Posts Tagged ‘rebukes’
Your answer was not the best way to go about responding
Question: Good day, my brother, With reference to “God wanted instrumental music before, so why not now?” and the response you posted from a concerned member, I humbly suggest that this was not the best way to go about responding. Some of the things you said were rude and condescending and did not embody gentleness…
Read MoreHow Do You Take Correction?
by Jefferson David Tant Taking correction is a part of living. It begins when we are children and are rebuked for doing something wrong or for not doing something right, like cleaning up our room. It continues through our teen and adult years. Even Jesus Christ was criticized time and again by his enemies. Preachers…
Read MoreFault Finding by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:11-18 I. The golden rule – Romans 13:9-10 A. Much of our life is involved in relating to other people. 1. We need the cooperation of others in so many ways. 2. And so many people are just plain hard to get along with. B. God’s laws are easily summed up…
Read MoreBeing Corrected and Correcting Others
by Jerry Falk Throughout the years, I have been corrected about shortcomings in my life, and today, I can confidently say that I am a better person for it! I thank God for the painful moments when His word has cut me to the heart (Hebrews 4:12; Acts 2:37), even when such correction has come…
Read MoreWhy the Change?
When the gospel was preached at Corinth, those who were fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals stopped practicing those sins. “Such were some of you” (I Corinthians 6:8-11). Did the preachers actually preach against those lifestyle choices? Did no one worry that this kind of preaching was not politically correct? Are people being convicted of sin in…
Read MorePrivate Conversations First?
by Matthew W. Bassford Recently, I posted a critique of John Mark Hicks’s book Searching for the Pattern. This generated a number of interesting responses, one of which came in a private message from a good-hearted brother. He asked me if I had gone to Hicks privately with my objections before raising them publicly. He…
Read MoreYour responses are harsh and demeaning
Question: I am writing this because I came across your website and read through a few of the responses to people’s questions. While we are told to snatch others from the fire, the responses to these people are so harsh and demeaning, I don’t at all see the reflection of Christ in them. These people…
Read MoreSullen and Vexed
by Matthew W. Bassford The Israelite king Ahab is one of the most complex characters in the Bible. He isn’t a straightforward villain like Sisera or Caiaphas. There is good in him. When Elijah confronts him over the judicial murder of Naboth in I Kings 21, he repents and humbles himself. However, Ahab is doomed…
Read MoreBe Kind to All by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhy Does It Matter to You?
by Doy Moyer “Why does it matter to you what people do in their own privacy? Why not just leave them alone? They aren’t hurting you. It’s their life; it’s none of your business.” In one sense, it doesn’t matter to me what others do privately.* I have no interest in spying on people or…
Read MoreTo Call or Not to Call
by Jefferson David Tant Names, that is. For some time brethren have discussed whether or not we can mention denominational names in our preaching. Some say we offend and drive people away when we mention the teachings of the Catholic or Baptist churches, etc. While we agree that such can be abusive and mean-spirited, is…
Read MoreLessons from the Reign of Asa by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Kings 15:8-24 I. Asa’s reign was the third in Judah since the great division of Israel during the reign of Rehoboam A. His father, Abijam, only reigned three years. 1. Abijam was not a good king as the Lord counts goodness – I Kings 15:3 2. In fact, the most notable…
Read MoreMarking Dogs
by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, September 1999 “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17). You now have read every passage in the New Testament which exhorts us to “mark” those who cause division. There is one other…
Read MoreLove It or Leave It
by Ed Harrell Vanguard Vol 3, No 21, November 11, 1977 It is difficult to keep one’s thinking truly un-denominational. Proud, carnal attitudes constantly make their way into spiritual affairs. The sources of jealousy and strife today are the same carnal attitudes that plagued the Corinthian church (I Corinthians 3:1-5). I think few people have…
Read MoreWhy Don’t We Just Kill Him?
by Edward W. Pagan Sentry Magazine, March 2001 The title of this article comes from one of the first movies that Tom Hanks made called The Man with One Red Shoe. It describes the infighting that goes on between two rivals within the CIA and their efforts to ruin each other’s careers. The line, in…
Read MoreButton That Pocket, Soldier!
by Jefferson David Tant A retired Army officer recalled an incident when he inspected some recruits who had just finished basic training. He stood right in front of one, making the young man quite nervous. The officer noted an unbuttoned pocket flap on the private’s shirt, and barked out in his best authoritative voice, “Button…
Read MoreHow do I confront my dad about the porn app I found on his phone?
Question: Good day, My dad told me that he used to watch porn when he was a teenager. Recently, I spotted a ‘free porn viewing site’ on his phone. I don’t know if I should do something about it. If I confront him I will either get the beating of my life, or I will…
Read MoreIs it a sin not to point out another person’s sin?
Question: I’m 17 years old and the only biblical-based Christian in my family at the moment. Hopefully, that will change soon. I know the Bible says that we must warn people of their wickedness or their blood will be on our hands ( Ezekiel 3:18-19). But must we point out obvious sin to a family…
Read MoreHow Do You Show Love? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 5:6-21 I. It seems that today, showing another person love means never telling them they are wrong or criticizing them any way A. People claim to be offended if other person disagrees with them or points out a flaw in their behavior 1. Islamaphob! Homophob! Etc. 2. To take a…
Read MoreOnce is Enough by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Micah 2:1-5 I. I was giving a young pre-teen some instruction in Tae Kwon Do. I told her how the move was to be done, I showed her how it was done, and I explained why this method worked better. Exasperated with me, she put her hands on her hips…
Read MoreWas I wrong to forgive someone without rebuking them?
