How do you reconcile with someone who refuses to forgive you?

Question: Hello, I am seeking your advice on how to reconcile with someone who refuses to forgive you even when you admit that you were wrong and try to make amends. Recently I allowed frustration to get the better of me and had responded to my mom in a way that I should not have.…

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How can I get intimacy with God back after sinning?

Question: I struggle with the belief that I can’t be intimate with the Lord after sinning. I know that God forgives, but I struggle with believing that I can’t be intimate with Him again. An example would be there are two friends named Bob and Steve. Bob and Steve are really close. They talk to…

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Lessons from Children

by Jefferson David Tant In reading through the Bible, it is worth noting that we find no rebukes, criticisms, or condemnations of children. On the contrary, children are presented to us as models for us to imitate and follow. Consider some words Christ and Peter said concerning children. “At that time the disciples came to…

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God Couldn’t Forgive My Sins

by Jefferson David Tant Some whose lives have been so sinful and far removed from God think they are so bad that God could not forgive them. But the Bible says otherwise. Whether one is a member of the “Hell’s Angels” gang or was a member of Adolph Hitler’s or Joseph Stalin’s or Muhammad’s armies…

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How can we be forgiven of our fornication?

Question: Hello minister Hamilton, I reached out to you a few years back when I had questions and I wanted to get baptized into Christ and follow God. Well, these past two years I have been living with my girlfriend and we just found out we are expecting a child in May. We are both…

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Is the Christian Obligated to Forgive the Sinner Who Will Not Repent?

by Curtis A. Cates The above question has often been asked of this scribe. Every accountable being at times sins against others; some sin publicly, even against the church. Clearly, those who repent and ask for forgiveness are to be fully forgiven. But, not everyone repents and asks for forgiveness. Does God require us to…

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Must I pay my friend money so she can forgive me?

Question: I want to enquire if it’s right to pay money to a friend who claims I offended her. I didn’t borrow anything from her, but she is demanding money so she can forgive me. Answer: “There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, And there is one who withholds what is…

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Do we forgive even though the elders refuse to change?

Question: “Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him” (Luke 17:3-4). After reading this passage, it causes me…

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Forgiveness and Consequence

by Doy Moyer One of the fallouts of what is being called “cancel culture” is a marked lack of mercy and forgiveness. If you’ve ever said or done something that culture considers anathema, then you are done. Canceled. From this point on, you will have zero credibility with little to zero chance of redeeming yourself.…

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Do I need to confess some sins to a Roman Catholic priest to be forgiven?

Question: Hello Jeffrey! I’ve been studying Christianity once again and found out that there are two kinds of sins at the Roman Catholic Church — ‘venial’ and ‘mortal’. I found out that if one commits a mortal sin then it must be confessed in front of a priest in order to be completely forgiven. That…

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I feel like I’m a fake Christian

Question: Good afternoon, I’m in my thirties. I have never been intimate with a man. Last month, for the first time I actually had a hard time setting boundaries and was fingered by the man I’m seeing. I’m so upset at myself because I’ve been so steadfast my entire life to do no more than…

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Stacking the Deck Against Jesus

by Matthew W. Bassford If there is anything we should take away from reading through the gospels this year, it is a deeper understanding of the skill with which the Evangelists crafted their narratives. Nothing in any of the gospels is there just because Jesus did it. As John observes in John 21:25, all four…

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Make Me Know My End Text: Psalms 39   I.         Psalms 38-40 cover related themes regarding the problems caused by sin             A.        God has punished David because of his sin – Psalms 38:1-2             B.        Between God’s punishment and the burden of the sin itself, David feels overwhelmed – Psalms 38:3-8             C.        Even close friends and family avoid you when you are suffering because…

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My husband doesn’t want me to confess all my sins to him

Question: I had multiple affairs with an ex-boyfriend over several years. My husband found out about the first one. I lied to him but continued to commit adultery. I came to the Lord in repentance and I was baptized for the remission of my sins. I confessed my adultery to my husband but in heat…

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I can’t accept God’s forgiveness

Question: Can God forgive me for my past sins of fornication? Can I meet a godly man to marry regardless of my past sins? Answer: Why do you think your own personal sins are so special or severe that the Almighty God is unable to forgive you? God is able to forgive all sins that…

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God Who Makes the Broken Beautiful by Wayne Fancher I. The Earth from Without Form and Void to Beautiful Genesis 1:2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made,…

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The Adulterous Woman Text: John 8:2-11   I.         People rarely want their sins pointed out.             A.        It should be understandable. We want to think well of ourselves and have others think well of us also.             B.        The common response to rebuke is to attack the messenger – Proverbs 15:32             C.        You’ll hear people inappropriately quote, “Judge not …” – Matthew 7:1…

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Love Is … by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 13:1-8   I.         Many passages are used for needlepoint samplers. A popular choice is I Corinthians 13:1-8             A.        Have you considered the meaning of the many phrases?             B.        We often associate this passage with weddings, but Paul was writing about what love between brethren is like             C.        However, it can be applied to…

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A Soul Set Free by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 32   I.         Every person is guilty of sin – Romans 3:10-23             A.        Therefore, we all need forgiveness from God                         1.         It is found in Jesus Christ – I John 2:1; Ephesians 1:7             B.        Only with forgiveness can we enter into God’s presence – Revelation 21:27 II.        How blessed is a forgiven man…

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Did sacrifices forgive sins?

