Does the number of sexual partners make a difference?

Question: Hello, I was wondering about body count, as in multiple sexual partners. There have been recent talks about it, so I might as well ask since it has bothered me a bit. There have been videos and posts of people being proud of their body count, but there have also been several posts and…

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What if a virgin bride did not bleed on her wedding night?

Question: Good evening Jeff, I recently got into a discussion with someone regarding Deuteronomy 22:13-21, specifically verses 15-17. He seems to think that the evidence being talked about here was blood, something I do not disagree with. I told him that I have heard that not every woman bleeds when she has sex for the…

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You should have trained counselors to answer questions about abuse

Question: [The original question was left unedited since the author feels qualified to comment on other people’s educational background.] I think the way you handled a question by someone who was abused who asked if they were still a virgin was awful. You need to train or have Christian counsellors answer those questions as no…

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Am I still a virgin?

Question: Am I still a virgin? Is God disappointed in me? Growing up as a child, I was raped when I was really little. But then Jesus found me when I became a teenager and I love him.  I forgave the person who raped me. I even hated boys at some point. Now I’m in…

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My wife lied about her virginity. Can I divorce her?

Question: Hello, I have gone through many of your articles and answers, but still, I am doubtful on the exception clause of Matthew 5:31-32. I have a few questions to ask you. It would be better to quote Bible verses so I can go by the word of God. The question is regarding my marriage…

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How do I keep my virginity without him cheating on me?

Question: Good evening, I am a new member. Please, I am 20 years old and a virgin. I have a fiance who promised to marry me, He is always asking me to come to his place. Is it advisable? Answer: When I teach young people about sexual matters, I give extra emphasis to the young…

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The Case for Virginity

by Alexis Williams I am a virgin for myself. I know that having sex is a choice that is not left up to anyone but me to make. I also know that there is so much pressure to make a decision right away when it comes to having sex, and, oftentimes, people make that decision…

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Will I be unhappy marrying a girl who is not a virgin?

Question: Dear Sir, I would like to ask a question about what I should do regarding my relationship. I am having difficulty deciding on a solution. Also, please consider our culture and community’s point of view. I have a girlfriend. We are both in our mid-twenties. We have been together for about a month. Before…

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Should I marry a man who is not a virgin?

Question: Hi, Blessings to you! I’m having a difficult time accepting someone’s past. First I’ll start with that I’m a Christian, not a perfect one, but I do strive to be the godly woman God encourages me to be. As a Christian and follower of Christ, I should never shame someone over their past nor…

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Did I waste my time saving myself for my wife?

Question: Hi I have an issue that’s been eating me up for a while. I love my wife. She loves me. I don’t want to lose her and I’m sure she feels the same. The problem is about history. We were both virgins before we got married. However, she “did stuff.” She was involved with…

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Am I the only virgin left?

Question: Hi. I just need someone to talk to. I hope you have time to read this. It’s really confusing. It seems like I’ve been living in a fantasy world and reality is slowly creeping in. I’ve always studied and read the Bible since high school. I read all sorts of Bible study material. I’ve…

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I’m depressed that my girlfriend isn’t a virgin

Question: Hello, I am 21. I am not very sensitive. I can easily overcome any bad time, but these days something very bad happened to me — actually, I don’t know if it is bad, or if I’m making it worse. Starting with me: I like girls and I always wanted to have a female…

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Your comments about virginity brought me to tears

Question: I want to thank you for the Q and A on your website. When I read your comment about the topic of virginity it brought me to tears. Thank you so much! Answer: I’m not looking to make people cry, but I’m glad you found the information on the site useful.

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I’m interested in a girl, but she is not a virgin

Question: Hi, I saw one of your answers to a guy who had trouble coming to terms with the fact that his girlfriend is not a virgin. The truth is I have the exact same problem only this time she is not my girlfriend yet, but I am a virgin. I met this girl four years…

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I found out my girlfriend has been lying to me

Question: I am in a relationship with my girlfriend for about a year, and for about the first 10 months she lied to me that she is a virgin. She always told me that those who lose their virginity before marriage are sinners. I started loving her for her thoughts. She is Christian and I…

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Does it matter if the man you are dating is a virgin or not?

