Church and State: Civil Enforcement of Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 110   I.         By merging the church and state, the state received a “weapon” to promote loyalty int its citizens             A.        But the church also began using the state as a “weapon” to enforce its teachings             B.        Psalms 110 is a prophecy about Christ conquering the nations. I’m sure the Catholic…

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My husband left me, claiming I was violent

Question: Hi! Please share your wisdom with me. I am standing in need of spiritual guidance and prayer. I have been married for over a year. Half the time I was together with my husband at home and half the time we’ve been separated. My husband did the unimaginable and betrayed me. I was raised…

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The Root Cause of Violence

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “For it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience, and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them. But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth. Do…

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Why the Violence? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 140   I.         Another act of violence, and people naturally want to know why. Why is this happening? What can we do to prevent it? How can we feel safer?             A.        People grasp at simple solutions and quick fixes that really don’t fix anything and often are not even relate…

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School Shootings –The Heart Of The Problem

by Jarrod M. Jacobs This last week brought us another horrific historical event. Nineteen dear students and two teachers in Uvalde, TX, were killed in a random act of violence by an 18-year-old Salvador Ramos. Reports tell us he also killed his grandmother before going to Robb Elementary School on his rampage. The husband of…

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What America Needs

by Ken Weliever During the past couple of days, I’ve been listening to politicians, political pundits, and experts from various fields discuss the “why” of the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas that snuffed out the lives of 19 innocent little children. This occurred just 10 days after a gunman went on a shooting rampage…

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Why Do We Keep Letting This Happen?

by Terry Wane Benton Why? “Why do we keep letting this happen?” You cannot control human hearts. From the heart proceed murders and all manner of sin (Mark 7:21-23). We have stopped giving hearts a moral compass in our homes. Schools have conditioned generations to think morality is just whatever we want it to be…

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Why Do Wars Exist? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 59:1-18   I.         In my youth, the Vietnam War was being fought. It was an unpopular war that generated a lot of protest songs.             A.        One song called “War” by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong exclaimed, “War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!”             B.        So can wars and acts of…

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Can violence and wars end?

Question: We usually hear of killings, fighting, and wars, each and every day these days. All of us would love it if these would end. The question is: Can these acts of violence and wars end? Answer: “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage…

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Elisha’s She Bears Download Audio by Ralph Walker Did the prophet really unleash two bears to kill a host of little boys? For making fun of his baldness? How sensitive can a prophet be? Preaching the Bloody Bible

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Why are there hostilities between the straight, alt, and LGBTQ communities?

Question: Maybe you’ve heard, maybe you haven’t, but in somewhat recent news, the “alt” community (which is a community of emo, gothic, and other similar groups) and the LGBTQ (a group that represents what the letters stand for, but also peace, love, and tranquility) have become somewhat hostile toward Christians. One example of hostility was…

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Forceful Arguments

by Doy Moyer An argument won by force is no real win, but is a sham masquerading as truth. As soon as bullies face real arguments, they merely flex more muscle instead of exerting the effort of thinking things out and through in a reasonable manner. Bullies fear truth and so will suppress it in…

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Should Christians Strike?

Text: I Peter 2:18-25   I.         Labor unions are lauded for the improvements they wrought in the workplace             A.        By encouraging employees to act as one, many concessions have been won from companies             B.        When the group appeals don’t sway an employer, strikes often will                         1.         Strikes shutdown the “life blood” of a business, preventing the production of products…

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Can Christians support Black Lives Matter?

Question: Hello, I am a member of the church. We have mixed views here on whether or not we are allowed to stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement and the ongoing protests. Some members have asked me to settle the topic biblically, but I need some advice. In addition, concerns have come…

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Three Philosophies of Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 10:25-37   I.         Luke 10:25-37             A.        A lawyer, trying to test Jesus, asked him how to gain eternal life.             B.        Jesus, as was his want, turned the question around and asked for his opinion first.             C.        The response was to love God and to love his neighbor. To which Jesus agreed.             D.        The…

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Why did Nehemiah threaten violence?

Question: I have a question: I know Hebrews speaks about how the Old Testament was just a shadow of the New Testament. I was reading Nehemiah and noticed that when the people disobeyed (in chapters 12 and 13) he executed violence and threatened to lay hands on outsiders trying to sell on the Sabbath. Since…

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Couldn’t God have made it impossible for people to hurt each other?

