My job requires lying and embarrassing people to get them to pay their loans


Hi Jeff,

Hope you're doing well. I'm in a dilemma and in need of some guidance and counsel. I work in a loan company for close to 2 years. I'm a loan officer there but the job is affecting my spiritual life.  The job requires I give people loans and collect the money back. The problem I have is that you can't control the repayment of the loan from a person. If the loan payments do not come in by their due date, you're expected to go to their place of residence and business to insult them in front of others to get them to pay.

Also, the job involves telling lies a lot just to cajole client to pay back their loans. I know I have no excuse, lying is a choice but the environment does not encourage truthfulness.

I haven't found another job; yet, I'm fed up with this job.  I'm just afraid that if I leave, I won't find another job immediately.

I need guidance if any. God bless you, sir.


As you noted, lying is never an option for a Christian (Revelation 21:8). Therefore, if a job requires lies, you find another job. Christians are to treat people with kindness and respect. Embarrassing people in front of others isn't an option (Galatians 6:9-10).

Thus, redefine your work in terms of how a Christian should behave. If being a Christian gets you fired, well, so be it. But until then, see if you can find a way to the tasks in ways that would make the Lord proud of you. Meanwhile, seriously search for a better job. If necessary, don't limit yourself to one location. Go where you can get a job.