been together for over five years before I asked her to marry me.  Before we were married she was in a short relationship with her boss who is married with kids. …

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Should I divorce my husband of less than a year?

Question: I came across your website by chance while searching for information on divorce and separation. Below is my question: I have been married since earlier this year and separated from my husband only a few months later. I am older than my husband, and unfortunately, we didn’t date as long as we should. I…

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Is it a sin to divorce someone who forces you to worship idols?

Question: I need to know something: Is it a sin to divorce someone who forces you to worship idols? I have been praying fasting for my husband to stop. He sees the light for a short period but he goes back again. This has been happening for years. His family wants to force me to…

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Do I have grounds for divorce?

Question: I recently left our nearly 50-year marriage, moved to another state, and am starting my life over. He sexually abused me for most of our marriage. It consisted of forcing me to read a pornographic “book” he put together by pasting images on notebook pages with his own captions. The theme was always me…

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The Awful Aftermath of Adultery

by Jonathan Perz How rampant is the sin of adultery? While an exact number is hard to pinpoint, on the low end of most surveys, approximately 25% of all married individuals will commit adultery during the course of their marriage. This is not just a minor problem, it qualifies as an epidemic, and Christians are…

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If a person is divorced because of adultery, can he remarry his ex-spouse?

Question: Can a spouse who has been put away for the cause of adultery, be reconciled to the innocent party if the innocent party so desires according to I Corinthians 7:11? Answer: Of course. Jesus’ statement in Matthew 19:9 is an allowance, not a requirement. A person dealing with a spouse who is committing adultery…

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If I divorce my husband, can I marry my lover?

Question: Hi, I’m a Christian and I’m married, but my husband doesn’t love me. He ignores me, he verbally abuses me and does not like to make love before sex, so I’m always bruised and in pain afterward. He says if he shows me love he will have to show love outside too. My guess…

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Should I divorce my husband for exposing himself?

Question: A neighbor recently approached me and said my husband has been exposing himself to her lately. She brought up three instances; however, I could almost understand how each happened. For example, he would be changing into a bathing suit and not shut the door all the way. Anyway, when I was crying on my…

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How can I get my mother to turn away from her sin?

Question: Hello, Your knowledge and answers to my questions have helped me so much. I can’t thank you enough, but I have another one to ask. My mother has been married and divorced five times, and I know most of them are not because of adultery. She is currently with a man who is still…

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Should I divorce my husband who goes off to live with other women?

Question: Hello, I am a member of the church of Christ. I had, before getting married, struggled with understanding the gospel, the church and mainly just had sin blocking my way for a long time. I began dating early and at 15 became promiscuous. Shortly after flunking out of college, I started dating a guy…

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Why do you have a double standard in regards to divorce and remarriage?

Question: I notice that members of the churches of Christ, who have been divorced and remarried, say they have a biblical divorce caused by fornication, no questions asked, but you all judge others in different churches as having an unbiblical divorce and marriage. Why the double standard? Please don’t insult me by saying you don’t…

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Am I forgiven after being divorced for adultery?

Question: I always thought my husband had cheated on me while we were married but could not prove it. We didn’t have a great marriage. He always treated me like he was ashamed of me. He had a good job and made comments all the time about my lack of intelligence and not being well…

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Why does Matthew mention the exception to divorce but Mark and Luke don’t?

Question: Why is the exception clause “except it be for fornication” in Matthew 19:8 regarding the teaching of Jesus on divorce and remarriage not included in Mark’s account of this teaching (Mark 10:2-10) or in Luke’s account (Luke 16:18)? Answer: Each gospel account was written to different audiences with different purposes. None give a complete…

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Does this mean I must end my marriage?

Question: I have a multitude of questions that seem to be troubling me: I have been married to my wife for many years now and we have a child.  She was previously married and divorced but not for any adulterous or fornication reasons. It was due to drug addiction on behalf of the former husband. …

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Can a wife be divorced for fornication if she gave her husband an STD?

Question: If a husband suspects his wife of cheating but never caught her, nor did she ever admit to it even after giving her husband an STD. Can the husband divorce his wife and remarry? Answer: Generally getting a sexually transmitted disease from your spouse would be evidence that the spouse had been having sex…

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My ex-mother-in-law made my husband divorce me

Question: Hello, I’m a minister of the gospel as well as my “ex-husband.”  He and his mother — yes, his mother — divorced me about several years ago.  He and his parents lived together before we were married, and we never had to an opportunity to live with each other. His father died last year…

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