Posts Tagged ‘entertainment’
What is the difference between entertainment and worship?
Question: Good day, Minister, My question to you is, can you kindly explain the difference between true worship and Christian concerts using sufficient Bible passages? I have friends in various denominations who attend concerts organized by various so-called Christian bodies, where gospel singers are invited to perform and do all sorts of things. After talking…
Read MoreWorship Weariness
by Dennis Abernathy Malachi said Israel was weary, bored, and tired of worship. (Malachi 1: 13). It was too demanding and had become a grievous chore rather than an exalted privilege, a burden instead of a blessing. Fast forward to today. Many want shorter sermons, with less Scripture and more wit, less identification and exposure…
Read MoreWhat Kind of Life Do You Want?
by Dennis Abernathy I recently read this observation about today’s society: “Modern society wants entertainment instead of enrichment and a ‘good time’ rather than a ‘good life.'” Sadly, we see this played out in many people’s lives, and none of us are immune to the temptation to want the same. Instead of being spiritually enriched,…
Read MoreEvaluating Movies and Shows
by Doy Moyer While it is difficult to find movies or shows that are worth watching (for various reasons), I do believe Christians need to consider how to evaluate what they watch and hear from the biblical perspective. In recently reading Unraveling Philosophy by Groza and Moreland, I found these questions helpful: What is the…
Read MoreIt is so hard to escape the sin in the world
Question: Hello there. I have just gotten back into church again and I have been studying the Bible. Almost everything I watch has cuss words in them. I want to buy a language blocker for all my streaming services. It will block out bad language and nudity. Will that still be wrong? Maybe I’m just…
Read MoreShould we abstain from the Internet and TV?
Question: The congregation where I attend was discussing the book of Joshua the other day. We were talking about the conquest of the promised lands. While the Israelites conquered the land, they did not destroy all like they were told to do. Later these people that were not destroyed about every 20 years came back…
Read MoreShould I let my children watch Ghostbusters?
Question: Jeff, I have kind of maybe a silly question here, but here it goes. One of my kids (a 7-year-old boy) has an interest in the Ghostbusters. I use to watch those movies on TV in the past when I was a kid. They were heavily edited back then, and I didn’t realize some…
Read MoreWorship or Entertainment?
by Bob Prichard In our entertainment-oriented culture, many churches find themselves trying to ‘outdo’ themselves with more and more elaborate additions to worship. What began as special music by a choir becomes a full orchestra with professional soloists. A dramatic reading necessitates a full Broadway stage production. And as long as those who come to…
Read MoreIs leisure travel wrong?
Question: Dear brother, Do you think there is anything wrong with a Christian traveling for leisure? When traveling it is impossible to be involved in your local congregation’s work. Also, it is very hard to evangelize to anyone when you are never in one place very long and cannot form relationships. I almost feel guilty…
Read MoreWounded at the Theatre
by John Chrysostom (AD 349-407) If you see a shameless woman in the theater, who treads the stage with uncovered head and bold attitudes dressed in garments adorned with gold, flaunting her soft sensuality, singing immoral songs, throwing her limbs about in the dance, and making shameless speeches … do you still dare to say…
Read MoreAre virtual choirs wrong?
Question: Hi, With the advent of social media, we hear about these virtual choirs. Do Christians have the authority to do virtual choirs and post them on Facebook? Doesn’t this constitute entertainment because they have an audience? Answer: I can play the card game Solitaire and find it entertaining, even though there is no audience.…
Read MoreIs the Holy Spirit telling not to write about magic?
Question: Hi. So I have been struggling whether the Holy Spirit has been telling me to stop doing this or if it is my feelings playing tricks on me. There is this verse that said, “Do not practice magic.” I have you know, I love magic in literature and that I see nothing wrong with…
Read MoreIs make-believe gambling in a game still wrong?
Question: There is one game I like to play which is a completely free game. There is a new feature called lottery where I am guessing you pay with game points for a chance to win something. Is that considered a sin in that case? It is impossible for a person to pay money for…
Read MoreIs viewing movies with brief nudity a sin?
