Am I married?

Question: Hello, This is my first time asking anyone this question, but it is really heavy on my mind, and with a lot of mixed feelings about it. I just came across this site, so why not. Two years ago, I met my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was at the lowest point in…

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I don’t think we can hold out for three years

Question: I met my girlfriend after a strong heartbreak from the previous relationship, and she helped me a lot to recover. I was a Catholic then, and I was not born again. When we met she was born again and she used to pray for me to see the truth, though I was not seeing…

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Is it fair that we have to wait five years to get married?

Question: This is regarding marriage I guess. What is considered married? Do you have to have a ceremony? Do you have to sign papers? Do others have to be present? Or is it simply two people making a commitment to each other? I am desperately ready to marry my boyfriend and start a life. In…

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Should I marry a man who is not a virgin?

Question: Hi, Blessings to you! I’m having a difficult time accepting someone’s past. First I’ll start with that I’m a Christian, not a perfect one, but I do strive to be the godly woman God encourages me to be. As a Christian and follower of Christ, I should never shame someone over their past nor…

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Is it covetous to want to get married?

Question: Is it covetous to want to get married? I’m not speaking of an example of a man and woman loving each other and wanting to marry, but rather a man or a woman who wants to find a mate? I go to a church that is mostly elderly people, so there is no Christian…

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We just can’t get enough money for lobola in order to get married

Question: Good day, I have a very loving relationship with the father of my toddler. We love one another dearly, but unfortunately, we have no money. He has no money, and I cannot go on living day-to-day worried about the next meal. Our child lives at my home, where my parents cater to the child’s…

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Selfishness and Marriage

by J. R. Bronger Divorce! This word used to call to mind “breaking up a home,” and with it trauma, unhappiness, and all manner of problems. Today, however, it is so commonplace that it rarely raises an eyebrow. There is no need to overwhelm you with statistics in order to prove that nearly half of…

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Is a marriage in front of a Justice of the Peace valid in God’s sight?

Question: Good afternoon, I have been praying for several weeks for the Lord’s guidance.  The questions that I have led to more questions.  One day I came across one of your articles and I read.  I started to cry.  The article I read was: Can my girlfriend and I get married after committing fornication?  Shortly after…

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Should I marry this woman from another country?

Question: I am about to get married to a young woman who lives in a poor country. I love God and desire Him truly. She is an orphan and was raised in the church by a kind of missionary mother. She believes almost everything I do. We are set to marry in a few weeks,…

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Are we married when he never divorced his wife?

Question: Hi, I have a question. My boyfriend and I were in love, we loved God and wanted to be married, but he was married before. He married this woman, she cheated on him, he wanted a divorce but could not find her. They had been separated for seven years, so we sat in our…

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Is a marriage performed by a witch doctor legitimate?

Question: Here in Africa people go to witch doctors in order to get married, which is a sin. Now can you please tell me if people, who are married by a witch doctor, are allowed to have sex with each other because that for me is a sin? Marriage is from God, and it’s considered…

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All I want to do is get married

Question: I am a 23 years old female. I am Christian but I’m struggling with sexual immorality with different partners because when things are bad I break up with one and try another one thinking that he might be the one or he might be better than the previous one. I have been trying to…

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My wife is no longer able to have sex. What is a Christian man to do?

Question: I appreciate the views you’ve expressed and have had questions about masturbation for a long time. My wife and I are in our seventies. For many years we had a good sexual relationship, except I wanted it a lot more often than she did. But sex was good and I recall often the special…

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Is it a sin to have sex via Skype with your wife?

Question: Hi, Is it a sin to have sex via Skype with your wife when you live far from each other? Answer: Technically, sex isn’t taking place since the two of you are not together. What is taking place is that each is masturbating while watching and talking to the other person. Since this is…

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Can parents deny consent to their adult children getting married?

Question: I read this from your site: Do adults need to honor their parents by obeying them? I have actually read your responses and the whole Question and Answer to the end. My situation with my fiancee’s parents is almost similar to the one quoted below. “You’ll be surprised as to how many Asian parents…

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Are arranged marriages wrong?

