You shouldn’t tell people they sinned when they admit it

Question: To whom it may concern: I have read a few of your questions and answers, as well as layouts of certain topics in worshipping God, and several sins.  Everything is very insightful and I appreciate it that you answer straight from the Bible.  However, in general, you are very judgmental and do not allow…

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Doesn’t the Bible say that sins should not be hidden but exposed?

Question: Sir, This is in regards to Am I not able to get pregnant because I didn’t tell my husband about my adultery years ago? My writing to you is that there is nowhere in Scripture that God encourages secrecy when it comes to sin. In fact, Scripture does the opposite, in which it shows…

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How do you handle inappropriate talk in a youth Bible study?

Question: I just graduated from high school and started hanging out with my sister’s friends who are the college-age people in our church. Most of them are on our youth staff. They meet together in what they call a Bible study, but we did not touch a Bible once. It seemed like the whole time…

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Giving and Taking a Rebuke

by Lance Blackburn Rebuke – to admonish, charge, convict; a stern correction Rebuking is a vital part of the Christian’s life This is true of giving and receiving rebukes Jesus often rebuked His disciples: Mark 8:33; Luke 9:55 Paul commanded Timothy and Titus to rebuke: I Timothy 5:20; II Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:13; 2:15 Wisdom…

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My friend is committing adultery. Must I say something?

Question: I need a clear answer. Did I commit sin if I have known from the beginning my friend has committed adultery and still dating someone? She still married, still living in the same house together with her husband and kids. Her husband is nice, old, and busy at work all the time. I also…

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Do I have to tell everyone they are in sin?

Question: Should I be trying to correct every little act of unrighteousness? Perhaps “little” isn’t the right word. In my school, so many people are sinning and frequently too. How useful could I be trying to convert everyone that I see? I don’t see how I could teach and develop a relationship with everyone around…

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Is it wrong for a child to correct his parents?

Question: Hi. Your website has been very helpful and I hope that you keep it up. Thank you for putting all the time into it as well. I am a 16-year-old male (I am saying this so you understand how I am thinking) and of late I have been taking Christianity much more seriously. As…

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Should I confront my friend about his language?

Question: There’s a friend I have who was recently baptized. He was taught about baptism, and we left him alone, and he eventually made the choice without any pushing of any sort. He knows cursing is wrong, and he doesn’t curse around me. Well, he does euphemistically.  But that’s a huge improvement from what he used to…

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Can a woman correct a man who is sinning directly?

Question: Can a woman follow the teaching in Matthew 18:15-17 and go directly to a brother if she has is bothered by a fault or trespass of his, or must she go to the men of the congregation to approach him? It seems to me the passage applies to all Christians not just men and…

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Is it ever OK to tell someone they are going to Hell if they don’t repent?

Question: Is it ever okay to tell an unfaithful Christian, “You are going to Hell if you do not repent of your sins and come back to the church?” Answer: People have a tendency to want to make rules to simplify decisions, but sometimes rules can’t cover every situation. Generally, we aim for gentle, polite persuasion…

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How do I tell family and friends they are living in sin?

Question: How do I know what to say when telling people that they’re living in sin, like my family and friends? I’m scared that whatever I say will not even be listened to and then it’s just going to be a squabble afterward. But I know, obviously, it is more important to warn them about…

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How can I get my mother to turn away from her sin?

Question: Hello, Your knowledge and answers to my questions have helped me so much. I can’t thank you enough, but I have another one to ask. My mother has been married and divorced five times, and I know most of them are not because of adultery. She is currently with a man who is still…

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How do you love a neighbor who doesn’t want you in their life?

Question: I’ve lost my way. How do I get my life right with God again? I was raised up to believe in God and I still do. Right now I believe that I have lost my spiritual compass along with my relationship with God. One thing I will never forget from God’s word is “to…

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What should be done if a visiting speaker starts teaching falsely?

Question: If an elder at a congregation puts a visiting speaker in the pulpit who has no business being there, and you have a lot of visitors in the audience, what should the preacher do or say about that? I might add that the elder’s knowledge is nowhere close to where it should be to…

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Faithful Wounds

by Zeke Flores “Faithful are the wounds of a friend …” (Proverbs 27:6). I enjoy being in the company of insightful people with a lighthearted sense of humor. Who doesn’t like a jovial conversation just for the sake of having a few laughs? I also like serious discussions about current events, politics, moral issues, and…

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You should apologize for your answer!

