Posts Tagged ‘lust’
Am I married because I did sexual acts with my girlfriend?
Question: I am 21 years old. I have been dating a girl my same age for about 6 months. We are both baptized Christians but have made serious mistakes. About a month ago, she gave me a hand-job. This happened three times but after the third time, I felt awful about it and have told…
Read MoreHow do we avoid the temptation to have sex?
Question: I am 23 years of age and a college student. I have been in a relationship for over a year now. My motive for being in the relationship is to be with my partner now and stay with her until God blesses us to marry. My problem is how do I handle my sexual…
Read MoreI question everything I do, even though there aren’t commands against it because it might not be from faith
Question: Hello again. For a while now I have been struggling with making sure I am doing things in faith as mentioned in Romans 14:23 while not trying to stress myself out and worry about it so much. What is talked about in Ecclesiastes 7:16 seems to be what I am doing. Because I know…
Read MoreLust is a female problem too
Question: Hi! Love the site. May I make a suggestion? Please stop acting as though lust is a problem that only men deal with. In this day and age, we are all being attacked by the spirit of lust. Every time I go to a Christian site, the men always address other men and totally…
Read MoreAre the sexual things we do sinful if we plan on marrying?
Question: My girlfriend and I have been dating for over three years now, and it’s a given that we’ve faced sexual temptation. Though we have not gone “all the way” we have done mostly everything else. We’ve talked about marrying each other and think it’s a very real possibility. If this is the case, are…
Read MoreIf I want something so badly that I think I would be willing to go to hell to get it, and then I do get it, will I end up in hell?
Question: Hi, I’ve been very scared of not going to heaven and going to hell. When I really want something, I sometimes think I would burn in hell just to have it happen. It sometimes actually does happen, and it really scares me because I thought I’d burn in hell to have it happened. Does…
Read MoreIs it wrong to talk about sexual things before we are married?
Question: My girlfriend and I have had a long-distance relationship for a while we really love each other. With God’s help and guidance, we plan on getting married in the future. But we occasionally like to talk about kissing and other related activities. We were feeling confident with each other and we even talked about…
Read MoreInternet Dangers by Lance Blackburn Lessons for Our Time
Read MoreCould you explain more about fornication, lust, and desire?
Question: To start off, I just want to say I am not trying to be antagonistic to your response in “My boyfriend and I keep falling into sexual sin. What should we do?” but rather trying to fully reconcile what people say the Bible says to the lives we actually live — body, soul and spirit. I…
Read MoreHow do I overcome my attraction to men?
Question: Hi, Not sure if you can help me because I am older than the guys you are helping but any advice you could give would be much appreciated. I am a single, 32-year-old male and have struggled with gay thoughts and urges most of my life. I have never given into these urges and…
Read MoreSexting and Pornography Among Early Teens
Source: Daniel Martin, “Sex texts epidemic: Experts warn sharing explicit photos is corrupting children,” Daily Mail Online, 10 December 2012. The news merely confirms what we already knew: the age at which children are being exposed to sex is dropping. The following are interesting quotes pulled from the article. “Boys and girls as young as 13…
Read MoreHow do I restrain myself with my girlfriend?
Question: Hi Jeffrey, I’m in a courtship with a lady and we both promised each other never to fornicate, which we have kept for three years now. But we do kiss and romance each other since a year into our courtship. I have tried to stop it but to no avail. She has self-control over…
Read MoreWhat is the difference between temptation and lust?
Question: Hi I was reading some of the questions that many have posted and one of them caught my attention. In it, you said that being tempted is not a sin. Many of the things we do that are wrong start in the mind, right? So when do the thoughts themselves become a sin? How…
Read MoreIf falling for your body’s desire is a sin, then how come masturbation isn’t directly a sin?
