Posts Tagged ‘lying’
Should I separate from my lying husband?
Question: My marriage with my husband is troubling. He has a pattern of habitually lying about minor things, and it hurts. I want to figure out my options righteously in this marriage as it is hard to think. I can go days or months thinking something was true, only to find out it wasn’t. Is…
Read MoreThey Call it Hate
by Terry Wane Benton Calling something “sin” that separates you from God and the righteous is the modern idea of “hate speech.” But the truth is that pointing out sin is love. It is like a doctor pointing out cancer. It may not be what we want to hear, but it is what we need…
Read MoreAI’s Dangers
by Doy Moyer AI (artificial intelligence) is undoubtedly an amazing achievement for humanity, and there are legitimate ways to use it. I’m not talking here about those ways (There is plenty of healthy debate about this). I will, however, express some concerns, especially as one who has been involved in education for several years. When…
Read MoreI found out that the woman I’m dating had a fake marriage when she was younger
Question: I have a question, as my head has been scrambled these past few days, though I have been praying. I have been talking to this lady for some time now, and everything has been going well. Still, while discussing things with her recently, I realized that she got her immigration papers using a sham…
Read MoreWhat if a person lied about his past marriage?
Question: Greetings, I have enjoyed reading your studies and answers for many years. I have two questions if you could answer them please. So far I have only been able to find an answer in necessary inference. If a Christian in good standing unknowingly marries a person who lied about his marital status, when the…
Read MoreIs God Responsible for Ahab Doing Wrong?
by Tommy Peeler Is God responsible for Ahab doing the wrong thing? Ahab is ready to go to war without inquiring of God (I Kings 22:4-5). When 400 prophets tell him that he will take Ramoth-Gilead, Ahab is content, but Jehoshaphat wants to inquire of a prophet of the LORD (I Kings 22:6-7). Ahab does…
Read MoreMy job requires lying and embarrassing people to get them to pay their loans
Question: Hi Jeff, Hope you’re doing well. I’m in a dilemma and in need of some guidance and counsel. I work in a loan company for close to 2 years. I’m a loan officer there but the job is affecting my spiritual life. The job requires I give people loans and collect the money back. The…
Read MoreWhy are embellishments wrong?
Question: Hello brother, I have a question for you about the topic of “The Christian and Social Media” there is a statement: “Never lie (Ephesians 4:25; Colossians 3:9-10; Revelation 21:8). And embellishment is the same as lying.” What does “embellishment” mean and what do you mean by it? Can you give me more explanation about…
Read MoreIs my fiance’s behavior a red flag?
Question: Hello, I have a question. I found out my “fiancé” was texting another woman behind my back, in secret. He claims they are only friends and have been talking for two months. He says they haven’t seen each other the two times she visited his workplace for help, which is where he met her. When…
Read MoreThe Root Cause of Violence
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “For it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience, and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them. But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth. Do…
Read MoreDid the Hebrew midwives lie?
Question: In Exodus 1:15-20, do you think this was a lie told by the midwives to Pharaoh or was it really true that the Hebrew women gave birth before the midwives came to them? Answer: “Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other was…
Read MoreDoes the Bible say anything about falsely accusing a woman of being a prostitute?
Question: Does the Bible say anything about falsely accusing a woman of being a whore or prostitute? Answer: One of the Old Testament laws was “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16). Lying was never considered to be acceptable, regardless of what the lie was about. I believe that you might…
Read MoreHow Satan Divides Brethren
by Larry Rouse The Three Pillars of False Movements I. We should not be surprised at the tactics of Satan. A. When working with other men we must constantly be humbled and because of that be willing to follow the wisdom of God. (James 4:13-18) 1. When we trust God it becomes all about Him and we…
Read MoreLies People Protect
by Terry Wane Benton In the first century, Paul exposed the lies people were telling each other. It was that an animal is a god to be worshiped (Romans1:18-26) and that such gods allow us to make up our moral standards as we desire. Thus, one lie protected all kinds of sin. Since the moral…
Read MoreHandling the Crafty by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Joshua 9:3-16 I. Some people don’t deal with others in a direct fashion A. Stating their goal would not allow them to reach their target because they know it would be rejected, so they manipulate others B. While both men and women engage in craftiness, it is often a complaint of…
Read MoreIt Was Only a Small Fib by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Revelation 21:6-8 I. I have concluded that much of the work of psychologist, psychoanalysts, and even philosophers is to help mankind remove the guilt and shame of their own actions. A. People don’t want to hear that their actions are wrong, their conscience is bothering them enough, thank you very…
Read MoreIs it wrong to keep a secret?
