Is talking sexually through texting before marriage considered wrong?

Question: Is talking sexually through texting before marriage considered wrong? Answer: One of the mistakes the Pharisees made was to look at God’s laws so narrowly that they decided that only what was precisely mentioned was wrong. They understood that committing adultery was wrong, but they excused thinking about it. “You have heard that it…

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Would constant exposure to nudity reduce lust?

Question: A link to your survey was sent to me by a girl in Nepal who has been reading the arguments we’ve made on our anti-porn-addiction web site. This is what I’m wondering: What would the answers to those survey questions have looked like from teens growing up in a “naked people group” culture? I believe their answers would put to shame…

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How do I overcome my homosexual behavior?

Question: How can I have victory over homosexual behavior? Guilty of homosexuality 100%. I gave my life to Christ and have struggled to remain faithful to God. I’ve successfully abstained from actually committing homosexual sex, but it doesn’t stop me from pornographic material. How do I have a victory? I want this to just stop,…

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Am I committing adultery by looking?

Question: I have a question maybe you can answer because I think I’m in a very strange and confusing situation. Since very young I like women, very much. I also did watch a lot of pornography but not anymore. So I did and sometimes still look at women a lot. I’m married now, and I…

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Where does the Bible say it is wrong to have sexual fantasies?

Question: Can you please tell me where in the Bible Jesus talks about fantasy thoughts? Personally, I don’t believe that sexual fantasy is committing the sin of lust as long as you don’t actually plan to take action to actually commit it.  What do you think? Answer: Just a side note before getting into your…

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Does Matthew 5:28 apply to other sins?

Question: Matthew 5:28 says “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Does this apply to other things? If I had a desire to smoke and drink, but I actually don’t do it, does it means that I had…

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Why doesn’t going back to church remove lust from my mind?

Question: Why is it that when I turn to God and I have gone back to church to try to release lust from my mind it returns and I constantly have to ask the Lord for his forgiveness? Answer: You didn’t give me much to go on. I’ll make some guesses. My apologies in advance…

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I’ve committed to God to stop lusting, but I’m tempted daily

Question: Please pray for me. I am 43 years old and still struggling with lust. I am born again and washed in the blood. I have made a commitment to God to stop lusting, but I am tempted daily. Please pray for me. Answer: Just because you have resolved to clean up your life and…

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Is Matthew 5:28 only limited to lusting after a married woman?

Question: Does Matthew 5:27-28 about lust apply to both married and single men? I’ve been curious about this and want to gain a correct understanding of the passage. In the context of that passage is Jesus talking to Jewish men who were married? If so, does that mean the passage only applies to married people…

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Can thinking about a girl constantly be idolatry?

Question: Could you help me understand what idolatry is according to the Bible?  I know it seems like a simple concept, but I have heard so much conflicting information on the subject.  For example, I heard one preacher complaining that being devoted to American Idol constituted idolatry (how about that?).  Another said that following celebrities…

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Thank you for that article about lust. It was very helpful

Question: I want to personally thank you for allowing the Lord to use you in writing that on-line article about lust. I’m currently dating a young woman, and I’m fighting my desires. Reading your article was very helpful in showing me what’s really going on behind the scenes. Thank you. Answer: You’re very much welcome. I…

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Is looking at photographs of partially clad women sinful?

Question: Is looking at photographs of partially clad women sinful? Why or why not? I saw that question on the site, but couldn’t really find an answer to it. Answer: The question is one I propose when I’m teaching the Growing Up in the Lord: A Study for Teenage Boys series. But since you asked, let’s discuss…

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The Problem of Private Lust

by Connie Adams Lust has gone public in America. No subject is too delicate for a television or movie script. Pornography is big business. Absolutely nothing is left to the imagination. Yet, this business would utterly fail were it not for the fact that it feeds the private yearnings of corrupted hearts. It is from…

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Is sin causing God to be sad because we turned away from Jesus?

Question: Something that I was told recently really makes sense to me, and I really want your input. When I used to repent of my sins, I would repent for the sin, such as masturbating, lust, lying, or whatever it was. I felt like I was talking to a wall because I knew that tomorrow…

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Which book can I commit to memory to overcome sexual lusts?

Question: My Christian life hasn’t been very fruitful, to say the least. I still engage in the same sexual lusts that I once did and I am searching for the right book in the New Testament to commit to memory so that I can combat these temptations. I can’t win unless I have the sword…

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What types of touching are forbidden?

Question: I was just wondering, in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship what is considered “too far?” I’m referring to touching breasts, genital touching, oral sex, and the like. Is touching OK if all clothing is still on? Is seeing one’s undergarments a sin? For me, personally, all forms of sex are sex and are forbidden, but touching…

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What are “sins of thought”?

