The Teaching of Grace by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Titus 2   I.         When you talk to people in the denominations, much is made about the Grace of God             A.        Emphasis is place on God’s grace – Ephesians 2:8-9             B.        To the point that if any mention is made of men needing to accept the offered gift, then strong objections are…

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The First and the Last by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 13:22-30   I.         A friend that I correspond with once asked me about Luke 13:30. He wanted to know what Jesus meant by his statement.             A.        The context shows that some of his audience realized that not everyone would be saved. In fact, relatively few would be saved. – Luke…

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The Saving of Israel by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 2:17-29   I.         In these days of troubled times in the middle East, those who believe that physical Israel is central to God’s plans for the future have come to the forefront.             A.        “Readers of the Bible know that the Book of Revelation tells of a time when Messiah himself…

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Were the Ten Tribes of Israel Really Lost? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ezekiel 37:15-28   I.         Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible: “As in their own land, the children of Israel had forsaken the Lord and had worshiped idols, so after they were taken to these distant lands, they sought the gods of the people of those lands and ceased to be Israelites;…

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Is the Modern Nation of Israel Important? Text: Hebrews 6:13-20   I.         It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the nation of Israel holds importance in the eyes of many people in America             A.        Jerry Falwell: “God has raised up America in these last days for the cause of world evangelism and for the protection of His people, the Jews. I don’t…

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Are All Men Created Equal? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 17:21-31   I.         Many people are familiar with the stirring words of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty…

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Is the Seed Still in the Barn? Text: Haggai 2:10-19   I.         After the people returned from captivity, work began in rebuilding Israel.             A.        The people quickly laid the foundation of the temple, but the work stagnated.             B.        The people were distracted with rebuilding their own homes and efforts to produce a living.             C.        Over time they became apathetic. For 16 years nothing happened.             D.        The…

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The Difference One Can Make by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Esther 4   I.         In studying Proverbs, I came across one verse that stood out to me – Proverbs 28:2             A.        When a country is given over to sin, they tend to go through rulers rapidly                         1.         Israel exemplifies this. There are periods where the northern kingdom when through four or five…

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Sowing in Tears, Reaping in Joy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 126   I.         Psalm 126 is one of a series of psalms devoted to the return of the Israelites from captivity.             A.        The sadness of the captivity made the joy of return to freedom so much greater.             B.        It is the end of this psalm which captures a truth for each…

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The Parable of the Vineyard Workers by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 20:1-16   I.         When speaking of the nature of our heavenly reward, the parable of the vineyard workers is often cited to prove that each will receive a similar heavenly reward.             A.        Whether a Christian has lived a long life serving the Lord, or only found the Lord late in…

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Carpe Diem – Seize the Day by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 4:9-12   I.         “Carpe Diem” is from a poem written in Latin by Horace. It means “seize the day.”             A.        The point of the poem is that a person does not know what the future holds so one should make the most of the what a person has at…

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Work as for the Lord by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Thessalonians 3:6-16   I.         Why should you work?             A.        I had a friend that inherited a large sum of money before he was 18. There was enough cash available that he could live comfortably off the interest the money would generate for the rest of his life. Why should he…

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It Takes Effort Text: II Thessalonians 3:6-11   I.         How many of us truly enjoy working?             A.        I, like many of us, dream of times when we can take a moment off and do nothing in particular             B.        Yet, I don’t like to be idle for long. It grates on my nerves. II.        In the beginning             A.        Man has always had work…

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Traditions, Traditions! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Thessalonians 2:13-15   I.         When two people have a disagreement, there is a strong desire to label the position of the other person.             A.        Often this makes the discussion easier. A word or short phrase is easier to repeat than a long detailed description of the exact belief.             B.        The problem…

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Will There be a Rapture? Text: I Thessalonians 4:13-18   I.         People have always been fascinated with the second coming of Christ             A.        That fascination increased greatly as the 21st century approached.             B.        A very popular series, called “Left Behind” by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins claims to tell the events of Christ’s return in fictional form. The books were written…

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The Thousand-Year Reign by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Revelation 20:4-6             A.        Many elaborate theories are based on this                         1.         Some teach that Christ, at his second coming, sets up a kingdom here on earth.                         2.         Christians from the early church are raised up to rule with him.                         3.         After a peaceful, thousand-year reign, the Devil is released                         4.         A seven-year battle ensues (the…

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Reincarnation by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 14:1-15   I.         Death is an event that puzzles many people.             A.        We know it is a step that we all must take – Ecclesiastes 8:8             B.        It is an appointment that we must keep – Hebrews 9:27             C.        Not that people don’t try. The finality of death is too final. II.        Reincarnation…

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Do You Swallow Anything? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 14:10-16   I.         Sharks are notorious for swallowing just about anything.             A.        People have found books, bottles, tablecloths, and nails inside sharks             B.        Clearly sharks have large appetites and indiscriminate tastes             C.        There is a small fish known as the Sea Hedgehog or Urchin Fish.                         1.         This small fish has spikes all around…

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Faith, Works, and Grace in Romans

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 1:1-17   I.         In understanding biblical writings, it is important to remember that God is the author             A.        II Timothy 3:16 – All the written writings are breathed from the mouth of God             B.        This was Paul’s point in I Corinthians 14:33 when discussing roles and organization of the worship service.                         1.         God…

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The Obsession for Notoriety in the Modern Era

by Orlando B. Gonzalez Verse: John 12:43 (NASB 2020)- “…for they loved the approval of people rather than the approval of God.”   As a young man, it’s unsurprising to say that I carry many great desires that I want to do in my lifetime.  My current main goals include becoming a professional writer, a…

