How do I deal with work requirements that involve supporting sinful things?

Question: Good afternoon, I’ve been dealing with this dilemma for several months now and would love advice from a gospel teacher. I am going into my last year of college at one of the most liberal public universities in my region. I currently work as a Resident Assistant, where I help lead the residence halls…

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Carpe Diem – Seize the Day by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 4:9-12   I.         “Carpe Diem” is from a poem written in Latin by Horace. It means “seize the day.”             A.        The point of the poem is that a person does not know what the future holds so one should make the most of the what a person has at…

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Work as for the Lord by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Thessalonians 3:6-16   I.         Why should you work?             A.        I had a friend that inherited a large sum of money before he was 18. There was enough cash available that he could live comfortably off the interest the money would generate for the rest of his life. Why should he…

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It Takes Effort Text: II Thessalonians 3:6-11   I.         How many of us truly enjoy working?             A.        I, like many of us, dream of times when we can take a moment off and do nothing in particular             B.        Yet, I don’t like to be idle for long. It grates on my nerves. II.        In the beginning             A.        Man has always had work…

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Does God want me to lose everything?

Question: Dear Pastor Hamilton: Thank you for always answering emails throughout the many years. I’m writing you to say that I lost my job. I thought it was God’s will for me to be at this job because it was only a block away from my home, it matched my job skills, and it gave…

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The Bible Says, “Get a Job!”

by Cody Westbrook The “give me” generation is bearing fruit at a rapid pace. Indicators have been readily apparent for some time through various movements but in recent months the socialistic push has taken center stage in American news and culture. One result of this is a near demonization of work and ownership. On the…

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Is it biblical to take a vacation?

Question: Dear Sir, Is it biblical to take a vacation from work? Thank you. Answer: Employment is governed by rules set by governments and the agreement between the employer and the employee. For example, under the Law of Moses, the Israelites were required to not work on Saturdays (Deuteronomy 5:12-15). They also had special religious…

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Could you explain Ecclesiastes 2:26?

Question: Could you explain Ecclesiastes 2:24-26? What is meant in verse 26 by “… while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God’s sight …”? Answer: The book of Ecclesiastes is exploring the purpose of life. Solomon shows that…

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What Are You Doing for the Lord’s Church?

by Terry Wane Benton It is not what the church is doing for you, but rather, what are you doing for the Lord’s church? Jesus died and spilled His blood for the church. She is His bride, and she is special, purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28). He expects us to keep her pure,…

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Would God throw me away because I’m mentally disabled?

Question: I am disabled (Autism, SchizoAffective, and BiPolar Type 2) and on disability. Does that mean God isn’t pleased with me? I know the verse “He who doesn’t work ought not eat”. I’ve been mulling this over a lot. My attitude toward it has been even though I don’t work to earn money if anyone…

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Should I quit because my boss insists that I falsify invoices?

Question: Please, my employer is always asking me to falsify invoices against my will, and I feel guilty about this. Please should I quit the job because of this? Please, I need your assistance. Answer: The simple answer is that Christians are not allowed to lie. It doesn’t matter what your employer wants. Your boss…

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The Meaning of Life: Why Are You Here? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 6:6-21   I.         What is it that you are looking for out of life? What are you expecting?             A.        So many people never find contentment with their lives because they are expecting things that life cannot deliver.             B.        They decide they can’t be happy with life unless something changes                         1.         I’m…

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A Worker for the Lord by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 10:16-25   I.         God has not promised His children a life of ease.             A.        Christ warned his disciples that if men are willing to call him “Beelzebub” then we shouldn’t be surprised when they turn against us.             B.        Christianity is not easy because of the rejection we must face. It is…

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Is studying to get a good job unnecessary?

Question: Hello, There is this person who thinks that studying a lot to get good jobs is unnecessary. He feels that people go after good jobs in order to make money and hold a good position in society. I agree partially with this, but of course, there is a sense of commitment too. The argument…

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Too Busy Doing the Wrong Things I.         Some of us are careful shoppers. Especially when it comes to expensive items, such as our cars             A.        You could buy the cheapest thing on the lot. It will run, but we understand that it won’t last long. It is not worth the investment.             B.        Rather, most of us understand that it is better to save…

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Is a person allowed to miss services because of their job?

Question: Is there any proof in the Bible that forsaking the assembly of the saints is acceptable if one’s job requires him to work? I think self-employed people sometimes use this as an excuse which is wrong. But what about companies, or police, or fire, and nurses? I know the head of the family, the…

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Jamaica Patois Wisdom – Work

by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…

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Commands in Conflict

by Andrew Hamilton “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will…

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I was forced to start working evenings. Am I lost in this situation?

Question: I was forced to start working evenings at my job. It resulted in me losing my Wednesday night worship. I asked for a night shift and was rejected for it. I am currently looking for new employment. I want to keep the commands of Christ, but in my situation would I be lost? Answer:…

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Should I give up my job because I cheated some in college?

Question: I cheated some during college. I regret this wholeheartedly. I have my current job as a teacher now because of my degree, which I view as tainted from cheating. Should I give up the benefits that have come with the possession of my degree? Does simply holding my degree constitute a sin? Are there…

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What if the site I write for also advertises gambling?

Question: I write for a sports website which advertises a betting company on its homepage and also at the bottom of every article (including the ones that I write). I really enjoy my job but am concerned that whether working for a company that promotes gambling (indeed the betting company helps to indirectly pay part…

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How do you pick a job when so many can involve sinful things?

Question: It seems like there are a lot of jobs where a person comes in contact with alcohol and cigarettes and other morally improper things. For instance, if someone works at a restaurant they might end up pouring and serving alcohol, or maybe a musician who plays at a restaurant might be entertaining a combination…

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Is it wrong to leave out some of my employment history on a resume?

Question: I often struggle with discerning what might be God’s conviction over sin and what might be me worrying excessively. Recently, I filled out a job application that asked for a separate sheet for additional employment that was “relevant to the position” I was applying for. I held many, many jobs during college, some for…

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If you can’t work due to illness, should you not eat?

Question: In II Thessalonians 3:10-12 it says if we won’t work neither should we eat. I always feel bad because I can’t work anymore. My wife and I are disabled and I can hardly count all the diseases I have and move only in a powerchair. Should we turn down any request to eat at…

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Does everyone need to work?

Question: You say that everyone must work, but what about those that cannot work because of a disability or ones that cannot find work? I do not have any working background, and when I looked for a job nobody would hire me because of it. And what about the ones who have been laid off?…

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Is it wrong for my employer to demand more hours from me?

Question: I have been asked by my employer to work more hours since they laid off other employees.  Is there anything against doing this in the Bible, if it means having less time with my young son and wife?  This will not be overtime as I am a salaried employee. Answer: As a salaried employee,…

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In Toil

Bryan Matthew Dockens Work is the common lot of all men. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden, the Lord God told the man, “Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring…

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The Work of the Church

Text: Psalm 104   I.         The world is evidence of the ability of God to design perfect systems – Psalms 19:1             A.        Everywhere we turn the wisdom of God is manifested – Psalm 104:24             B.        This same masterful designer displayed His great wisdom in the design of the church – Ephesians 3:8-11             C.        Just as man is not able…

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Employer — Employee

by Homer Hailey in The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 12, Oct. 1952. In this, the Christian dispensation, God does not set forth one form of civil government as being above another. He does, however, lay down definite principles which are to govern the conduct of any kind of government, and principles which are to govern the…

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