Question: Good day, Recently the topic of “rolling forward” sins came up in a Sunday School class, and I decided to study the matter. This led me to the following web page: Were sins rolled forward under the Old Law? The compelling part of the argument given is Leviticus 4:20, which states that “the priest…

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Would God forgive incest?

Question: Greetings! I would like to ask for some advice about my unrighteousness. I hope you could reply. To get straight to it, I had sex with my brother. It was not really the kind of serious kind of sex because we were just playing around. At that time we were already in the church…

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I Don’t Feel Forgiven

by Whit Sasser Everyone keeps telling you that you need to learn to forgive yourself; but the truth is, you need to learn to trust God. If God says you are forgiven, then you are forgiven. “But, I don’t feel like I am forgiven.” My friend, forgiveness is a promise of God, not a feeling of…

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Can someone be forgiven if he purposely sins?

Question: My friend lost his virginity because he wanted to. The person he did it with had already done it a couple of times. He felt really bad because he is a Christian. Can God forgive him if he confesses to a priest? Answer: Confession to a priest is a Catholic practice. It is not…

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Was I wrong to forgive someone without rebuking them?

Question: Hello, A coworker asked for my forgiveness, but because the moment was awkward, I didn’t say “I forgive you.” There’s a good chance that I have a form of OCD, and I get stuck on little things like this. I went out of my way to be nice to him, and I never mentioned…

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How could the Almighty God accept me?

Question: Mr. Jeffrey, I don’t admit this to many people, but I have an issue in my thinking when it comes to God. I have a fear that no matter what I do and no matter how I try to be righteous and help others get to heaven, that at Judgment Day God will hold…

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Is there a point when it is too late to leave sin and be forgiven?

Question: I grew up in a church of Christ. I was baptized in middle school. I have struggled with sexual immorality beginning from a young age for a long time, along with other sins including taking plan B. I think as a teenager I did not take sin as seriously as I should. I have…

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I’m too impure and unworthy to come to God

Question: I’m truly scared about this, but I thought I would give it a go. I’m 15 years old and I’ve done stuff most adults haven’t dreamed of doing, such as smoking weed, giving hand jobs, and receiving masturbation. The problem is anytime I try to change and move forward something pulls me back. It’s…

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I found pornography on my fiance’s flash drives. What should I do?

Question: I found flash drives in my fiancé’s stuff: one had a hidden folder of photos of family, wallpapers, and a folder named “Girls” with half-naked pictures of women — both anime and movie star. Another flash drive had a New Folder with mixed pictures both half-naked anime photos plus photos of us. I confronted…

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Is it possible to have sinned so much that I won’t be saved?

Question: I am a baptized believer. I try my best to be obedient. I try to pick up my cross and follow Christ daily. I fail a lot! Is it possible to have sinned so much that I won’t be saved? Thanks. Answer: God isn’t looking for perfect people because there are none. He is…

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I was pressured into adultery and gave in. Can I be forgiven?

Question: I have a few questions. I am a Christian and committed adultery. Although there was an element of consent, this occurred in a high-pressure situation where there was intense coercion. My Christian therapist (psychologist) believes my past, with its complex trauma, and mental health condition has put me in a position where I was…

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Does Jesus forgive all our sins: past, present, and future?

Question: Dear Brother in Christ, Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I went through your website and especially the questions and answers, I want to say that by God’s grace and His enabling you have done a good job.  The answers to most of the questions are apt and scripture based. …

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How much obedience does the Lord demand of me?

Question: Hey Jeffrey, I have a problem understanding the nature of obedience to God’s laws. I read and hear that obedience is required for salvation, but no man (besides Jesus) has obeyed perfectly, so please help me understand the nature of the obedience required to please God and enter His eternal abode. Is part of…

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I recently slept with a guy. Is there any hope for me?

Question: Hello Sir, I’ve sinned against God. I am gay. I slept with a guy just recently. Please, is there any hope for me to inherit God’s kingdom? I’m really confused. Please help me. Answer: The same passage that says that homosexuals cannot inherit the kingdom of God also says that fornicators, adulterers, and drunkards…

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Does Jesus’ blood continually cleanse us from all sin?

Question: The Bible says we will give an account of our life and sin, but God washes away our sins at baptism and the blood of Christ continually cleanses. He forgives us and remembers no more, so is there judgment where our sin is remembered, or are we as white as snow because of Jesus’…

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Does Jesus’ blood continually cleanse us from all sin?

Question: The Bible says we will give an account of our life and sin, but God washes away our sins at baptism and the blood of Christ continually cleanses. He forgives us and remembers no more, so is there judgment where our sin is remembered, or are we as white as snow because of Jesus’…

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Is baptism for the remission of future sins?

Question: When one is baptized into Christ by water baptism, is it for the remission of past sins only? Or is baptism for all sins (past, present, and future sins)? Answer: “Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and…

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