Question: Are arranged marriages wrong? Answer: You find a number of ways marriages came about in the Scriptures, including arranged marriages. For example, Isaac’s wife was arranged for him by his father Abraham (Genesis 24:2-9). However, you find other circumstances, such as dating, in the Scriptures as well. See Does the Bible talk about asking…

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Why can’t I marry my Catholic boyfriend?

Question: God bless you, Well, I have an issue in my life. My parents and I were introduced to Christianity a few years ago. My dad already had a background in it since his childhood, so he connected and loved it right away. My mom and I didn’t feel it right away. It was a…

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Does premarital sex make you married or cursed?

Question: I know you are super busy all the time, but if you get a chance sometime, could you help untangle my spiritual thoughts? I am asking for help regarding two theologies out there concerning marriage: One theology is that the first person you have sex with you are married to and any after that…

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Should I get married without a bride price being paid?

Question: Hello, my brother, I am told your bride price must be paid before marriage and you can get married before your bride price is paid. My question is I want to get married and be clean before God because I have children with my fiancé and we are not married.  My friends have arranged…

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Should I work things out with my drug-addicted husband?

Question: My husband and I have been married for about five years. We only dated for a year before we got married. Throughout those five years, I’ve been the sole provider of the family. Now I understand that without some education he can’t get the job he wants, but he will work somewhere for a…

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Should I marry the father of my children?

Question: Hello, I am the mother of three children. Their father left us to go and look for green pastures (I mean daily bread) in another country. He promised to come back and we would marry since we lived in sin for a long time. Due to poverty, we couldn’t afford the marriage ceremony and…

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My wife is always complaining. How can I help her?

Question: Hello! I am coming here with a question in regards to my marriage. My wife and I are newlyweds, just a few months into our marriage. However, at the moment things seem to be flipping upside down! My wife is a severely depressed person, and, as a result, we are fighting a lot. I…

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I don’t think I can wait to get married

Question: My boyfriend and I have been dating for more than three years. Purity is draining me and I’ve suggested we get married as soon as possible. You said this in an answer to a question: “One of the interesting things I’ve learned in life is that if you look at the hard numbers, no one…

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Is voluntary celibacy desired by Christ?

Question: Hi, I perused your site and was looking at your posts about celibacy with which I agree that forced celibacy should not be imposed. Yet, the vow of chastity is a vow that is a gift that is to be honored and revered among persons undertaking this path in their life. Chastity is a…

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Wisdom in Picking a Mate

Text: Genesis 2:18-24   I.         The importance of selecting who you will marry             A.        Marriage is intended by God to be a lifetime commitment – Matthew 19:3-6             B.        God hates divorce – Malachi 2:13-16             C.        God law has marriage lasting the life of the parties involved – Romans 7:2-3             D.        It is God’s intention that the time be spent happily…

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Is paying lobola equivalent to marriage?

Question: Greetings, I would like to know if lobola (bride price) is equivalent to marriage with regards to sexual relations.  I have recently paid lobola (bride price)  but not the full amount, I am saving money and will pay the full price next and then get married.  My curiosity is: Is it ok still sinful…

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Your sermon on marriage really helped me

Question: I hope you’re doing great. I just wanted to give you a quick thanks for your sermon on marriages. It gave me much information regarding the statistics on marriage and how society has taken away its wonderful purpose. It also helped solidify my understanding of how marriage is a tight union between two persons.…

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My husband has been bewitched into abandoning his family

Question: Hi, I want to know what the Bible says about my husband. He abandoned me with three small kids. He doesn’t want to see them or support them. He hates us and believes that he will be blessed without us. I sought prayer and found out that he is bewitched by his parents and…

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Should I marry my atheist boyfriend?

Question: I was with this guy for over a year. We were friends and then started having sex and dating. He is an atheist. I am not. We broke up a month ago but still talk online a lot. We are still friends. He still claims he loves and still talks about wanting to be…

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