Can a former murderer be forgiven and be able to work?

Question: Dear Minister, I committed murder at the age of 19 and spent the next 21 years in prison. I was released several years ago. I have been trying to figure out if I can truly be forgiven for the murder that I committed, and if so, just how do I get forgiven, and attempt…

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My problem is that I grumble too much at work. What should I do?

Question: Sir, I have been looking through the previous answers on public sin. But I could not find anything that was quite like my question. This is the best website I have found and I think it has helped me a ton. I think my biggest problem is when at work, usually, I will talk…

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I want to do something bad to the people who cost me my job

Question: Good day, I have lost my job, and I can’t stop thinking about doing something bad to the people who cost me my job. This thing is always on my mind, but I want to move forward, forget about it, and have faith in God that everything happens for reason. This situation is making…

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My new job interferes with going to Bible study. What do I do?

Question: I just started a new job at school where I work the second shift Monday through Friday. The local assembly where I worship meets for Bible study on Wednesday evenings. My question is: according to Hebrews 10:25 is it considered forsaking or neglecting if I miss Wednesday Bible study? Answer: The reason for attending…

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Can being attracted to a coworker be dangerous when you are married?

Question: I am married but attracted to a friend of mine at work.  I do not have sexual feelings for her but care for her very much.  Can this be a dangerous relationship to continue? Answer: Of course, it can be dangerous. Men desire to be the knight in shining armor to rescue the damsel…

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How do I say no?

Question: I am having this difficulty with saying no sometimes to things like sex, partying, spending money, too much work, overwhelming myself in a way. What is the right way to say N-O to a man I am in love with without hurting his feelings? Answer: “Do not think that I came to bring peace…

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Do I become a doctor or run a shop?

Question: I really need your advice. Since I was maybe seven or younger I always wanted to be a surgeon, most likely neurosurgery or probably orthopedic surgery. It was an inspiration or motivation I got when I saw lots of kids with more severe medical problems than me. I said to my parents I wanted…

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Should I give up my job because I cheated some in college?

Question: I cheated some during college. I regret this wholeheartedly. I have my current job as a teacher now because of my degree, which I view as tainted from cheating. Should I give up the benefits that have come with the possession of my degree? Does simply holding my degree constitute a sin? Are there…

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What if the site I write for also advertises gambling?

Question: I write for a sports website which advertises a betting company on its homepage and also at the bottom of every article (including the ones that I write). I really enjoy my job but am concerned that whether working for a company that promotes gambling (indeed the betting company helps to indirectly pay part…

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How do you pick a job when so many can involve sinful things?

Question: It seems like there are a lot of jobs where a person comes in contact with alcohol and cigarettes and other morally improper things. For instance, if someone works at a restaurant they might end up pouring and serving alcohol, or maybe a musician who plays at a restaurant might be entertaining a combination…

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Should a Christian get involved in marketing?

Question: Do you think Christians should get involved in marketing (you know buying and selling products even introducing others to the company)? I know it’s only a side job for me right now but some think it will take away from the spiritual part of my life. What’s your take? Answer: Marketing goods has long…

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Should I relocate or find another job?

Question: As of late, due to the current market situation, there has been a lot of redundancies in our company. I and the rest of the employees left have now been offered one and the only option – to relocate. I’m still thankful that we’re being given that option, meaning we would still have a…

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Is it wrong to leave out some of my employment history on a resume?

Question: I often struggle with discerning what might be God’s conviction over sin and what might be me worrying excessively. Recently, I filled out a job application that asked for a separate sheet for additional employment that was “relevant to the position” I was applying for. I held many, many jobs during college, some for…

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Is a five day work week contrary to God’s design?

Question: Many people today work for 5 days and rest on the other 2 days of the week. Even if we are no longer under the Old Testament Law; is it a contradiction to God’s design, where the people were supposed to work for 6 days (Exodus 20:9) and rest for 1 day weekly? Answer:…

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Should churches support retired preachers?

Question: I was reading some articles on your church web site, one concerning paying preachers, written by Terry Benton. I was trying to find New Testament scripture for continuing to pay a retired preacher, I guess like retirement for years of service. I am wanting the Bible to be my guide, not my heart. Any thoughts?…

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How do I object to homosexuality without getting fired?

Question: Currently at my place of work I have homosexual couples doing things that really disturb me.  Is there not something wrong with homosexual couples adopting children, or female homosexual couples being able to get in-vitro fertilization to have children?  I really desire to voice my opinion but I know that I will be the…

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Is it right for my wife to work at a tanning salon?

Question: My wife recently was thinking of changing jobs, going back to working at a tanning salon she once worked at. The owners want her to be the store manager and take on more roles than when she worked there before. She brought something up to me tonight that bothered and upset me. One of…

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If you can’t work due to illness, should you not eat?

Question: In II Thessalonians 3:10-12 it says if we won’t work neither should we eat. I always feel bad because I can’t work anymore. My wife and I are disabled and I can hardly count all the diseases I have and move only in a powerchair. Should we turn down any request to eat at…

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Does everyone need to work?

Question: You say that everyone must work, but what about those that cannot work because of a disability or ones that cannot find work? I do not have any working background, and when I looked for a job nobody would hire me because of it. And what about the ones who have been laid off?…

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Is it wrong for my employer to demand more hours from me?

Question: I have been asked by my employer to work more hours since they laid off other employees.  Is there anything against doing this in the Bible, if it means having less time with my young son and wife?  This will not be overtime as I am a salaried employee. Answer: As a salaried employee,…

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In Toil

Bryan Matthew Dockens Work is the common lot of all men. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden, the Lord God told the man, “Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring…

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Do I have to work on Sundays if my boss demands it?

Question: I was wondering, do we Christians have to work Sundays, or are we protected by any kind of laws stating that it is against the law for an employer to make a Christian employee work on a Sunday? I have a job where they started a new schedule where they want us to work on…

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Problems with dating and job search

Question: Hi, Well, thanks for all the information on dating and marriage you sent to me a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, I won’t need it anymore. My girlfriend and I broke up. Not by my choice, but her parents, family and all disapproved of me because I was jobless and haven’t had luck getting…

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An Industrious Worker

I.         The Bible commends diligent work             A.        Jacob had his faults, but one thing we notice is that he was an industrious worker                         1.         Gen. 31:38-39 – Summary of his work record.                                     a.         Prosperous growth in herds                                     b.         No miscarriages in 20 years                                     c.         No losses from wild animals or from his own personal use since he replace all that was…

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Should wages be fixed?

Questions: Describe the merits and demerits of fixed wages. Answer: When wages are described in the Bible, they are determined by negotiation. An employer declares what he is willing to pay and a prospective employee replies whether he will accept the job for that pay. For example, Jacob negotiated a shepherding job in exchange for…

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Employer — Employee

by Homer Hailey in The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 12, Oct. 1952. In this, the Christian dispensation, God does not set forth one form of civil government as being above another. He does, however, lay down definite principles which are to govern the conduct of any kind of government, and principles which are to govern the…

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Notes on Employer Relations

Leviticus 19:13 Job 31:13 Psalm 123:2 Malachi 3:5 Matthew 7:12 Ephesians 6:9 Colossians 4:1 James 5:4 See also: What does the Bible say about employment?

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