Is my boyfriend cheating on me or am I just being hormonal?

Question: Hi, I’m having trouble figuring out if I’m being paranoid, or if my soon-to-be husband is cheating on me. I’m 8 months pregnant. I had an episode of angina several days ago. My doctor said it was caused by excessive stress and it could happen again. Now my fiance is being careful with his…

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Is it OK to ask a girl for a date who is seeing someone else?

Question: Hi There was a discussion in which I’d like you to help out. Suppose one is interested in a certain lady who happens to be in a relationship with someone else. Is it OK to try to ‘displace’ the other gentleman? After all the two aren’t married, so technically she doesn’t ‘belong’ to him.…

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How do I handle marrying a Hindu?

Question: I am a Christian, baptized when I was 16 years old. I used to live with my parents and I never used to eat anything offered to idols or entered temples. Four years later I thought food won’t hurt us nor would going to temples hurt our faith in God. The only thing I…

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I can’t find anyone to marry

Question: Dear Minister, I’ve prayed, I’ve fasted, but I don’t know what to do. I don’t feel like I can talk to anyone at church, so I need some help. I’m 31, I’m single and I have no children. I’m so frustrated because everyone I know is in relationships or they have kids. My unsaved…

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I lied about my virginity to keep my boyfriend. What do I do now?

Question: I have been in a relationship before, but it didn’t end well. My heart was broken from that moment. I felt miserable. But this nice Christian guy came into my life. He is very nice and he takes me to church. I started to know more and more about God. God healed all the…

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What do I do? My boyfriend says he won’t give up sex

Question: I didn’t explore the website, but a particular question and answer on the site really are starting to plant a seed in my life. I understand that sex before marriage is wrong. I’ve sought an opinion on my situation from a lot of online sites and I never got a response. My boyfriend and…

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What Do You Do For Fun?

by Jim McGuiggan in The Irish Papers A young man tried to talk a young lady into sexual intercourse but she wouldn’t hear tell of it. Then he offered her booze she wouldn’t touch. A little later he wanted to share some marijuana with her but she turned that down, too. By this time he was…

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I want to marry a godly man, but I seem far from it

Question: Hello and praise the Lord! I normally don’t do this but I am in need of help. First I am a born-again believer and have been living for God for over a decade. My issue is this: I gave my life to Christ early twenties and from that point on I vowed to save…

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Did I make a mistake telling him I am not letting him go?

Question: Hi! I have a huge problem, I am dating a guy with a kid. He doesn’t live with the kid; he says he has issues with the mom. At first, I didn’t mind dating him, but now it’s bothering me a lot. He goes to see the baby and sleeps in the same room…

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Is it proper for my boyfriend to flirt with other women?

Question: I read one of the answers you gave a girl about kissing her old boyfriend while she was dating another guy, and she felt guilty about it. You said they were not married so it was OK. If my boyfriend and I have an understanding that we’re not going to date anyone else, and there…

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My girlfriend and I broke up because I don’t believe as she does

Question: My girlfriend is a strong Christian and whereas I am a Christian, I don’t exactly share the same beliefs as her. We recently broke up after three years because her parents wouldn’t allow it. I respect her beliefs, and I have been willing to hear more about it, but I know it would obviously…

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Should my friend marry a girl who flirts with other men?

Question: Dear Minister, I really appreciate your website and the time you put in to answer all these questions. I have a friend who shared this dilemma with me. I wanted to get your opinion about it. My friend is in a long-distance relationship with this girl who is a praise and worship leader in…

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My boyfriend wants to move in before we get married

Question: Dear friend, I am super confused now, and it seems like I am in a dilemma. I do not know what I am supposed to do. Please help me. My boyfriend wants to live with me. We are going to rent a two-bedroom apartment. We are seriously in love and plan to marry later…

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My boyfriend and I committed fornication. Should we split up?

Question: Dear sir, Thanks for your online forum to allow for such questions. I’m in my mid-twenties and my boyfriend is in his early thirties. I’ve known him for about 3 years and we’ve been together for about a year and a half now. We are both independent people who do love God. He has…

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Should I propose?

Question: I have read some of your answers as regards marriage and making the right choice. I have always prayed to God to give me His perfect will. I have a girl I truly love — we both love each other — and I want to get married to her by God’s grace. How do…

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Is it bad to date an older person?

Question: Good evening sir, Please, do you think it’s OK for me to love someone who is about 6-7 years older than me? I’m just 19 and I’m really confused. Most of my friends aren’t in support of it, and I’m really lost. Should I just forget this guy? Answer: Abraham married Sarah, who was…

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I think I love a man who is a player

Question: Hi there. I’m really lost in love. I’m a Christian and I’ve been searching for love for a long time. I’ve been used for sex so many times. I’ve been in relationships based on sex. I don’t know why I attract these types of guys. I really do want to settle down and have…

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My boyfriend just broke up with me and I don’t know why

Question: Hello, My boyfriend of two years recently broke up with me a week before Christmas. When I asked him why, he could not give me an exact answer. I’m still in love with him and he requested that we “take a break” which I don’t know what that means. I know that I should…

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What advice would you give to someone who can’t seem to love herself?

Question: What does it mean when the relationships you have with others always failed? What advice would you give to someone who can’t seem to love herself? Answer: I hate to sound trite, but consistent failure means you are going about it the wrong way. Often we convince ourselves that if we do the same…

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