The Blood of Christ
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Text: I Peter 1:18-21
I. The blood of Christ is strongly connected with the concept of salvation from sin.
A. It has been in the plan of God that Christ should die for mankind
1. Isaiah 53:5 - He was wounded for our transgressions.
2. Zechariah 13:1 - A fountain opened for sin and uncleanness
3. God even used the enemies of Christ to make this point - John 11:49-52
4. Planned before the foundation of the world - I Peter 1:18-21
II. What Christ’s blood does for man
A. It takes care of man’s sins
1. It washes away sins
a. Sin makes a person defiled - Isaiah 1:16
(1) Not physically but spiritually - Titus 1:15
b. Christ’s blood cleanses us
(1) He washed our sins in his own blood - Revelation 1:5
(2) It makes us pure - Revelation 7:14
2. This is the idea of sanctification – being set apart as something holy
a. It was done under the Old Law - Hebrews 9:18-22
b. We were sanctified by Jesus’ blood - Hebrews 13:12
3. It cleanses us from sin - I John 1:7
a. Though sin stains the heart, we are made pure - Isaiah 1:18
4. It purges our conscience - Hebrews 9:13-14
5. It puts away sin - Hebrews 9:26
6. It forgives or remits sins
a. Sin incurs a debt toward God
b. Shedding of blood is necessary for forgiveness of sin - Hebrews 9:22
c. Jesus’ blood was shed for the remission of sin - Matthew 26:28
B. It restores our relationship with God - Colossians 1:20
1. Man’s sins put a barrier between man and God - Isaiah 59:1-2
2. Desire of the world, makes us enemies of God - James 4:4
3. Through Jesus we are reconciled to God - II Corinthians 5:18-21
4. We are reconciled by Jesus’ death - Romans 5:10-11
C. It justifies us - Romans 5:9
1. When we sin, we incur a death penalty. We stand condemned before God. - Proverbs 12:2
2. When we sin, we break God’s law - I John 3:4
3. There is no condemnation in Christ - Romans 8:1
D. It redeems man by purchasing him out of the slavery of sin - Colossians 1:13-14; Ephesians 1:7
1. That we should no longer be slaves of sin - Romans 6:6
2. Redeemed us from every lawless deed - Titus 2:13-14
3. Redeemed by the blood of Christ - I Peter 1:18-19
E. In the buying back of men from sin, Jesus’ blood purchased the church - Acts 20:28
III. The blood of Christ is a gift freely and universally given
A. It is a free gift - Romans 5:15-16
B. One act brings justification to all men - Romans 5:18; I Corinthians 15:22
C. He tasted death for everyone - Hebrews 2:9
D. Salvation has appeared to all men - Titus 2:11
E. Christ gave himself as a ransom for all - I Timothy 2:5-6
F. God wants everyone saved - I Timothy 2:3-4
1. He wants everyone to repent - II Peter 3:9
2. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked - Ezekiel 18:23
3. Notice that these last two verses imply that while the gift is freely given and offered to all, all will not benefit from the gift.
IV. God’s gift to man was the shed blood of Christ, but how do we gain access to the gift?
A. Jesus’ blood was shed in his death - John 19:34
1. Baptism represents his death - Romans 6:3-4
B. Jesus’ blood washes away sin - Revelation 1:5
1. Baptism washes away sins - Acts 22:16
C. Jesus’ blood sanctifies us - Hebrews 13:12
1. We are sanctified and cleansed by the washing of water - Ephesians 5:25-27
2. A washing of regeneration - Titus 3:4-7
D. Jesus’ blood cleanses our conscience - Hebrews 9:13-14
1. Baptism saves as an answer of a good conscience toward God - I Peter 3:21
2. Baptism with faith saves - Mark 16:16
E. There is no condemnation in Christ - Romans 8:1
1. Baptism puts us in Christ - Galatians 3:26-27; Romans 6:3
V. So many object to baptism, claiming it is nothing more than a work
A. Actually faith, repentance, and confession are more properly works than baptism because they are things I must do. Baptism is something that must be done to me.
B. When people claim that man is not saved by his own works, such is true (Ephesians 2:8-9).
1. But when they then say that baptism is such a work, they are saying that baptism is a work of man.
2. We are to do the works of God - Ephesians 2:10
3. Hence, let us read Matthew 28:18-20 and let me borrow a question similar to one Jesus once asked, the baptism commanded by Jesus is it from God or from man?
a. If it is from man, then why is it commanded by Jesus?
b. If it is from God, then submitting to it is doing the work of God and not man.
C. Will you not do the work of God today?