Worship or Entertainment?
by Bob Prichard
In our entertainment-oriented culture, many churches find themselves trying to 'outdo' themselves with more and more elaborate additions to worship. What began as special music by a choir becomes a full orchestra with professional soloists. A dramatic reading necessitates a full Broadway stage production. And as long as those who come to worship enjoy what is offered, anything goes. The expectation is that sermons will be shorter, wittier, and more uplifting. Anything in worship that cannot be 'jazzed up' must be abandoned as boring – and there is nothing worse than being boring, we are led to believe.
The problem with this entertainment orientation is that the very object of worship is forgotten. God is the 'audience' in worship. Jesus told the Samaritan woman that ignorant worship was unacceptable to God, even though it may have been sincere or enjoyable. "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). To worship God in spirit and truth means that worship must be from the heart, not just outward acts and that it must be done in exact obedience to God's commands. The worship must be directed to Him, not to the whims of the worshipers.
God's regulations for worship as set out in the New Testament are neither boring nor out of date. They are God-centered, while entertainment is man-centered.
There is nothing wrong with the worshiper enjoying worship. God intended worship to bless His children. But when worship is merely window dressing for an entertaining performance, it cannot please God. The apostle warned, "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God" (II John 1:9). Paul condemned things that "have indeed a show of wisdom in will worship" (Colossians 2:23). 'Will worship' is that worship fashioned after man's desires.