Question: Hello, A coworker asked for my forgiveness, but because the moment was awkward, I didn’t say “I forgive you.” There’s a good chance that I have a form of OCD, and I get stuck on little things like this. I went out of my way to be nice to him, and I never mentioned…
Read MoreShould I have said something when I saw my sister and her boyfriend laying on her bed?
Question: My sister was in her room with her boyfriend, laying on her bed. I accidentally saw them when I let the dog into the room. I think I made a mistake by closing the door again. Should I say something, or is this okay? I feel like even though nothing might happen, it could…
Read MoreHow do I confront my dad about his viewing pornography?
Question: Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read this question. I have read your replies to others in the past and appreciate the biblically based advice you give. My father is a Christian man, married to my mom for over 30 years. Unfortunately, a few years ago, I accidentally discovered he has been…
Read MoreMust we be condemned before the church for sins we have repented of?
Question: I am writing to seek for your advice on a situation I find myself in. I have been in a relationship for several months and shortly before we could inform our pastor of our planned wedding, we made a grievous error and fell into sexual sins. A child was conceived because of these sins.…
Read MorePainless, Pointless, Profitless Preaching
by Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. Guardian of Truth, October 19, 1995 The doctor, looking at the routine test results, announces to the patient, “Hey, man, give me five. Have I got good news for you? Your blood pleasure is super. Your pulse rate is fantastic. And, man, what a fabulous gall bladder. It is beautiful…
Read MoreHow can I possibly warn everyone about all the sins they are doing?
Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, Currently, I am struggling with how to deal with other believers and their sins. Specifically, at my place of work, there are coworkers who claim to be Christian and others to be Catholic. While I understand that you should warn people of their sin, and if you do not warn them,…
Read MoreHow can I possibly warn everyone about all the sins they are doing?
Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, Currently, I am struggling with how to deal with other believers and their sins. Specifically, at my place of work, there are coworkers who claim to be Christian and others to be Catholic. While I understand that you should warn people of their sin, and if you do not warn them,…
Read MoreShould I have said something to the gang robbing my store?
Question: Good morning, Can you please help clarify the meaning of what Solomon meant by what he wrote in Ecclesiastes 7:16? Is there such thing as being “too righteous”? I ask this because I am the manager of a small retail store. Recently, while I was on my shift, three men who were tattooed with…
Read MoreWhat is the best way to lovingly tell someone they are wrong?
Question: In your opinion what is the best way to tell someone that they are wrong but loved? If someone is a homosexual, how can you tell them that their actions are wrong in a loving way? It seems like you need to strike a delicate balance there. Answer: “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes,…
Read MoreSaying the Things People Don’t Want to Hear by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Amos 7:1-9 I. God brings to Amos a vision of terrible destruction – the destruction of the northern kingdom, Israel – Amos 7:1-9 A. Israel had failed to measure up to God’s standard. They were no longer straight. They were no longer true. They were like a leaning wall ready…
Read MoreIs rebuking a sinner once enough?
Question: Hi, I was reading your article How do I tell someone they are sinning? and I wanted to ask a question concerning Galatians 6:1. When correcting another Christian about a sin, does one have to continue until they stop or try and leave the rest up to God? Answer: It would be a rare case…
Read MoreWhat should I do? My mom and I are always arguing
Question: I’m 23 years years old and a single mom. My mom has helped me out a lot financially, but she can be confrontational and a bit abusive in her speech. I always argue with her over things, and we never can seem to get along for very long. My mom always points out what…
Read MoreWe Thank God for You
by Ethan Longhenry via Biblical Insights, August 2014 We live in a time of extremes when it comes to self-esteem and affirmation. Some people are constantly criticized, derided, and put down, even by family members, and feel as if they are worthless and can never be good enough. Other people receive nothing but praise and affirmations…
Read MoreIs it wrong to scold someone? Do I rebuke every bad thing a person does? Does a little bit of immorality make a show bad?
Question: Hi Mr. Jeff, I really enjoy your website. Thank you for sharing it with others. I just wanted to ask you about three questions: The first question I had was: As followers of Christ, our speech and conduct is supposed to give grace to those who hear. Sometimes I’m confused as to if what…
Read MoreIs that You O Troubler of Israel? by Bryan Faulkner On Being a Christian
Read MoreShould Paul Have Been Embarrassed?
by Terry W. Benton Matthew wrote a book that aired the “dirty laundry”, so to speak, of his Jewish nation, just as the earlier prophets had done before, only now it was worse because God’s great “blessing to all nations” was now being rejected as a “troubler” in Israel. Matthew even shows Jesus driving some…
Read MoreThe Hell-Fire Preaching Jesus by Terry Wane Benton Let Me Tell You About My Jesus
Read MoreHandsome Is as Handsome Does
by Aubrey Belue Which “Handsome is as handsome does” means: “back up your words with your actions.” “But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and…
Read MoreSpina Absentia
by Jefferson David Tant According to my 9th Grade Revised Latin, the title means “no backbone.” Physically, this devastates the body, making it impossible to function. This is tragic. But more tragic is spiritual “spina absentia.” This “spinelessness” is too common in the Lord’s body, and we need the “Great Physician” to stiffen the backbone…
Read MoreMy friend just told me he is homosexual. What do I do?
Question: Dear Jeffrey, I have a friend in which I’ve known for about ten years or so and the other day he (I don’t like to use this phrase) came out of the closet. He told me that he was gay. I have no idea how to handle this. Do I stop being his friend?…
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