People Do Leave Homosexuality

Source: Jeff Johnston, "Do People Change from Homosexuality? Hundreds of Stories of Hope and Transformation," The Daily Citizen, 5 August 2015.

A list of stories of people who left homosexuality, some for decades.

"Typically, this is a process of growth and change, not an instantaneous transformation. Nor is it easy or without relapse for most. But, their lives — identity, behavior, thoughts, goals, attitudes, motives and feelings — are no longer dominated by homosexuality."

Source: Peter Sprigg, "LGBT 'equality' laws lose their foundation: Evidence shows sexual orientation can change," Family Research Council, 5 April 2019.

"The truth is, “sexual orientation” is a multi-faceted concept, involving a combination of attractions, behaviors, and personal identity. These four studies all demonstrate that significant change in each of the elements of sexual orientation is possible. The percentage changing from homosexuality to heterosexuality ranged from 13% to 53% (while the percentage changing from heterosexuality to homosexuality ranged only from 1% to 12%). In one survey of “same-sex attracted respondents,” up to 38% of men and 53% of women “changed to heterosexuality” in only a six-year period."

Source: Peter Sprigg, "Evidence Shows Sexual Orientation Can Change: Debunking the Myth of “Immutability”," Family Research Council, 5 April 2019.

"Pro-homosexual activists have long been critical of various forms of counselling or psychotherapy intended to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions to overcome those feelings. This kind of counselling or therapy can be referred to as “sexual orientation change efforts” (SOCE), or so-called "conversion therapy.” Given that virtually all SOCE therapists offer it only for willing clients, there is somewhat of a chicken and egg question in understanding the hostility of homosexual activists to SOCE. Do they sincerely believe that sexual orientation is immutable—and therefore that efforts to change it are doomed to failure? Or are they bothered mostly by the fact that some clients and therapists—however small a minority—see homosexuality as something undesirable, and are they simply using arguments about immutability as a tactic to end a practice they find offensive?"

"... people who at first reported exclusively heterosexual attractions and behavior tended to remain very stable in their sexuality; but change was much more common among those who reported any measure of same-sex sexuality."

"... movement from some same-sex behavior to exclusively opposite-sex (heterosexual) behavior was more common than movement from heterosexual behavior to any same-sex sexual behavior."

"Savin-Williams and Ream also gave some indication of how extraordinarily rare exclusive homosexuality actually is. For one statistical analysis of behavior, “Same- [homosexual] and both-sex [bisexual] behavior was collapsed into one category because exclusively same-sex [homosexual] behavior was so rare in all three waves (usually <1%).”27 The authors also noted that “if having romantic attraction to both sexes [bisexuality] counted as same-sex oriented, then the prevalence rate was nine times higher than if the criterion was exclusive same-sex [homosexual] attraction.”"

"Of the 7.5% of men and 8.7% of women who chose a nonheterosexual descriptor at ages 18 to 21, 43% of the men and 46% of the women chose a different category by age 23. Among the samesex-attracted youth who changed, 57% of the men’s changes and 62% of the women’s changes involved switching to Completely heterosexual."