Question: I saw your response, “Since the church isn’t the building, you can’t make rules about how the building is used,” to an older woman who “dared” to say what is in her heart. What disrespect you showed her! Do you really believe she was open to your answer?  Did you show her the wrong in her…

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Should I confront my friend’s pastor?

Question: I’ve been arguing with a girl at school. She calls herself a Christian. She recently invited me and my friend to go to her church. So my friend asked her if there’s a female preacher there, she said yes. She asked if women speak there, she said yes. Later that day, they were arguing if…

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You shouldn’t mention names or say why groups are wrong

Question: I was doing a study and happened upon your web site. I read a few of your articles and also checked out your Facebook page. I figured it would be more appropriate to email me you than to post on your Facebook my concerns on your Facebook. I agree you do have some interesting…

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You didn’t tell the man in adultery how much God loves him

Question: Hello, I came across your letter from the man who was within a day of divorcing his wife when suddenly he got the idea to see what the Bible had to say about his choices. I was bothered by what you left out of your letter, if in fact what I read was all that was…

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Pearls From Proverbs: Frankness Finds Favor

by Irvin Himmel Via Guardian of Truth XXXI: 4, p. 108, February 19, 1987 “He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favor than he that flattereth with the tongue” (Proverbs 28:23). Although there are people who do not care what others think about them, most of us desire the esteem and goodwill of our acquaintances.…

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Why do you feel the need to say that other religions are wrong?

Question: Hi, I’m just wondering why do you feel the need to tell everyone else that their religions are wrong? How are you so sure yours is right? You don’t have any more proof then other religions do. I just think it’s ridiculous that you and other people feel it’s up to them to change…

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It isn’t Christian-like to publish negative things about the Coptic church

Question: A question on the Coptic church has your response being negative of the Coptic church and using Bible verses in the wrong context. That is not Christian-like at all. That verse in Peter stating everyone is a priest was only for the twelve disciples as they were the first twelve priests. Answer: “But you are…

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How do I reach a friend who is sinning?

Question: Hi, I don’t know if these are the kinds of questions you answer, but I might as well ask. I have just started high school, and already I am seeing and hearing about a lot of bad things going on (smoking, drugs, drinking, sex, cursing, etc.). I try as hard as I can to…

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Yeah, Yeah, I’ve Heard It Before!

by Zeke Flores While at the dentist’s office some time ago for a routine cleaning, the hygienist asked if I had been flossing, just as she did each and every time I went. I mumbled something about “Not as much as I should” (It’s hard to speak intelligibly when someone has a sharp instrument in…

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When Our Loved Ones Lose Their Moral Compass

by Matt Adams Have you ever tried to use a compass or navigated using a map? With technology advancing as it has, most of us now wouldn’t choose artifacts such as a compass or a map as our primary tool for navigation. However, a compass is a very simple tool and requires that you know…

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When I see someone sinning, is it wrong not to say anything?

Question: After reading Leviticus 19:17, which commands us to rebuke our neighbor, I was surprised and a little worried.  You see, sometimes I am afraid that, if I rebuke someone, they will either mock me or think of me as sanctimonious and thus be reluctant to befriend me or be eager to point out my…

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Shouldn’t you balance your rebukes regarding fornication with love?

Question: I was just reading one of your answers to a question relating to a couple who were attempting intercourse.  While the Bible is very clear about what is moral and right concerning intercourse, I found the response lacking some balance in support and love.  The word of God is a two-edged sword so is…

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Should I talk with a brother who is wearing a Masonic ring?

Question: I noticed that a brother in Christ wore a Masonic ring. I mentioned it to one of the elders. We talked a short time and he agreed it’s a religion. He did not ask, neither did I tell, who he was. Am I to talk with the brother or leave it alone? Answer: It…

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Elihu’s Discipline and Correction of Job

by Pat Gates via Our Hope Online Job 34 Elihu’s Charge Against Job Speaks without knowledge Words without wisdom Answers like a wicked man Is rebellious and multiplies his words against God “Job speaks without knowledge, His words are without wisdom. Oh, that Job were tried to the utmost, Because his answers are like those of…

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Can We Have Too Much “Positive” Preaching?

by Greg Gwin We readily acknowledge the importance of positive preaching. Brethren need the “comfort of the Scriptures” (Romans 15:4). Paul sent Tychicus to the Ephesians so that he could “comfort your hearts.” Timothy was dispatched to Philippi (Philippians 2:9) and Thessalonica (I Thessalonians 3:2) in order to comfort the brethren. Clearly, this kind of…

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