Should things that have occultist symbols in them be avoided?

Question: I have a question about occultic symbolism in the media. I saw a pastor in a video preach about how a lot of Disney cartoons and movies for kids have sexual and satanic symbolism. He also said that other cartoons and video games have evil symbolism as well. Now I have a question about…

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Is it sinful to play Airsoft, Laser Tag, or Paintball?

Question: Hi, I was just wondering is it a sin to play Airsoft? Airsoft is a game in which people shoot rifles that majority of the time are mock models of actual firearms that shoot plastic bbs. The objective, generally, is to shoot the other person with a bb and they’re out (in war-like scenarios).…

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What do you think about Christianity and heavy metal music?

Question: What do you think about Christianity and heavy metal music? As an avid listener of the genre and a Christian, I’m always plagued with people telling me that it’s wrong and satanic. Since I’m the one who actually listens to the genre, I find that those people aren’t very educated on the matter. From…

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What should I do with a game that has an indecently dressed character?

Question: I’ve been reading some of the articles and questions, and I like your commitment to keeping sinful entertainment out of your life.  I have been trying to keep all forms of this out of my life for a while now.  My DVDs almost wholly consist of Disney movies save a few.  But I do want…

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Are cartoons dangerous?

Question: Now I have a question concerning cartoons. I know the eye is a window into the soul and you should only do what is just, what is pure, and what is worthy; I know that. My question is if watching cartoons such as Dragonball Z or Pokemon really a sin? There are people who…

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Is it right to watch movies with poorly dressed people?

Question: Is it right to watch movies with badly dressed people? People seem to think that because it’s in a movie, it’s normal. I disagree. Most movies are sensual. Answer: What is being argued is that it is acceptable to look at scantily dressed people for entertainment. But if that is true, when does clothing become…

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Would it be wrong to make up a mythology for a fantasy story?

Question: Would it be bad to make up a mythology for a fantasy story? I have thought hard about it, and realize that I could try and make the story cleaner (no pre-marital sex, no details of sex, no extreme violence, no profanity), but because it is a different universe, it will have a set…

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Are all violent video games wrong?

Question: A while back we discussed video games and movies, and I mentioned that my husband is an avid video game player. Anyway, I know the violence is wrong in games, but what if the characters that you are fighting in a game look more like animals or impossible-looking monsters, then is it still bad? It’s…

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What do I do about shows where the Lord’s name is taken in vain?

Question: I used to be a member of the church of Christ several years ago but fell away. I recently have been wanting to consider coming back. I have been pondering how I’m living my life lately and all the things I’m doing that are un-Christ-like. I have been thinking about television shows and which…

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Obscene Movies and TV Programs

by Gary Henry via, Lost River Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 3, Aug. 2008. Few things frighten me any more than the passing comments I hear brothers and sisters in the Lord make about movies and TV programs they’ve permitted themselves and their children to see. Just when I believe there may be a deepening spirituality…

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Church Is Not Like It Used To Be

by Kent Heaton Going to church is not like it used to be. Church services have turned into places of entertainment and frolic and high-pitched computer-generated displays of excitement, energy, and temporal feelings of self-worth. Auditoriums are filled with choral groups arrayed in splashing displays of sparkling gowns with sound systems that generate twenty-seven million…

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Is watching movies or making jokes about sinful things really that bad?

Question: What about people who like action movies and stuff like that, or producers who make violent movies. I mean, you can like action movies but that does not mean that you support violence. There is a difference between making a joke about something and claiming that you actually would do it. You can live…

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Can a group (choir) sing if it is after the worship service?

Question: I am a member of the church of Christ and I want to know is group singing OK during a fellowship? Of course, the fellowship service is dismissed and then the group singing begins. Can you please help me with this? Answer: Your terminology is confusing to me because it is not how things…

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Is playing an instrument for a person’s own enjoyment scriptural?

Question: Is playing an instrument for a person’s own enjoyment scriptural? For example, can I play the guitar and piano, and write my own songs — not in worship to God, but for my own enjoyment? I feel somewhat at odds because I think about how we are to give thanks to God and in…

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What makes some fantasy stories wrong?

Question: Hi! I asked in the past if imagining ideas for a story was OK, and you said that you couldn’t see anything biblically wrong with it. But I feel like I need some details. For example, I heard of some Christians (not that I judge their opinions or anything) saying that they should ban…

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How should a Christian handle violent or adult content video games?

Question: What does Scripture teach about playing video games, especially video games that have violent, adult, and other content that is sinful? For example, how should a Christian handle playing a video game such as Grand Theft Auto where the games glorify obscenities and murder among many other sinful activities? Or what about a military-type…

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Individual-Group Distinctions

by Bryan Sharp I Timothy 5:16 tells us, “If any believing woman has relatives who are widows, let her care for them. Let the church not be burdened, so that it may care for those who are truly widows.” (ESV) This one verse is a gold mine of practical application because, in this one verse,…

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Is reading sexually explicit romance novels wrong?

Question: I really have a great deal of respect for your opinion just based on what I have read on your web site. I would like to get your opinion on how to handle a situation with a couple where I preach if you have time. The husband tells me that his wife spends a…

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Should I only listen to “Christian” music?

Question: What kind of music is prohibited? For the longest time, I have been listening to music that isn’t “Christian,” but nothing that is profane or that gives a bad message or talks about lewd or gross things. When I listen to my music, it makes me happier and helps me deal with some of…

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