Question: If falling for your body’s desire is a sin, how is it then that masturbation isn’t directly a sin if it is a desire of the body? Answer: The flaw is in your premise. Sin is breaking the law of God. “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (I John 3:4).…
Read MoreSexting Is Now Called “Normal Dating Behavior”
Source: Matt Roush, “UM Study: Sexting May Be Normal Dating Behavior For Internet Generation,” CBS Detroit, 24 July 2012. Source: Deborah Gordon-Messer, et al, “Sexting Among Young Adults,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 24 July 2012. “For young adults today who were weaned on iPods and the Internet, the practice of “sexting,” or sending sexually explicit photos or messages…
Read MoreIs it wrong for a woman to lust for her husband?
Question: I have a sincere question concerning lust. Is it a sin to have a strong sexual desire for your husband? Adding to that, is it a sin to desire ‘rape fantasies’ with your husband? I used to have rape fantasies before I married, and now that I’m married, I’ve often had these fantasies about my husband.…
Read MoreI can’t believe that I, of all people, had sex with a prostitute
Question: I am a young man, aged 25. I have been involved in church leadership for almost 5 years now. I got myself into the habit of watching porn more than a year ago. I would feel bad, pray to God seeking forgiveness, but I would find myself doing it again and again. I have…
Read MoreIf a man looks admiringly at a woman without thoughts of sex, is that adultery?
Question: If, for example, I’m married and look at a woman, married or not admire her clothes or the way she looks after herself and not thinking of taking her to bed or doing anything to her is that committing adultery? Answer: “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for…
Read MoreI came close to having sex with a coworker. What do I do about the thoughts regarding what I almost did?
Question: I taught in a nearby primary school three years ago. There was this lady who also taught and is currently teaching. She one time approached me requesting my assistance in her examinations. In the course of the teaching, I began to develop a passion for her, with no intention to marry her. We never…
Read MoreCan you give some guidelines for how to behave in courtship?
Question: During our courtship, my girlfriend and I kept making small compromises that almost led to sex. We know we want to marry one another; in fact, it took us about four months to get to know each other because we wanted to make sure God is being glorified in the midst of our relationship.…
Read MoreI planned on marrying a virgin, but just before I proposed, I found out she had sex once before. Now I don’t know what to do
Question: The primary gist of this email is to simply thank you for your website. I stumbled upon it via Google queries. Ironically I myself attend a church of Christ. My Google searches centered around a whirlwind of emotion and biblical questions which I ran into recently. A while ago my mother was talking with…
Read MoreWhat are all the types of sexual sins?
Question: What are all the types of sexual sins? Answer: “Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). One of the problems with coming up with lists of possible sins is that men are too inventive in coming up with new ways to…
Read MoreIs it wrong to fantasize about sex with your future wife?
Question: My fiance and I have been together for several years. We have decided mutually that we would not have sex or any sexual contact until we are married. We are both very happy with this decision and plan on getting married shortly after I graduate college. We both know that it is a sin…
Read MoreI’m trying to learn new habits, but am I going about it the right way?
Question: How are you today? I have a question about doing what’s right in God’s eyes. I’ve made a few changes this year. I am developing a habit of reading the Bible daily, praying, and reading biblical topics. When I do these things I have a good, if not great, day, but if I miss a…
Read MoreI keep messing up with lust and laziness. What can I do?
Question: I am 18. I got saved a few months ago. Although I love God, I am constantly messing up. I have a stumbling block for lusting homosexual thoughts and laziness to name a few problems. I know what I am doing is wrong, and I keep confessing, but I still mess up. I am…
Read MoreLove is Different
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Paul’s description of love in I Corinthians 13:4-8 is both well-known and unheeded. Despite knowing what love is and is not, people still expect more of love. They want the fluttery feeling of butterflies in the stomach and the emotional high. To many, love isn’t real without the emotions. But are…
Read MoreHow can looking at pornography be adultery, especially since I’m not married?
Question: I have looked up some information on your site and found some to be helpful, but I can’t help but wonder still. It is said that looking at porn is a sin and it says that anyone who looks upon someone with lust commits adultery. But isn’t that term only for married people? I’ll…
Read MoreHow do I gain control over my sexual desire?
