Does it matter if the man you are dating is a virgin or not?


Good day, sir,

Please, I have always wondered if when an individual starts dating if whether the man is a virgin or not is something to look into. Should a female Christian virgin be worried if her partner isn't a virgin? I know there's a lot of emphasis on women staying virgins and not so much for men. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but does it matter and how much? If yes, is it better or not?

Thank you and God bless.


Being a virgin means the person has been committed to following God's laws in regards to sex prior to marriage. Being in sin is never a good thing, no matter what the sin. If you found out that the person you are dating was once in jail, does it make a difference? It might. A lot depends on both why he was there and how he has changed since then. In the same way, finding out that your boyfriend has had sex before might make a difference depending on why it happened and how he has changed since then.

For example, if you found out that your boyfriend has had multiple partners and is pushing to have sex with you, I would conclude that he was bad news.

If he had sex once because of momentary weakness, regretted it, and has completely turned away from such a life, then it doesn't matter that he has sin in his past. "Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; according to Your mercy remember me, for Your goodness' sake, O LORD" (Psalms 25:7).

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