Question: Is viewing movies with brief nudity a sin? The church doesn’t condemn viewing non-sexual movies. However, the Bible does seem to address nudity as shameful, but I don’t believe it condemns it either. I understand that lusting is a sin. Does the Bible say anything about looking at somebody nude? Isaiah did march for…
Read MoreCan you record your own music with instruments?
Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church (Acts 2:41) and am fully aware and fine with the fact that instruments in worship toward God are unauthorized by Scripture (Acts 17:25), and thereby unacceptable (II John 9). However, I read your article Is playing an instrument for a person’s own enjoyment scriptural? and I…
Read MoreIs entertainment the devil’s substitute for joy?
Question: I recently listened to a sermon where the preacher said, if I remember correctly, “Entertainment is the devil’s substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.” Is that so? Before becoming a Christian, I had these habits of reading and consuming culture for selfish reasons, now…
Read MoreIs it wrong to play a game that has goddesses in it?
Question: Jeffrey, I know you’re busy and don’t want to waste much of your time, but I have a question. I have OCD so I think I’m overanalyzing everything. Anyhow, I have always played the Legend of Zelda series from Nintendo since I was a kid growing up. I never really have time to play…
Read MoreIs it sinful to listen to a song against Christmas?
Question: Is it sinful to listen to a song against Christmas? The song does not speak against the true meaning of Christmas (the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ) and rather speaks against Christmas traditions, such as eggnog, Christmas trees, gift-giving, etc. The song also uses some bad language. It also claims Christmas is a horrible…
Read MoreShould Christians be involved in expensive hobbies?
Question: Hello, Thank you for your tireless work towards teaching God’s Word and helping people understand the truth! I can appreciate the amount of hard work necessary to provide the amount of material found here. It truly is a great resource for those of us looking for biblical answers to everyday questions. I was baptized…
Read MoreCan I be forgiven of my sins?
Question: I need advice. I am in my early twenties. I was born in a Christian family. I was a clever child and a good learner under the guidance of my grandparents, who raised me and my siblings after our mother passed away. Around age 14, my life changed. I started drinking alcohol and attempted…
Read MoreIs it biblical to have camps for groups within a church?
Question: Hi, I would like to ask about fundraising activities for groups within the church, such as youths’ meetings, men’s meetings, and ladies’ meetings. Would it be proper for the youths to have a car wash where the money would go into the youths’ group account and not the church’s account? I know the church…
Read MoreIs it sinful to listen to music with bad language and references to sinful acts?
Question: Good afternoon, I was recently in the backseat of my friend’s car when she started playing illicit music on her phone. When I later confronted her about it, she told me that while she doesn’t believe it is recommended, it is not a sin. She said that God may have to reveal something to…
Read MoreI am glad to find a church that is not into entertaining people to get them in the door!
Question: Just found your site. Well done. I am glad to find a church that is not into entertaining people to get them in the door! To bad you are not close enough to attend. How about some audio and video of your teachings and sermons? Answer: Look under Audio for audio lessons. We aren’t…
Read MoreIs it wrong to scold someone? Do I rebuke every bad thing a person does? Does a little bit of immorality make a show bad?
Question: Hi Mr. Jeff, I really enjoy your website. Thank you for sharing it with others. I just wanted to ask you about three questions: The first question I had was: As followers of Christ, our speech and conduct is supposed to give grace to those who hear. Sometimes I’m confused as to if what…
Read MoreWhat Do You Do For Fun?
by Jim McGuiggan in The Irish Papers A young man tried to talk a young lady into sexual intercourse but she wouldn’t hear tell of it. Then he offered her booze she wouldn’t touch. A little later he wanted to share some marijuana with her but she turned that down, too. By this time he was…
Read MoreAre things like youth groups, camps, interns, fellowship halls, etc. inherently bad?
Question: Well, I have been reading through your site and it has made me question some things about my church. Right now I’m beginning college and I attend a church of Christ as I did when I was back home. I now have a much more solid understanding of why I attend a church of…
Read MoreHow do I deal with immorality in media?
Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton, I am struggling with a lot right now, but I don’t want to leave you with a massive email. I realize this is still a lot, but, some help would begin to clear things up. I realize a lot of this may just be a matter of personal faith, but any…
Read MoreCan you read about mythology if you don’t believe in it?
Question: Hi, Is reading Greek mythology allowed? For example, the Percy Jackson series? I think there are some verses of the Bible that talk about mythology (I Timothy 1:3-4;4:1-8; and II Timothy 4:2) But can you read about mythology if you don’t believe in it? I’m confused. Thanks! Answer: The myths condemned in the Bible…
Read MoreAre music videos with half-naked women not sinful because they are so common?
Question: Most music videos have half-nude women. They are aired almost non-stop every day, and we can’t escape such, at least not when in a public place. Are they sinful in themselves? Answer: There is a marvelous gizmo on devices called a “power button.” Press it and you don’t have to watch what is on…
Read MoreIs competitiveness wrong?
Question: Dear sir, I found your article on videos, TV, etc. a most interesting, excellent work. I am troubled by my own shortcomings in all these areas. My questions are: Do most video games and movies not draw on the same need of excitement or exhilaration that people get from sports, hunting, or chess? In this…
Read MoreI’m having trouble not doing things I am unsure about
Question: I am having trouble not doing things that I am unsure about whether or not they are sinful, such as drinking soda, eating sweets, masturbation, and whether or not I should be playing certain card and video games. On the soda and sweets, I am wondering if I am harming my body by doing…
Read MoreShould my objection to clapping during singing be respected as a weaker brother?
Question: I recently came across your web site and have done some reading in your Question and Answer section which I have found most interesting. I attend a church of Christ of considerable size. Several, maybe 10-25 members clap in our song service to “upbeat” songs, but not all songs. There are are also a…
Read MoreIs it wrong for a child to correct his parents?
Question: Hi. Your website has been very helpful and I hope that you keep it up. Thank you for putting all the time into it as well. I am a 16-year-old male (I am saying this so you understand how I am thinking) and of late I have been taking Christianity much more seriously. As…
Read MoreWorship as Entertainment
by Mark Roberts via Abundant Life Romans 1 challenges us with its chilling words “they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man” (vv. 22-23). Man has the propensity to change God and the worship of God into what he desires. Instead of doing what the Lord…
Read MoreIs it wrong to read books like Fifty Shades of Grey?
Question: Hello. I have a question about books like Fifty Shades of Grey. Though I have no interest in reading them, I have a few friends and family members who do. I was wondering if reading things like that would be wrong? and if so how could I tell them that it is wrong? Are…
Read MoreSome questions about judgments
Question: Please forgive me for taking up your time, but I became so excited when I came across this site! I understand that ignorance is not an excuse, and that transgression of God’s laws is sin. However, this is my question: What if my brother who was just taught the gospel of Christ a few…
Read MoreFood, Gimmicks, and Recreation
by Jeff May Problems arise as we strive to serve God faithfully, but God has given us a tree – the tree of Calvary, to be used in such situations, just as Moses cast in the tree at Mariah to resolve the problem of the bad water (Exodus 5), and Elisha cast in the tree…
Read MoreCarnal Appeals
by Greg Gwin Free pizza, clowns, hot air balloon rides … you name it, and some religious group has tried it as a scheme to draw folks to their services. These things are fun! Who wouldn’t like to play ball, eat good food, and be entertained? But, here’s the problem — these things all appeal…
Read MoreThe Link Between Ungodly Entertainment and Fornication
by David Dann via Truth Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, Feb. 2008. The apostle Paul warned the young man, Timothy, saying, “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (II Timothy 2:22). It is obvious from Paul’s instruction that in order to…
Read MoreIs it a sin to listen to music that contains swear words?
Question: Hello, I understand a lot more from your teachings, and I thank you for that! I understand about the swear words in music, but I still don’t know, is it a sin to listen to music with those words in it? Answer: “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits'” (I Corinthians 15:33).…
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