Question: Good day, sir, Please, I have always wondered if when an individual starts dating if whether the man is a virgin or not is something to look into. Should a female Christian virgin be worried if her partner isn’t a virgin? I know there’s a lot of emphasis on women staying virgins and not…

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I lied about my virginity to keep my boyfriend. What do I do now?

Question: I have been in a relationship before, but it didn’t end well. My heart was broken from that moment. I felt miserable. But this nice Christian guy came into my life. He is very nice and he takes me to church. I started to know more and more about God. God healed all the…

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I regret that I didn’t marry a virgin

Question: I accidentally came across your website and labored in mind whether I should seek some sort of “final” counsel. I don’t know where to start, so please forgive me as I resort to simple point form. When I was 17, I met a lovely girl my age and we dated for some time. Both…

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I really regret not being a virgin anymore

Question: I found your site a few weeks ago and quite frankly I wish I had come upon it sooner, especially regarding sexual purity. I was 18 when I “invited Jesus into my heart.” However, I was filled with lust, having no regard for fleeing sexual immorality. I didn’t seek to understand why God forbade…

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I can’t accept that my girlfriend is not a virgin. What can I do?

Question: I can’t accept my girlfriend because she isn’t a virgin. I know her past because she told me everything. I have also done sexual things. it is not fair that I can’t accept her. I am also addicted to pornography. I have tried so much to get out. Each time I fall I get…

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I can’t get past the fact that my boyfriend is not a virgin

Question: Hello! Thank you so much for your website.  It has helped a lot.  However, I wanted to ask if you had any advice for a woman who has saved herself for marriage and is courting a man who hasn’t. I have found it extremely difficult to accept his past. I feel like he will…

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I lost my virginity to a prostitute and now I’m scared

Question: I just recently had sex with a prostitute. I was a virgin, it was late at night, and I gave in.  I am deeply afraid of my salvation status. I am trying to follow God, but this sin is a big one, especially with the verses in Proverbs of this sin leading to death…

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I lost my virginity yesterday. What do I do?

Question: Hello sir, I am 22 years old and in college. I am having a certain relationship with a lady on campus. I used to love her but not anymore. Yesterday, I lost my virginity to her, and I feel so ashamed. I know in I Corinthians 6 that if I confess, God will forgive…

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How do I forget that my fiancee had sex with her former boyfriend?

Question: First of all, I want to thank God and ask Him to bless you for taking the time to advise everyone who came looking for answers. I need help forgetting and forgiving her past. I have tried really hard. I’m a fellow believer and I’ve been dealing with a big dilemma in my life…

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Am I still a virgin after giving oral sex?

Question: I had oral sex twice, but both times it wasn’t sexual at all. My intention wasn’t to please him. I panicked and did it. And being that I was sexually abused a lot of things cause me to panic, but I should have never put myself in that situation knowing I was weak. Am…

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What Keeps a Man Sexually Pure?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I ran across several interesting studies the other day dealing with the factors that lead teenage boys to engage in sex prior to marriage. One study is titled “The Transition of Adolescent Males to First Sexual Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed?”  The reason for the title is that the surveyed youths were divided into…

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Does fornication not include sex between two virgins?

Question: I have read a lot of your articles that deal with sex and fornication.  In my mind, I agree that sex does not create a marriage.  However, it seems my heart believes that sex does create marriage.  I have deep feelings my marriage is an adulterous relationship because neither I nor my wife were…

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When should I tell my girlfriend that I’m not a virgin?

Question: Hello. I have been looking over your site and have been blessed by it very much. I was looking for a question but couldn’t find it, so I thought I would ask myself. I know that going into details about my sinful past with my current girlfriend isn’t necessary, but I do feel I…

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