Posts Tagged ‘repentance’
If we get married, will the sin stop?
Question: Do you really answer questions? I have something bothering me. Can you help me with it? I met a woman who has been divorced for a year. I intend to marry her, but the fact is that we have had sexual relations before marriage, and we are living together already. When we get married,…
Read MoreCould the Galatians repent of their sins?
Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton, I have been reading your website for quite some time. I struggle with the unpardonable sin and have read your articles dozens of times. My question is: Could the Galatians repent of their sin of mixing the old and new covenant and return to Christ, or was there no hope for…
Read MoreHow Men Act When They Repent
by Steve Klein via Seeking the Things Above In Matthew 12:41, Jesus said, “The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.” According to Jesus, the men of Nineveh repented at the…
Read MoreDo you have to figure out all your sins before becoming a Christian?
Question: I have a few questions. If you don’t mind. Do you have to figure out all your sins right away, or is this a lifelong process of seeing sin and repenting? I read What Repentance Is Not. It gave the example of someone who quit drinking because it was affecting their health. My question…
Read MoreIs Progressive Repentance Scriptural?
by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol 4. No. 4, October-December 2024 During my preaching work in Ghana in July and August 2024, I heard the term “Progressive Repentance” for the first time. This is the idea that an alien sinner may not repent of his sins by ending the sins before he gets…
Read MoreForgiveness Without Repentance?
by Mike Johnson via Seeking Things Above The Bible emphasizes the importance of forgiving those who sin against us. In fact, failing to do so is very frightening because, in Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus taught, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men…
Read MoreI can’t grasp the concept of grace and that I don’t need to punish myself to be forgiven
Question: Hello sir, I have questions about sin, repentance, and the importance of confession and restitution. I love your website, and I admire your wisdom and helping others, which are completely backed up by Scripture. Your input would be greatly appreciated, sir. I also hope that by asking these questions, I will help others on…
Read MoreAm I being unrepentant?
Question: Hello, I am a fellow disciple of Christ who recently has had his faith attacked from seemingly every possible angle. The foremost attack is self-inflicted in the form of a sin I committed. I want to preface this with two things: First, I need to hear the truth, no matter how painful. Second, I…
Read MoreHow sorry do you have to be to repent?
Question: How sorry do you have to be for your sins to repent? I am sorry, but I don’t think I’m sad enough or something because I’m not in tears over my sins, even though I want to be. I worry about my salvation every day. It’s been over ten years, and I’m miserable. I…
Read MoreThe Umbrella Nature of the Term “Faith”
by Terry Wane Benton One preacher (Stephen Whitsett) argued the following: “In the same way, it would be possible that Acts 2:38 is indeed communicating the fact that they were to be baptized “as the result of” or “because” they already had believed and in doing so had already received forgiveness of their sins (John…
Read MoreDo I have enough faith?
Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton, I am writing to you because I have been researching OCD a lot, and I see that you address a lot of OCD-related issues. I know I have OCD, although I have never been formally diagnosed. I deal with unwanted thoughts, thoughts I feel like I want, urges, sensations, and feelings,…
Read MoreDid I correctly repent?
Question: I can remember on the night before I was baptized, I sinned. After that, I prayed to God, told Him I was sorry, and wanted to live my life for Him. I don’t know if I had time to turn from my sins since I got baptized the next day, but I was so…
Read MoreI feel like I failed God, and He is angry with me
Question: Good day, I hope you are well. I love God, but I fear displeasing Him. I want to do right for Him. I’m a Christian. I am in my mid-twenties now. I was baptized at 12, but I got tangled in sin at 21 for about a year. I committed fornication, drinking, cursing, lying,…
Read MorePainful Truths
by Zeke Flores Sometimes, the truth hurts. You’re losing your hair. (Ouch!) You’re a little overweight. (Double ouch!) You’re in sin. (OOOWWW!) We’ve heard it said, “The truth hurts.” Who hasn’t been stung when the truth is critical to us personally or contradicts us in some way? The truth can tend to expose our deficiencies…
Read MoreHow do I repent of stealing from my neighbors?
Question: Hello, I have sinned for many years. I recently gave my life to Christ. I repented to the Lord of all my sins. I am devoting the rest of my existence to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. One of my biggest sins was being a thief for many years. I stole mainly to survive,…
Read MoreRepent of Your Sins
by Nana Yaw Aidoo via The Gospel Preceptor, Vol. 7, No. 2, February 2024 Over and over again, the New Testament emphasizes the necessity of repentance in the salvation of humans. The first preacher in the New Testament is John the Baptizer. We are told that he was sent to prepare the way for the…
Read MoreComing Clean from Addictions
by Terry Wane Benton Read Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30-31; II Corinthians 7:7ff People mess up their lives so much with drugs and alcohol. Jesus can heal them but there has to be repentance, a full stop of all that landed them in prodigal and wasteful living. Some have gotten in so deep that…
Read MoreWhat Must I Do to Go to Heaven? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 19:16-22 I. I was asked, “What must I do to go to Heaven when I die? Please no opinions. Please use the Bible, it is all we have that is the truth.” A. I am impressed that this man only wants a biblical answer. Far too many simply want…
Read MoreWhy the Change?
When the gospel was preached at Corinth, those who were fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals stopped practicing those sins. “Such were some of you” (I Corinthians 6:8-11). Did the preachers actually preach against those lifestyle choices? Did no one worry that this kind of preaching was not politically correct? Are people being convicted of sin in…
Read MoreCan I be baptized if I had sex with my boyfriend?
