My husband has been bewitched into abandoning his family

Question: Hi, I want to know what the Bible says about my husband. He abandoned me with three small kids. He doesn’t want to see them or support them. He hates us and believes that he will be blessed without us. I sought prayer and found out that he is bewitched by his parents and…

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Should I marry my atheist boyfriend?

Question: I was with this guy for over a year. We were friends and then started having sex and dating. He is an atheist. I am not. We broke up a month ago but still talk online a lot. We are still friends. He still claims he loves and still talks about wanting to be…

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My parents don’t want me to marry the woman I’ve chosen

Question: I am very sad and confused right now. Please, I need help. I have a lady I am in love with, and she is in love with me. I told my parent about her, and they decided to consult some prophets. Based on the prophets’ visions they said I should not marry. They are…

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Do I need to disclose my savings to my fiancee?

Question: Once again I come with a question that I hope you can assist me with. I’m on the verge of marriage, we have been going to counseling, and I wanted to know what advice you can give about the financial status of a married couple. I discussed with my fiancée about being open, and…

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What is the biblical definition of marriage?

Question: What is the biblical definition of marriage according to both the Old and New Testaments? Answer: Marriage is a special covenant entered into between a man and a woman for the purpose of establishing a new family. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his…

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I love two girls, but I don’t know who I should marry

Question: Please help me. I am in my early twenties. I have been in a relationship for three years, but we did not have sex. Later when I moved away from the girl for my higher studies. I fell in love with another girl, who is not a Christian. I did not break up with…

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Is it wrong for a couple to decide not to have children?

Question: I have read several articles about Christian couples who choose not to have children.  One article called it moral rebellion to willingly choose not to have children, while others of course say that God calls people to do other things that may not involve children.  I know when God created man and woman, he…

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Can a couple, who committed fornication, manage to have a good marriage?

Question: Hello, First of all, thank you for your site. It seems to have good advice on many issues. I have read your article “Dealing with the Effects of Pre-Marital Sex.” I have a question relating to the article, but which is not covered directly in the article: How should a couple, who are planning…

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Can I marry my brother’s ex-girlfriend?

Question: Dear Sir, I appreciate your website and how deep and rich your answers to pertinent questions have helped to shape people’s lives. I have been dating a lady who was once dating my younger brother. They were both in the same church, and they dated as believers with the consciousness to keep the relationship…

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Should we marry without her parents’ blessing?

Question: Hi, I am facing a heartbreaking situation right now. I met my fiancee two years ago and I happily discovered we have the same vision: being totally consecrated to the Lord. She is a very good and spiritual person to me and we understand each other very well. When we met, we were in…

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Should I marry the woman my brother once slept with?

Question: First of all may God bless you for this site. I committed fornication for the first time when I was at the age of 21 years. Since then I have not been able to control myself from fornication. I always have regretted doing it. I want to stop it, but I can’t. The more…

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Is it a sin to marry a woman who has committed adultery?

Question: Is it a sin to marry a woman who has committed adultery? She is not married and I’m willing to forgive her and start afresh with her. Answer: Technically, you have nothing to forgive her. When she committed adultery, she sinned against God, against the man’s wife, and against herself. “Flee sexual immorality. Every…

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I am concerned about whether I should marry my fiancée

Question: Good day sir, I found this address online and I wish to seek your advice toward my growing life. I use to have a fiancee. We both planned to spend the rest of our life together but I kept feeling it was not working. Why? This is simply because it is my prayer to…

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My wife embarrassed me in public and I ended up slapping her

Question: I just came across this ministry column. I read a few emails and responses and I need your help too. Recently my wife provoked me badly in front of my friends, screaming and asking for ‘her’ car keys. Keys to a car we recently acquired together and which has caused us many arguments since…

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Is it wrong for a husband to lust for his wife?

Question: Dear Minister, My wife and I have grown distant over the years because she has had many anger issues, substance abuse problems, and trouble with the law. We have several beautiful children and have been married for almost 20 years. Even though she committed adultery on me several years ago, I still love her.…

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I need to testify against my alcoholic husband. What do I do?