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On Being Holy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:13-16   I.         When you are in a competition, you are told “Do your best.”             A.        It means we strive hard to achieve.             B.        Yet, at the same time I know there are going to be times when I don’t do my best.                         1.         I might be tired that day. I…

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Holy Is His Name by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 99 I.         Near the end of his life Joshua told the people of Israel – Joshua 24:14-24             A.        After their declaration to serve God, it seems strange for Joshua to tell them that they are unable to serve because He is holy.             B.        What is it about holiness that makes God…

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Pagan Ideas of God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Micah 7:15-20   I.         Through the ages man has had difficulty grasping the concept of God             A.        As Christians, we understand that God is a Spirit – John 4:24             B.        But for the common man, without the knowledge of the Scriptures, that idea is too vague. So God is remade in their…

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The Road to Contentment by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:10-14   I.         For those of you who have taken classes             A.        Have you noticed that a few classes are just great?                         1.         The time just flies by.                         2.         The homework isn’t that bad.             B.        But there are those other classes which are just miserable.                         1.         A hour is twice as long in those…

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Church Discipline

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Each congregation of the Lord’s people has the right and the responsibility to control its membership             A.        Ideally, each congregation is composed of faithful Christians. Because of their common beliefs and shared work, they are joined together in serving God.             B.        However, we understand that just because a person wears the name of…

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May a Christian Serve in Government?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 13:1-7   I.         I was recently asked if a Christian may serve in the government, particularly in jobs of a punitive nature, such as the police or the armed services.             A.        There are several denominations which hold pacifist views.                         1.         Some, such as Quakers, refuse to serve in any capacity where killing…

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Clean Hands and a Pure Heart by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 24   I.         People want to get to heaven, but it seems many don’t want to put much effort into getting there.             A.        Jesus warned – Luke 13:3             B.        The example of the Jews should be enough – I Corinthians 10:1-12                         1.         They were God’s chosen people, but they didn’t make it.…

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Is There Meaning to My Life? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 14   I.         What will have changed because you have lived?             A.        People have longed wondered what the meaning of life is, but I think it more important to consider what meaning there is in your life. II.        What is your life?             A.        Perhaps a strange beginning to the question.             B.        Your life…

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Biblical Infallibility

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Biblical Infallibility: Can We Trust the Bible? Biblical Infallibility: The Bible’s Claims for Itself Biblical Infallibility: Arguments Against the Bible

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The Joy of Obedience by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:3-9   I.         Despite the persecutions Christians faced in the first century, there was joy – I Peter 1:3-9             A.        A great joy, an inexpressible joy, was had knowing that they were saved             B.        That joy overrode all the hardships of life II.        This attitude is strange to a number of…

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The Return of the King by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Samuel 19:15-39   I.          King David’s son, Absalom, had lead a successful revolt against the king              A.         David had to flee for his life – II Samuel 15:13-14              B.         It was a time of great confusion as people did not know who would eventually succeed. Loyalties became divided.              C.         Some left with…

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The Calm Between Major Events

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Events happen in our lives that you could call defining moments             A.        It is when we must make a hard choice. Ultimately, the choice defines who we are.             B.        A moment of courage, when someone is saved.             C.        A moment of conviction when we stand up for God and truth             D.        The challenges we face…

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Things They Don’t Teach in School Text: I Timothy 6:17-21   I.         It is that time of year again when the school bells begin to ring             A.        By the time a student graduates from high school, he will have invested about 15,120 hours in understanding a wide variety of subjects, which are considered necessary for success in this world.             B.        Many go on…

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The Things I Can Control by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 6:25-34   I.         People spend a lot of anxious time over things that are really out of their control             A.        A lot of teenagers worry about how tall they will be as an adult – Matthew 6:27             B.        Older adults begin to worry whether gray hairs are appearing – Matthew 5:36…

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There Is No Partiality with God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 2:1-11   I.         People tend to be biased.             A.        We have our viewpoints. We have our favorites. We understand that being unbiased is a better position, but biased views always creep into our decisions.                         1.         Listen to a radio commentator. It doesn’t take long to figure out wether he is conservative…

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Examining Christianity by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 13:1-8   I.         Most religions in the world surround themselves in mysteries             A.        Followers are asked to accept things without full knowledge             B.        Only a select few are granted special insight             C.        But God’s teachings are not like these religions                         1.         God challenges us to reason about the evidence available – Isaiah…

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Why Doesn’t God Prove Himself? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 43:8-13   I.         “If God is real, why doesn’t He just give concrete evidence?”             A.        It is a question that preachers frequently run into.             B.        If I don’t personally see the evidence, then I don’t think adequate proof exists – John 20:25 II.        God has given evidence             A.        The Creation speaks of God’s…

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On Being Faithful by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 4:1-5   I.         If you were a boss, what kind of person would you want working for you?             A.        You probably would want someone who performed his duties well, skilled in the particular task that you needed done.             B.        But one thing that I think most bosses would highly desire…

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I Will Not Forsake You by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 31:1-6   I.         Moses was approaching the end of his life. The time of his departure was at hand.             A.        Understandably, the children of Israel would be nervous. He has been their leader for 40 years. Moses faced down Pharaoh and led them out of slavery. He is the one…

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Never Again Will They Learn War by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 65:17-25   I.         King Nebuchadnezzar had enough with the rebellion of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah             A.        He removed the nobles to retrain them in his ways; yet, the stubborn Jews continued to rebel. Jehoakim was removed and his son Jehoachin was put in his place.             B.        He removed the…

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