Question: Hello. I’m thinking about getting baptized, but also I’ve had sex with my boyfriend many times before. I just want to know, can I still be baptized even if I’ve done so? And can I be able to continue after baptism? Answer: “I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise…
Read MoreClean Hands and a Pure Heart by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 24 I. People want to get to heaven, but it seems many don’t want to put much effort into getting there. A. Jesus warned – Luke 13:3 B. The example of the Jews should be enough – I Corinthians 10:1-12 1. They were God’s chosen people, but they didn’t make it.…
Read MoreDo We Find Repenting Hard to Do?
by Perry Hall Do we find it hard to deeply and truly repent because we are basically a “good person” who has literally been “going to church” our whole life? How do we get better at doing the basic and primary requirement of repenting because the kingdom of God is near (Matthew 3:2)? Why else…
Read MoreCan I get baptized while being in a relationship?
Question: I’m a 21-year-old male. My Father is a pastor. I’m in a relationship with my sister-in-law. Now I wanted to take baptism, but I have concerns. Do we need to break our relationship in order to get baptized? She is a very good girl, and I preached the gospel to her and made her…
Read MoreThe Impenitent by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 26:1-15 I. Jeremiah was told to warn the people of the doom that was approaching them A. God thought there might be chance that the people would change – Jeremiah 26:2-3 B. Did they respond? Yes, but not in the right way – Jeremiah 26:8-9 C. Jeremiah again reminded them that…
Read MoreManasseh’s Repentance by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 21:1-9 I. There is a simple fact, which so many people have a hard time accepting – Ezekiel 18:20-24 A. Do people really change? B. Can they really be forgiven? C. Oh, you don’t understand, I’ve done such terrible things that God would never forgive me of them. II. Manasseh was…
Read MoreRepentance by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 7:8-11 I. In any pursuit, people develop jargon A. The jargon speeds up communication with people in the same group but can be confusing to outsiders because they don’t know the definition of words B. Christianity is no different. We sometimes forget what it is like for someone who…
Read MoreGiven to Change by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 24:21-22 I. For many people, trying out something new is exciting. You don’t know exactly what the result will be, which is part of the fun A. So we try out new restaurants or travel to places we’ve never been before B. Some changes are fun, but not always. For…
Read MoreWhat I’ve Learned About Repentance
by Perry Hall When I review my life I have become convinced of three (among many) necessities for spiritual victory: True repentance is more than being sorry. It is peeling back, again and again, the layers of your sin, finding how many sins were involved even within “one” sin. Does one sin ever involve one…
Read MoreExpecting the Impossible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 19:16-26 I. With God, all things are possible – Matthew 19:26 A. Even the saving of a wealthy man, if he desired to be saved. B. Yet, we must understand that some things are impossible for even God 1. It is impossible for God to lie – Hebrews 6:17-18 2. He cannot…
Read MoreShouldn’t a public sin be publicly confessed?
Question: Hello, brother in Christ! I am writing to you as this has been bothering me for months, and I’m still wondering how I would approach this problem. We have a sister in the Church, my close friend, who suddenly got married. I knew she had a boyfriend, but being her close friend, she could’ve…
Read MoreIs Change Always Right?
by Glen Young Change is difficult. We all have experienced this truth. How many New Year resolutions have fallen by the wayside after a few weeks? There is no doubt that changing bad behavior is necessary even though it is difficult. It is not my intention to discuss the need to change bad behavior. However,…
Read MoreReturn to the Lord
by Warren E. Berkley “‘Yet even now,’ declares the LORD, ‘return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning; and rend your heart and not your garments.’ Now return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil” (Joel…
Read MoreIf miracles could have caused Sodom to repent, why didn’t God do them?
Question: Hello brother, I have a question for you. It is in Matthew 11:20-24. If God knows what people need in order to repent, why didn’t he do it? Answer: “Then He began to denounce the cities in which most of His miracles were done, because they did not repent. ‘Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe…
Read MoreHow do you repent of stealing when the victim has died?
Question: If a person stole money from their parent with the intention of paying it back, but the parent passed away before they could get the money back to them, plus their other parent has passed away, what do they need to do to make their life right? It happened years ago. No debt was…
Read MoreI fear I didn’t have the right attitude before I was baptized
Question: First off, I would like to say, I grew up in a church of Christ. A few years ago, I was struggling with hardcore sin in my life. My brother died that year, and it woke me up quickly. I was partying, drinking, smoking weed, cussing, having sex, and just not living right. I…
Read MoreHow do I repent for buying stolen items?
Question: A few years ago, I bought stolen items from a friend’s friend. It was a mystery box containing a few items from a convention. I don’t know which convention. My friend’s friend wanted to sell me the mystery box with the items for 10 dollars, which I agreed to. Right after I bought the…
Read MoreWhat should I do about my hidden sexual life?
Question: Hello Brother, Your site is a valuable tool that helped me with some issues and questions that I have in matters of doctrine and the Christian lifestyle. I’ve been following your site for many years ago. I’m a young preacher. I’m a full-time minister in the church of Christ and I’m in my mid-20s.…
Read MoreI’m feeling extreme guilt
Question: I feel extreme guilt for past sins. Sins that most would count as minor. Breaking the law whether intentional or not … not confessing to things I know about from years ago, breaking rules at home, work, friendship-wise, etc. It’s the wee hours of the morning, and I feel terrible thinking how horrible of…
Read MoreI’m supposed to be baptized soon, but I keep focusing on sexual things
Question: Hello Jeff, For years I hated gay and trans people. I am always ridiculing them and when I’m downloading a movie or tv series I always check whether there are gays in it or not first before downloading. The violent stuff or heavy sex (man and women) doesn’t matter to me, it’s always seen…
Read MoreFruitful Christians by Jeffery W. Hamilton Text John 15:1-8 I. We know that Jesus’ words in John 15 concerning the vine and branches are dealing with individual Christians and not denominations. A. Jesus is the vine, each one of us are branches off that vine, and God is the vinedresser. B. But don’t get so caught up in…
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