Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy’
A Sense of Shame by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 6:10-17 I. On June 18, 2008, Time released a story about 17, now 18, girls in Gloucester High School on the outskirts of Massachusetts. A. (Read the story) B. What would cause a bunch of girls to purposely set out to get pregnant? C. The report gave these reasons: 1. It’s not…
Read MoreIs having a child by artificial insemination without being married acceptable to God?
Question: Hi! I know someone who wants to have a child but doesn’t want to marry. She is planning to have artificial insemination instead to keep her reproductive organ healthy by bearing a child at least once in her life. She considers adopting too, soon, if she still can. She just prefers having a child…
Read MoreI want to date a Christian boy but I’m suspect that I’m pregnant by my former boyfriend
Question: I am 24 years old, I’ve slept with ten men already since I turned 20. I’ve never wanted to live such a life but I have let my emotions take control of me. Presently, I’m in a critical condition. I suspect that I’m pregnant by a guy I recently met. I ended the relationship…
Read MoreI committed fornication. Will our marriage be pure?
Question: Please help me. I have committed fornication with my boyfriend. We want to get married. Will our marriage still be pure? The boyfriend I committed fornication with is a married man. We both love God and don’t want to depart from His ways, yet we have sinned. Currently, I am pregnant. He wants to…
Read MoreAre surrogacy and invitro-fertilization sinful?
Question: Good morning sir, I want to ask about the biblical principle on surrogacy and IVF. To me, since it involves the termination of an embryo, it seems wrong and more like a scientific abortion. I’ll be glad if you can shed more light on this, sir. Thank you. Answer: Like many things, surrogacy and…
Read MoreIs it a sin to continue having sex with my girlfriend, who already has a baby with me?
Question: Please, … uhm … is it a sin to continue having sex with my girlfriend, who already has a baby with me? Answer: Let me ask you a question as well: Would it be all right to continue stealing from your neighbor because you stole from him before? I would hope the answer would…
Read MoreIs getting pregnant by artificial insemination when you are not married a sin?
Question: When I was in my thirties and no man would marry me, I had twins by sperm donation. There wasn’t any sexual sin involved in the conception, if that matters. I personally don’t think it does, but you would know better than me. Anyway, I know that isn’t what the Bible says is the…
Read MoreIt is shameful to scare people into thinking that dry humping can lead to pregnancy
Question: I’d just like to point out that your article on dry humping was completely dishonest. It is shameful to scare people into thinking that dry humping leads to pregnancy, especially through clothes. Instilling fear in people so that they will follow your agenda is wrong, and it’s not Christian whatsoever. Answer: “Put them in fear,…
Read MoreIs avoiding getting your wife pregnant a sin?
Question: If I am married, and I am having sex with my wife, is pulling out a sin? Judah’s son pulled out when performing his brotherly duties and was struck dead by God. I know that it was because he robbed Tamar of her right to a child, but Deuteronomy and Leviticus speak of the…
Read MoreI got a girl pregnant twice and now I have no life
Question: I impregnated a girl over ten years ago. I told her that I couldn’t marry her. I went to university and tried to assist her to develop academically too, but all effort was abortive. I was taking care of the baby and paying all the bills. After some time, she has another baby with…
Read MoreI’m not certain if I want to marry my girlfriend, but she is pregnant and I’ve lost my job
Question: I have been following your works via your website, and you are doing a wonderful job. God bless you. Nevertheless, I need some guidance as I am confused about my next step. I am in my late twenties and seeing this girl, who is in her mid-twenties, from another country where I study. We…
Read MoreI got pregnant from fornication. I repented of it, but does it need to be confessed before the entire congregation?
Question: Hi. I recently wrote concerning confession of sin. I wrote a letter confessing my sin of fornication that resulted in pregnancy to the church elders. They called a meeting with me to discuss the letter. I was instructed to turn to James 5:16 in which they interpreted to me that in this verse James…
Read MoreHow do I tell my boyfriend about my horrible past?
Question: I was raised in a broken family, so my mother took care of us though we were poor. I faced so many problems since I was young, like older relatives sleeping with me, but since I was young l didn’t realize how they were taking advantage of me. When I was in my twenties…
Read MoreI’m engaged, but another girl seduced me and I got her pregnant. What do I do?
