Is it proper for a Christian to be sexy?

Question: Is it okay for a Christian to be sexy (both male and female)? How do you define the word “sexy”? Answer: The Oxford Dictionary defines “sexy” as “sexually attractive or exciting” when applied to others or “sexually aroused” when applied to yourself. Therefore, by definition, “sexy” is referring to sexual lust. “Likewise, I want…

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Is I Corinthians 7:9 talking about unfulfilled desires?

Question: I was wishing to ask a question about I Corinthians 7:9. Is it okay to say that it is better to marry than to burn with unfulfilled desire? Answer: “Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner,…

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How do I move forward from a breakup?

Question: Good evening, I’m relatively new to this website, but I have found it particularly helpful for hearing Q&A’s specifically related to Christian life. I’m a freshman college student who dated a girl for around 4-5 months when college started. It has been almost three months since she broke up. I’ve been slowly getting better,…

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Jamaica Patois Wisdom – Clothing

by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…

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I find myself lusting and I fear I lack self-control

Question: Hello sir, I have sinned. I lusted after a sister and it progressed so much that we kissed. Right now I am so broken. I have asked God for forgiveness but it seems I can’t forgive myself. I have had this dream of being a gospel teacher and an elder. I’ve been consciously building…

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Do I need to confess to the person I lusted after?

Question: Do I have to confess my lustful thoughts to the person I lusted after? I’m dealing with the sin of lust (and the commonly related sinful behavior linked to it). I know I need to repent of this, ask God for forgiveness, and cut it out of my life. But there are times I…

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The Root Cause of Sexual Sins

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I’ve become fascinated by the lists presented in the Bible when I came to realize that many of them are more than a collection of related items. Permit me to illustrate this with a list that Paul gave in Colossians 3. “Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead…

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I Wish Someone Had Told Me by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 5:7-14   I.         I ran across an article by Chuck Lawless about “Ten Conversations I Wish Someone Had with Me as a Teenager.”             A.        Hindsight generally reveals that mistakes could have been avoided             B.        I constantly get told: “I wish someone had told me just how bad this could get”             C.        And…

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Does Every Man Do It?

by Bobby K. Thompson Jesus said: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28). This passage became more conspicuous due to…

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Sex, Preachers, and the Church

“The Bible does not hide from or obscure the power of the temptation to illicit sex. In language that is refreshingly clear and direct without itself indulging in titillation, the text warns the reader of the debacle that awaits him should he succumb in this area and at the same time promises profound sexual joy…

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I’m supposed to be baptized soon, but I keep focusing on sexual things

Question: Hello Jeff, For years I hated gay and trans people. I am always ridiculing them and when I’m downloading a movie or tv series I always check whether there are gays in it or not first before downloading. The violent stuff or heavy sex (man and women) doesn’t matter to me, it’s always seen…

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Jamaica Patois Wisdom – Pornography

by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…

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by Joe Fitch “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (II Timothy 2:22) Paul reminds and warns young Timothy of the danger in youthful lusts. Not all youthful lusts are sexual, but surely sexual lusts are included — maybe top…

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Do I need to confess my every lust to my spouse?

Question: Hello, I first wanted to say thank you for posting these articles and questions/answers. They are very encouraging and I am thankful for your commitment to scripture. I am a baptized Christian man in my mid-20s. My wife (also a baptized Christian) and I have been married for several years now. I did not…

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Sometimes the Best Thing to Do is Run! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:1-15   I.         Timothy was admonished to fight the good fight – I Timothy 6:12             A.        We are in a battle for our lives, and we must have the courage to do battle – Ephesians 6:10-18             B.        We cannot be passive against sin – James 4:7             C.        But a person trained in…

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Wounded at the Theatre

by John Chrysostom (AD 349-407) If you see a shameless woman in the theater, who treads the stage with uncovered head and bold attitudes dressed in garments adorned with gold, flaunting her soft sensuality, singing immoral songs, throwing her limbs about in the dance, and making shameless speeches … do you still dare to say…

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The Epidemic of Internet Pornography

by Art Adams Biblical Insights, July 2007 Cyberspace has opened an exciting world of enjoyment, business, educational, and networking opportunities. However, what exists in cyberspace via the Internet is merely a clone of the real world and real-time. The Internet can be used as a tool for growth or a weapon for destruction. The choice…

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Do I need to confess my sin of lust before taking communion?

Question: I have a question about lust and communion. Is it a sin to have touched my boyfriend’s buttocks with our clothes on? I believe it may fall into lust, and if it does then do I have to confess this before being able to take communion? Answer: What you are describing could fall under…

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If Your Right Hand Causes You to Sin

by Terry Wane Benton Jesus talked about “causing” ourselves or others to sin, and in making His point cut deep, He showed that retaining sin is far more serious than cutting off a hand or plucking out an eye (Matthew 5:27-30). You can go to heaven without a hand or an eye, but you cannot…

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I Quit! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 10:35-45   I.         We’ve all seen people frustrated with a task. “I quit!” they yell as they storm off.             A.        Funny thing … Do you remember who it was? Neither does anyone else.             B.        However, there are times I ought to quit.                         1.         I can allow myself to get into a rut.…

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How do I fight the temptation to commit fornication?

