My boyfriend doesn’t want to get married



My boyfriend and I are in a relationship for almost five years. We had sex in the first year of the relationship but then decided to wait until we were married to have sex. We got baptized and went without sex for over two years then we had sex again. I told my boyfriend that I want to get married and that I don't want to live in sin anymore. Every time I bring that subject up we end up fighting. He doesn't want to get married. He said that I will hold him back if he goes overseas. I don't have a job. He has a job but doesn't get paid much. We can't even afford rings. We both still live with our parents.

Please help. I don't want to be with him anymore unless we get married.


As hard as it is, you have to take your boyfriend at his word. He told you that he doesn't want to get married. He believes that being involved in a marriage will tie him down. That tells me that he doesn't plan on staying with you in the future, especially when he gets an overseas job.

This is not a man to marry, so it is time to let him go and find a man interested in marriage. Then wait until after marriage to have sex.


Thank you very much. I will do so.