Question: I am in a serious relationship with the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, but I am faced with a serious problem right now. A girl forced herself on me, became pregnant, and had a baby by me. I accepted the baby, but I can’t marry the girl. It…
Read MoreWhat should a boy who is being forced to stay with a girl do?
Question: A boy and a girl were in a relationship. She got pregnant before marriage at an early age. They didn’t want the baby and she aborted the baby. With the passage of time, they started fighting and had no understanding. She lied that she was again pregnant. But the boy came to realize that…
Read MoreI got a young woman pregnant and I know I sinned horribly
Question: This is going to take time and months to fully play out. I in no way want to come off as flippant or not realizing the magnitude. It is only for the sake of your time that I will be matter-of-fact and leave out the emotional turmoil and long history of my sin. I’m…
Read MoreMy girlfriend left me twice and is now pregnant by the other man. How do I get past her past?
Question: I met this lady, several years ago. I loved her so much. I told her and we became friends. Later she dropped me and went with another person she loved, though she didn’t tell me. I still loved her so much that we got back together and this same incident happened again. She did…
Read MoreAre we already married because we committed fornication? What happens to the baby that was conceived?
Question: Praise the Lord! I have a fiancee. We were both born-again Christians, but we fell into the sin of sex. Due to that sin, my fiancee is now pregnant. Initially, some advised us to have an abortion, but we didn’t do that because we knew it was a sin. We asked for forgiveness from…
Read MoreI got pregnant when I sinned and now my father wants me to abort the child. What should I do?
Question: Good evening minister. I am a Christian and very influential to both the young and the old. I am 29 years old but, due to circumstances, I am still living with my parents. I read one of your posting about the answer to the question: How do you repent of having sex out of wedlock…
Read MoreI am a pastor’s son and got a woman pregnant
Question: I am a pastor’s son, but I got a lady pregnant. I don’t know how to face my parents because they always preach against pregnancy before marriage. Moreover, I am afraid of how the congregation will react to the situation. I have prayed to seek the face of God for forgiveness?. Please advise me…
Read MoreI’ve become pregnant by a man I’ve been dating for two years, but he won’t leave his other girlfriend
Question: I am a young lady, aged 24 years. I have been dating a man for two years now. When we first met he told me he had a girlfriend and a child, and that he wasn’t happy where he was. We continued with our friendship up until it turned into a relationship. When our…
Read MoreWhat do I do? The girl I got pregnant wants me to marry her
Question: I had a girl I loved so much. I visited her parents and relatives and visited mine too. We agreed to marry, but before the marriage, it was found out that I had impregnated her. I left her silently and married another girl. I did this because I am a church officer. I was…
Read MoreShould we wait until after we finished school to get married?
Question: Hello, I am a 21-year-old college student, and currently about five months pregnant. I am not married to the father, but we are engaged and have been together a little under two years. My parents know (I still live with them) and although my mother is not a Christian, my father, my brothers and…
Read MoreI had an affair and became pregnant. My husband forgives and wants to keep the child, but I am so ashamed that I don’t think I can love her.
Question: I had an affair and became pregnant. I came clean with my husband, and he forgives me and wants to raise the baby as his own, which is wonderful. It’s me that’s having a terrible time with forgiving myself and accepting this child. I feel no bond whatsoever, and it’s all because of the…
Read MoreWhile engaged, I slept with a former girlfriend, who is now pregnant. What do I do?
Question: Dear sir, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please I want to seek your advice in this regard. I met a lady after my youth service corps, and we started dating each other, but later I discovered that I couldn’t marry her because she was not the kind of…
Read MoreI ended up pregnant by a former boyfriend who is now married. What do I do?
Question: Hello, My college boyfriend and I had an on and off-again relationship that included sex. I am not confident that there was ever a point that I was not sharing him. He left the country for a year. Before he left he told me he was about to ask someone he wasn’t in love…
Read MoreMy husband doesn’t want children and insists that I get an abortion if I get pregnant. What do I do?
