Is it sinful to listen to a song against Christmas?


Is it sinful to listen to a song against Christmas? The song does not speak against the true meaning of Christmas (the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ) and rather speaks against Christmas traditions, such as eggnog, Christmas trees, gift-giving, etc. The song also uses some bad language. It also claims Christmas is a horrible time of the year. I don't like the lyrics, but the song is so catchy in rhythm. If this offends the Lord, I wish to no longer listen to it, but I'm not sure.

Please help.


The value of a song is in its message. Catchy rhythms and tunes only make it easier for us to retain its message. But when a song's message is bad, it doesn't matter how catchy the tune is, it is still bad. If anything it is worse because it means its bad message stays with you. Therefore, a song with bad language is not good to listen to because the foul language keeps repeating in your head. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29).

That being said, Christmas is not found in the Bible. It is a man-made holiday with many man-made traditions. See Holiday Observances. Any disrespect against man-made holidays disrespects the people who follow them, but it cannot be seen as a disrespect of God because God did not create the holiday.

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