Consider the Lord’s Loving Kindness
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Text: Psalms 107
I. Whatever our life, we need to acknowledge God loving kindness toward us - Psalms 107:1-3
A. Many talk of Psalms 107 as a song of God redeeming the nation of Israel from Babylonian captivity.
1. But this isn’t about a nation. It is about groups or categories of individuals.
2. The categories don’t match the physical captivity of Israel. They do match the troubles people find themselves in.
B. We have been redeemed, bought back from the slavery of sin, so we should express our appreciation for our redeemer
1. The same theme is echoed - Isaiah 62:11-12
2. This is a Psalm that resonates with Christians
a. Those who came from under the law - Galatians 4:4-7
b. And those who were never under the law - Galatians 3:13-14
C. God’s love is not abstract, it shines in our lives in unexpected ways
1. God is good to those who fear Him - Psalms 31:19
2. Goodness is only good when it is practiced - I John 3:16-18
D. We need to gather together to express our joy for what God has done - Hebrews 10:22-25
II. Some are lost and alone - Psalms 107:4-9
A. It is the hopelessness of the situation that drove these people to cry out to God
B. God answered by showing them the quickest way out of their situation
C. We are never really alone. God is my helper - Hebrews 13:5-6
D. They ought to give thanks for what God has done
III. Some were imprisoned because of their sins - Psalms 107:10-16
A. Here they were told the right thing to do, but they rebelled and didn’t listen to God’s instruction
B. Thus, God humbled them with imprisonment and hard labor
C. And when they finally couldn’t stand it any more and saw no other way out, they cried to God and He answered
1. Paul saw this for himself - I Timothy 1:12-17
2. Christ redeemed us from every lawless deed - Titus 2:13-14
D. The only proper response is to thank God for releasing them
IV. Some suffered because of their own foolishness and sins - Psalms 107:17-22
A. They became deathly ill but in their despair they cried to God
B. God rescued them from their distress and heal them
1. Christ has redeemed us from our sins - Ephesians 1:7
2. He has rescued you and I - Ephesians 2:1-6
C. They should thank God and worship Him
V. Some face perils while traveling - Psalms 107:23-32
A. Here the troubles are due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time and not because they brought the problems on themselves
B. Yet circumstances overwhelm them, leaving them at their wits end
C. Then they cry out to God and the problems are eased
D. They should thank God and tell others
VI. Some suffer because the nation they live in has become evil - Psalms 107:33-42
A. God can change circumstances to promote His cause - taking away or giving
B. God can and does more than we expect - Ephesians 3:20
C. It doesn’t matter if the person is powerful or lowly
1. It matters how the person behaves
2. Example - Psalms 31:19-24
D. The righteous rejoice
1. God loves us! - I John 4:10-14
E. The wicked are silenced
VII. If you are wise, consider these things - Psalms 107:43
A. We are children if we suffer with Him - Romans 8:16-18
B. God redeemed us and not with just anything - I Peter 1:18-19
C. Don’t lightly dismiss the goodness of God - Romans 2:4
D. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so