Question: I always told myself as I grew up that sexual immorality would never be a problem for me because the consequences scared me too much, but in recent years, the constant exposure to sex being “normal” and “acceptable” I guess have overcome me. I see so many sites that push for birth control and…

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Does Colossians 3:2 teach that it is a sin to think about sin?

Question: Is it a sin to think about sin? I read your article about this subject but what about Colossians 3:2? Does it say that it’s a sin to think about sin? Answer: “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand…

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Can a person be baptized who is living with someone but not having sex?

Question: Can a person be denied baptism if he is living with his fiancée but isn’t committing fornication because they saw the error of their ways Answer: Paul declared “that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance” (Acts 26:20). If a person realizes that fornication is sinful, then why is…

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I’m so lonely that I look at pornography at times

Question: Hi! You have a great site. I’ve used it many times over the years, and I’ve listened to the sermons. Two questions: I have a problem. I don’t feel lust, but I end up looking at women on sites — usually those with clothes on. I think it comes from loneliness and wanting to…

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Notes on Sex

Fornication (Greek: porneia): Porneia, typically translated as fornication, sexual immorality, or sometimes just immorality is defined as follows: “Porneia, which is relatively rare in classical Greek (Moulton-Milligan), originally stood for “prostitution” … In other, later contexts it denotes “unchasity, illicit sexual relations” of any kind (“fornication” is a somewhat archaic but common translation).” [The Complete Biblical…

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I met an old boyfriend and now I feel guilty

Question: I have been happily married for about five years now. We have a child, who is two years old. My husband takes care of me really well. I have no complaints. He has been overseas for about a year now. I had a pretty good job and recently resigned. Now I am sitting at…

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Not What They Told You – Pornography

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 4:1-8   I.         Trials come in many forms – James 1:12             A.        We often think of trials as hardships that are imposed on us by life.             B.        But temptation to sin is also a trial that we have to overcome             C.        Temptation doesn’t come from God – James 1:13                         1.         Though God allows…

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How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy?

Question: Hi Jeff, How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy? Answer: Let’s start with what most people would agree would be going too far: sexual intercourse or fornication. Sexual acts outside of marriage are sinful and are covered under the word “fornication.” In Greek, the word is porneia. It is…

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We are going too far sexually and can’t figure out how to stop

Question: I am 18 and I want to stop all this fooling around that my girlfriend and I keep getting sucked back into. Basically, we say, “okay, this can’t happen again so what are we going to do to keep ourselves from it?” Then we come up with things but next thing you know, the…

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Is It Love or Lust?

by Robert H. Farish Gospel Guardian – October 19, 1967 The English word “love” is one of the most used and worst abused words in the language. For many people, love is identified with lust. People who do have not the remotest idea of what love is according to God are heard speaking enthusiastically of…

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Does sin start in the heart or can we blame the influence of others?

Question: Based on Matthew 15:19 and James 1:13-15, does all sin begin in the hearts and minds of people? When thinking about a possible transgression, should we put our desires and motives under consideration? Should we blame any outside influence or are our sinful hearts the greater concern when it comes to sin? Answer: “For…

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Is Lust Fornication?

by Wayne Jackson The word “fornication” derives from the Greek term porneia, one of a cognate group of five words that together occur fifty-five times in the New Testament. The noun form is found twenty-five times, predominately in the letters of Paul. The word is generic in scope in that it refers to a variety of…

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Vessels Unto Honor and Vessels Unto Dishonor

by L.A. Stauffer via Son Rays, Vol. 30, No. 23, Sept. 7 2008 Paul writes to the young preacher, Timothy, and urges him to flee immorality so that he might be a “vessel unto honor.” His reference is to Timothy’s person or body and how he should engage in honorable conduct (II Timothy 2:20-21). The…

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Is it wrong for a husband to lust for his wife?

Question: Dear Minister, My wife and I have grown distant over the years because she has had many anger issues, substance abuse problems, and trouble with the law. We have several beautiful children and have been married for almost 20 years. Even though she committed adultery on me several years ago, I still love her.…

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My wife has refused to have sex with me for years and I’m weakening

Question: Hello, I feel very ashamed to even write this, but I’ve been doing Google searches and scouring the Internet for answers. I would normally just ask a pastor from church, but I have a learning disorder or mental disability and everyone just writes me off as strange or stupid. Even pastors don’t want to take the time to…

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Am I married because I did sexual acts with my girlfriend?

Question: I am 21 years old. I have been dating a girl my same age for about 6 months. We are both baptized Christians but have made serious mistakes. About a month ago, she gave me a hand-job. This happened three times but after the third time, I felt awful about it and have told…

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How do we avoid the temptation to have sex?

Question: I am 23 years of age and a college student. I have been in a relationship for over a year now. My motive for being in the relationship is to be with my partner now and stay with her until God blesses us to marry. My problem is how do I handle my sexual…

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