Question: For the question of why God allows evil: Couldn’t God have made it impossible to physically harm others? People are still able to go against God, but He could make it impossible for them to shoot, hurt, or do any other bad thing. Like how it’s impossible for us to fly by ourselves, couldn’t…

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Your answer to the man who slapped his pregnant wife was horrible

Question: You have an answer on your La Vista Answers page to a husband who slapped his pregnant wife twice that goes on for three paragraphs about the wife being at fault. In the end, it casually mentions that violence isn’t the answer, but that should have been at the top first and foremost. This is…

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I’m so mad! I’m afraid someone is going to get killed!

Question: I’m a Christian, I’ve had the born-again experience. I know that we all slip sometimes, but I’ve done more than slip. I have ruined my testimony to my family, which I’m sure doesn’t matter to them anyway. They’ve all been in church their whole lives and treat Jesus like he’s a fairy tale. I…

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Is it wrong to want to smash pumpkins in protest of Halloween?

Question: This one was really on my mind, and I was reminded of a Bible verse: “Be angry and sin not.” I’m not sure where it came from, but I remember hearing it from another brother. The thing is that I see all these costumes. You have the girl costumes which are skimpy and you…

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I am so tired of the hatred and violence. What can I do?

Question: Mr. Jeffrey, I really need your help with a lot of things! First of all, I know my life isn’t right and before I try to change other people I need to change myself first. I’m a Christian but yet I find myself still committing sins. I want to change this world! I want…

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Are Bondage/Discipline/Sadism/Masochism practices moral?

Question: My query pertains to the practice of “Bondage and Discipline”, “Dominance and Submission”, “Sadism and Masochism”, which collectively make up the acronym “BDSM”. Specifically, I am curious whether or not the Bible has anything to say on the morality of “Master/Slave (Dominant/Submissive)” relationships? Quite frequently, elements of pain are involved in these types of…

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Is it sinful to play Airsoft, Laser Tag, or Paintball?

Question: Hi, I was just wondering is it a sin to play Airsoft? Airsoft is a game in which people shoot rifles that majority of the time are mock models of actual firearms that shoot plastic bbs. The objective, generally, is to shoot the other person with a bb and they’re out (in war-like scenarios).…

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Is it OK to divorce because of violence?

Question: Hello, My husband and I married less than a year ago. We are both young. Of course, when it happened I felt so happy and felt as if my life was complete, until recently. My husband and I get along for the most part, but the thing is when we argue we get into…

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How do you handle a violent father?

Question: I am really disturbed. My dad who has been very violent since my mum joined him in a foreign country. He was broke and moved to this new country for business. Several years down the line, my mum came and joined him, but he has become proud and arrogant. Worse still there are rumors…

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Are all violent video games wrong?

Question: A while back we discussed video games and movies, and I mentioned that my husband is an avid video game player. Anyway, I know the violence is wrong in games, but what if the characters that you are fighting in a game look more like animals or impossible-looking monsters, then is it still bad? It’s…

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Are violent sports sinful?

Question: I had always wondered if combat sports like boxing and MMA sinful? I know that MMA looks brutal on TV, but in reality, it is not as raw as it seems. No one in the UFC has gotten a bad injury that could of led to death. So is practicing such sports sinful? Answer:…

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My sixteen-year-old is becoming violent and I don’t know what to do

Question: I have a sixteen-year-old son that has had trouble in school specifically with grades over the past couple of years. His mother and I were divorced when he was nine but still communicate on a regular basis. Lately, he has become more physical while with her. He has been punching and kicking things for…

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Is rough sex a bad thing?

Question: Is rough sex a bad thing? If so, why? Answer: Much is going to depend on how rough you think rough is. There have been numerous trials where someone was badly injured or even killed and the defendant claimed “We were just having rough sex. She liked it that way.” The flaw in that…

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How should a Christian handle violent or adult content video games?

Question: What does Scripture teach about playing video games, especially video games that have violent, adult, and other content that is sinful? For example, how should a Christian handle playing a video game such as Grand Theft Auto where the games glorify obscenities and murder among many other sinful activities? Or what about a military-type…

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My son continues to backtalk us and punches his younger brother

Question: I just wanted to say thanks for contending for the faith, in relation to the person who wrote you against the Bible. I need further help with my son, who is 14. My wife and I have set the punishment for disobedience for both our sons. In addition to moving along if there are…

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