Question: I need help. I have been with my boyfriend for over two years. I love him very much, and soon he is going to ask my parents for my hand. I’ve always had a crush on this guy. He’s actually the stepson of my uncle. Since I met him when I was young, I’ve…
Read MoreLies Pornography Tells Men
by Edwin Crozier I obviously have no idea who is going to read this article. However, I am 100% convinced that someone reading this post today, spent last night looking at pornography. In fact, I imagine that someone reading this post probably looked at pornography within the last hour. Someone reading this post is hooked and…
Read MoreI have committed so many sexual sins, especially lust. How do I get forgiveness?
Question: Hello, I am a Christian by birth. I believe in Jesus and God; however, my faith is questionable at times, especially when things go wrong or when there is a delay in getting answers, etc. I fear God, but the irony is that I have committed adultery and I have also aborted a child…
Read MoreIs it right to watch movies with poorly dressed people?
Question: Is it right to watch movies with badly dressed people? People seem to think that because it’s in a movie, it’s normal. I disagree. Most movies are sensual. Answer: What is being argued is that it is acceptable to look at scantily dressed people for entertainment. But if that is true, when does clothing become…
Read MoreWhen does a thought become a sin?
Question: I am sorry to bother you again with another letter, but I have a lot on my mind. If you remember I had written to you a few weeks ago about a bad thought I had in a moment of frustration about selling my soul. Again I know that the thought was wrong, but I…
Read MoreHow can it be said that homosexuals and lesbians practicing sexual touching such as hand jobs is sinful?
Question: I read your articles based on I Corinthians 7:1-2. I am left confused. First, how does 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 mean sexual touching? John MacArthur stated that it means actual physical sexual intercourse. I don’t really agree with his interpretation due to the fact that the word touch seems to be sensitive. However, I am still…
Read MoreWhat is included in porneia?
Question: Hi! I have been studying sex and the Bible. What I am really confused about is that the Bible does not mention oral sex or mutual masturbation. It only mentions anal sex and vaginal sex. Thus, how are oral sex and mutual masturbation a sin? How is it sexual intercourse? In Greek, porneia means…
Read MoreYour answer regarding struggling against “fooling around” was just what I needed to know
Question: Hello! I don’t know your name, but I read a response you gave on the La Vista Church of Christ web site about a boy struggling with “fooling around” with his girlfriend and what God says in the Bible about it and some strategies to turn around, and I just wanted to thank you. My boyfriend and…
Read MoreWhich is better: to visit a prostitute or masturbate?
Question: Is it true that it’s better to have sexual relations with a whore than it is to masturbate? Some people refer to it as, “better in a whore than on the floor.” As a kid, I was taught that it would be better for me to masturbate than to have sex with a girl…
Read MoreDoes Matthew 5:28 only apply to lusting after a married woman?
Question: I am a Christian and worship in a congregation of the Church of Christ. I would like to ask you something, that has been vexing me for some time, and I know the general and most common answers but I would truly applicate your reply. We as a rule tend to take the most…
Read MoreI think I committed the sin of lust. What do I do?
Question: I think I committed lust. I thought of having sex with a person I knew, and really do regret it, after I found out it is a very big sin. No one told me it was a sin, but after I’ve done some research, I found out it is as if I am actually…
Read MoreI know what I ought to do, but I keep slipping
Question: Hello, I just recently stumbled upon your questions and answers on your website and I have found them to be very biblically based, direct, and insightful. I have a few questions that I would like to pose to you. My fiance and I have been dating from high school and through college and have…
Read MoreAm I a real Christian?
Question: Lately, something’s been really bothering me and it’s been growing and growing and I’m afraid of where it might lead. Basically, I’ve been wondering if I’m a “real or true” Christian or not. This thought has been driving me nuts, leaving me depressed, and confused. From reading online and other sources about what being…
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