Question: Hello Jeff, I recently started studying the Bible, and I want to get baptized soon as I understand how it goes. It’s my wish to follow God’s commands, turn my life around, and be a good child. I am married to a non-Christian, and I would like your advice on how to address a…
Read MoreDid the Qur’an explain embryology before modern science?
Question: Recently, I was with a Muslim friend and the topic of religion came up and he said that Islam is compatible with Christianity. I mentioned some of the contradictions, specifically the violence and the famous substitute theory. He denied both and said that there are branches in Islam and that he is of the…
Read MoreAm I not able to get pregnant because I didn’t tell my husband about my adultery years ago?
Question: Hi Jeff, Stumbling on your website was nothing short of a miracle. I’ve been searching for the same set of questions over the years, but I’ve never seen your website. I’ve lost all the sense of peace I have in this world. I am heavily burdened; I can actually almost touch the burden. I…
Read MoreA man got me pregnant and now won’t marry me or support the child. What do I do?
Question: Good day sir, I am a single lady, in my late twenties, who was impregnated by a man in his early thirties. Initially, when he found out I was pregnant, he accepted responsibility and promised to marry me. But shortly afterward he changed his mind saying he never planned to marry me. However, my…
Read MoreI’m pregnant after committing adultery and I don’t know what to do
Question: I’m 34 years. I was recently baptized because I love Jesus and I want to live a holy life. There is this one sin that I have prayed for several times asking God to help me to walk away from this sin. I slept with a born-again guy unintentionally. It just happened because he…
Read MoreCould I have gotten my girlfriend pregnant?
Question: Hi. I want to ask you an urgent question. I’ll get straight to the point: today my girlfriend and I had sex. I didn’t put my penis in her vagina, but I ejaculated in my pants and some sperm got into my finger. I wiped it with a cloth, but I didn’t wash with…
Read MoreWhy can’t I get pregnant with my boyfriend?
Question: My boyfriend and I been together for about 7 or 8 months. While we been together, we have been trying to get me pregnant but nothing has happened. We’ve been doing it a lot and nothing. Can you please help me out? Answer: First, get married so that your child will actually have a…
Read MoreI had unprotected sex with my boyfriend a few weeks ago and now I’m not feeling well. What could be wrong?
Question: Hi. This the first time I have felt like this. My boyfriend was here a couple of weeks ago and we had unprotected sex. Six days later I started feeling dizzy, not eating a lot, and everything smells bad. I’m not in the mood to do anything and underneath my belly button, it’s hard.…
Read MoreCan Christians practice birth control?
Question: I am pleased with the quality of the material I read here. I worship with a church of Christ. I have a question: Can Christians practice birth control? Which method do you recommend? I need urgent answers. Answer: I’m assuming you are married. If you are not the only acceptable practice is to abstain…
Read MoreDreaded Words: “Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant”
by David Tant via Biblical Insights, Volume 9, Number 7, July 2009 There are certain words in the English language that we don’t like to hear, in fact, we dread to hear them. Probably, the most dreaded words would come from the doctor’s mouth to the family in the waiting room: “I’m so sorry. We tried…
Read MoreIf you take off a condom and put a new one on what are the chances that she will get pregnant?
Question: If you take off a condom and put a new one on what are the chances that she will get pregnant? Thanks. Answer: I must assume that since you are concerned about pregnancy that you are engaging in sex with a woman to whom you are not married. Regardless of the odds of pregnancy…
Read MoreCan a short handjob make you pregnant?
Question: Hello! My boyfriend and I were laying on the couch talking and just relaxing. I gave him a hand job for about 4 minutes; he did not ejaculate or pre-cum. I had my pants on also. Are there any odds of my getting pregnant? This was also four days after my period ended. I…
Read MoreCan a woman’s womb be reopened?
Question: Can a woman’s womb be reopened? Answer: I’m not certain as to what you are trying to ask. The Bible does speak of women unable to have children as having their womb closed. “But to Hannah he would give a double portion, for he loved Hannah, although the LORD had closed her womb. And…
Read MoreWhat are my chances of being pregnant?
Question: My boyfriend ejaculated inside me twice without a condom. I had an abortion around February. What are my chances of being pregnant? Answer: If 100 married couples were regularly having sex and using no contraceptive, the odds are that in one year 85 have the couples will have conceived a child. The fact that…
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