Question: What are sins made by thinking? You know, mental sins. I know God can read all of our thoughts. Answer: The simplest definition of sin is that sin is breaking God’s law. “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (I John 3:4). Sins of the heart (an older way of talking…

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Dogs Don’t Go to Heaven by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Revelation 22:12-17   I.         When we want to illustrate a point, we often will search through life around us to find something similar. It is especially good if the audience understands the example             A.        Those points make a lasting impression on us because we are familiar with the illustration             B.        Thus Jesus’…

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Doesn’t Matthew 5:27-28 only apply to married people?

Question: With the Scripture: “You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28). Only married people can commit adultery, so as I see it, this Scripture is not meant for the unmarried. Answer: What…

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Is it a sin to lust after your own wife or husband?

Question: I was reading your article on whether girls and boys should go swimming together and I picked up on something that I needed to ask you. Is it a sin to lust after your own wife or husband? Answer: The answer depends on the definition of “lust” that you use. Technically, the word means, in both Greek and…

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I don’t think lust necessarily leads to sexual sin

Question: I happened to stumble upon your site (specifically this “Chapter 7: Getting Too Close” section) while surfing Google to find what people really thought about sex in general (i.e. how ignorant some can be about how STDs and pregnancy work). Though I completely agree with “no sex before marriage,” I feel I have to…

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I wanted you to know your website helped me a lot

Question: I was just reading the section of your website Growing Up in the Lord, chapter 7. I am a 15-year-old male and have been dating my girlfriend for about 6 months now and things have started to go further than I want them to go. It is very difficult to stop from going any further,…

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Can a man lust after his own wife?

Question: Can a man lust after his own wife? Answer: The word for lust, both in English and in Greek, means a strong desire. Generally, it is used in a negative sense, in that we speak of someone having a strong desire for something that is wrong. But it can be used in a positive…

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Is thinking about sin a sin?

Question: It is a sin to have that thought? Even though I didn’t act upon it? Answer: A thought is not a sin. Otherwise, there would be no temptation — only sin. Satan has to get us to think about sin to lure us into it. What should happen is that we immediately follow the…

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Why do boys act as they do?

Question: I really enjoy your web site. I have been studying it for quite a while and it all sounds scripturally correct. I have been asked at church to teach a girls’ teenage class about peer pressure and have been concerned about how to answer some of the questions the girls have asked of me.…

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Is it a sin to view naked girls?

Question: Is it a sin to view naked girls? Not in a pornographic way, but as in like just girls without their clothes on. Answer: Much depends on the purpose for which the viewing takes place. If it was a sin to see someone naked (boy or girl), then parents would have a hard time…

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What does the Bible say about having a fetish?

Question: I have a spanking fetish I’m a 24-year-old male that has a spanking fetish. How do I stop myself? What do the Scriptures say about them? Is it normal to have a spanking fetish? Answer: It is interesting that you used the word fetish. The proper definition of a fetish is: “An inanimate object…

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When is it appropriate to start kissing?

Question: When is an appropriate age to start kissing from a biblical standpoint or is there one? Answer: Most people start at infancy. Okay, okay, I know that isn’t what you meant, but it does point out that it isn’t the kiss that is critical to the answer, but the intent of the kiss. The…

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What is pornography’s draw?

Question: I don’t know if this was already explained, but why are so many people addicted to pornography? More and more people are engaging in this kind of activities. And the viewers get younger and younger. I highly doubt that there are any benefits of pornography. But why? It’s really a sin to do such…

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Is reading sexually explicit romance novels wrong?

Question: I really have a great deal of respect for your opinion just based on what I have read on your web site. I would like to get your opinion on how to handle a situation with a couple where I preach if you have time. The husband tells me that his wife spends a…

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What do I do about a husband that sinned at a bachelor’s party?

Question: What do you do when alcohol and a fully nude strip club at a bachelor party tempted your Christian husband and he gives in to both temptations? Not only was he a visitor at this club, but he and the other three gentlemen had a little personal dance as well. Being the wife of…

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How do you avoid sexual immorality?

Question: What ways are there to prevent oneself from going into sexual immorality? I have masturbated before and afterward, I repented. I realized that it’s very wrong to do so. So now I want to avoid it, but like you said before that it can become a hard habit to break. Thanks to the Lord…

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Is foreplay wrong if it doesn’t lead to sex?

Question: I’m a 22 male and I have been searching for an answer on this site. Sex is not a problem before marriage for me, but what about foreplay if you are certain it will not lead to sex? It has never been a problem to stop before thinking about sex, but is foreplay really…

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