Question: Hello, I came across your website and thought I would tell you my situation and get your perspective on it. I’ve been married for a little over five years. My husband is an alcoholic. He can go for months without a drink, then once he does, he’s usually off and running to do drugs.…

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How can I have a good marriage when my parents set such a bad example?

Question: I really need your insight into this situation. My parents have been married for over 25 years. However, it pains me to say that nearly 20 out of those 26 years my father has committed adultery continuously, whereas my mother has remained faithful. I must note that they are not Christians in the sense…

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What can I do about my bitter and angry wife?

Question: Dear Minister, Is it OK for my wife to be bitter, hate me, and punish me regularly, but then says she forgives as a Christian? Over five years ago, “out of nowhere,” my wife had a sex affair because she was “mad at me,” when I had done nothing to her to provoke any…

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What can I do? My husband seems to have no desire for sex

Question: Hello, I am a woman and my question is regarding sexual lust and perversion; therefore, you can understand my asking you and not my home pastor, especially when most churches still regard women who struggle with these sorts of issues with a certain type of disdain. As were most females with my issues you…

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What do I do? The girl I got pregnant wants me to marry her

Question: I had a girl I loved so much. I visited her parents and relatives and visited mine too. We agreed to marry, but before the marriage, it was found out that I had impregnated her. I left her silently and married another girl. I did this because I am a church officer. I was…

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I can’t settle on who I want to marry

Question: Thank you so much for creating this platform, God bless you. I graduated from college a few years ago. I have tried to work in some organizations, but yet to be fulfilled. Presently, I am still looking for a good job to sustain my living. I am the firstborn of my family. I have…

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Should I marry the girl I’ve been having sex with?

Question: God bless you, I am struggling with a decision. I have a girlfriend whom I have been with three years already. She is a very nice girl, her parents have raised her very well. She is respectful, not selfish, very polite, and not sloppy in terms of doing what a young 21 year old…

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Should we wait until after we finished school to get married?

Question: Hello, I am a 21-year-old college student, and currently about five months pregnant. I am not married to the father, but we are engaged and have been together a little under two years. My parents know (I still live with them) and although my mother is not a Christian, my father, my brothers and…

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My mother thinks I’m too young to get married. Must I obey her?

Question: Good day, I am 21 years old, born again and spirit-filled. I’m currently in a relationship with a Christian sister, who is also born again and Spirit-filled. She is 18 years old. Though our relationship is based on the Word of God, we have the don’t and the do’s of our relationship. I love…

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Mixed Marriages

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton While Israel was in captivity due to their many sins, the people lived among the foreign nations for so long that they became lax in following God’s commands. A major factor contributing to this came from their mixed marriages – Israelites marrying foreigners who brought their religious practices into the union.…

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Marriage Counsel from Peter by Mike Waters The Good Life

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How do I handle marrying a Hindu?

Question: I am a Christian, baptized when I was 16 years old. I used to live with my parents and I never used to eat anything offered to idols or entered temples. Four years later I thought food won’t hurt us nor would going to temples hurt our faith in God. The only thing I…

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Did the paper we signed make us married?

Question: Hi there, Firstly, I have enjoyed the past hour reading through your well-balanced, Bible-based answers. You are providing a great service, and I pray that God continues to bless your ministry and your family. I have been engaged with a woman for over five years. Shortly after we met, but after many hours in…

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Do I need my parent’s approval to get married?

Question: If I could, may I inquire about marriage and when you should be honoring your mother and father? To be specific, is it a sin against God to marry someone if the approval of your parents is not met? The reason I begin to ask is that my fiance and I plan to marry…

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I regret that I didn’t marry a virgin

Question: I accidentally came across your website and labored in mind whether I should seek some sort of “final” counsel. I don’t know where to start, so please forgive me as I resort to simple point form. When I was 17, I met a lovely girl my age and we dated for some time. Both…

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