Question: Is it a sin to keep secrets? I have some secrets I want to keep hidden at the moment. Only at the right time will I reveal it. However, this is a compounding issue. Since keeping secrets may often lead to lies, and (as I’ve read on your website) lying is not an option. If…
Read MoreI lied about my taxes. What should I do?
Question: About 3 years ago I received a tax credit that I shouldn’t have. I was claiming kids that I was legally allowed to claim but received a childcare credit for them also. Their mom paid the childcare fees and the daycare owner admitted to me that she altered the amount paid to be higher.…
Read MoreShould I quit because my boss insists that I falsify invoices?
Question: Please, my employer is always asking me to falsify invoices against my will, and I feel guilty about this. Please should I quit the job because of this? Please, I need your assistance. Answer: The simple answer is that Christians are not allowed to lie. It doesn’t matter what your employer wants. Your boss…
Read MoreShould I admit I lied about the number of days I completed in a class?
Question: Hello! Thank you all for your help through the questions and answers. Last year, I was homeschooled and I made the mistake of not completing the minimum number of days required for the class. They should have reported it, but the lady who was given the days (which I lied about on the sheet)…
Read MoreCan you change your mind?
Question: Hello! I have a question regarding keeping your word. In Matthew 5:33-37, Jesus talks about letting your yes be yes and your no be no. We need to keep our word and yes lying is sin (Revelation 21:8). I do have a question regarding this though. In my case, someone asked me if I…
Read MoreThe Better Way by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 4:1-6 I. What is accepted and praised in the world isn’t always what is best for people A. Jesus’s sermon on the mount began with startling facts – Matthew 5:3-12 1. When you take the opposites of what Jesus states brings true happiness, you find a list of things…
Read MoreHow do I clean up my life before Jesus returns?
Question: Hello. I was hoping to receive some help and answers. With the shape the world is in, I can’t help but foresee Jesus coming soon. Frankly, I just read Matthew 24:1-31 and can’t help but feel fear. I struggle with a lot of things that I can’t seem to break. How do I turn…
Read MoreI lied to my pastor about sleeping with her daughter
Question: Please, sir, there is something I want to discuss with you. I lied to my pastor and since that time I have been thinking about it. I am in a relationship with her daughter. We are planning to marry. I slept with the lady and the church members found out that I am going…
Read MoreIs it wrong to say something that is not true when joking?
Question: Sometimes when I’m joking, I will mostly say jokes like “There’s a cockroach on your shoulder!” when there isn’t. I like to use sarcasm too. Are these jokes counted as sin? Is sarcasm bad? Answer: Lying is always wrong. “But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers…
Read MoreShould I admit that I ignored the recruiter at my interview?
Question: Hello, This might be confusing, but I’m going to try to explain this the best I can. I apologize in advance. Recently I have been searching for jobs. I have had two businesses interested in me (we will call them Companies A and B). I chose B over A because company A wanted me…
Read MoreWhat about people who play the victim card?
Question: Hi, I was wondering what the Bible has to say about those who play the victim card to deceive people. Answer: All lying is wrong, regardless of the motivation behind the lies (Proverbs 6:16-19; Revelation 21:8). Thus, to do something with the intent of deceiving people is sinful. There are various reasons people play…
Read MoreIs it a sin to not tell a child that they are adopted?
Question: Is it a sin to not tell a child that they are adopted? Answer: There are many times when we restrict access to information to only those who need it. A government does not tell everything about its security preparations because those against the government will use that information to find weaknesses. A salesman,…
Read MoreIs a marriage valid if it was only done to gain citizenship?
Question: If a man was married for 3 years only because he wanted to come to the USA and then divorced can he remarry? The marriage in his eyes was only for US citizenship. Answer: What is missing is a respect for the marriage covenant (Malachi 2:13-16). A covenant is a special vow before God…
Read MoreI thought my husband repented after his affair, but he divorced me anyway
Question: I emailed a few years back regarding my husband’s while in another country in which an outside kid was born from the short fling. I didn’t find out about it until after he returned and the kid was born. At the time he attended services as we’re both members. I decided to forgive him…
Read MoreHypocrites Text: James 3:13-18 I. How often I have been told, “I don’t like going to services. I know that so many of the people there are just hypocrites. They say one thing, but they don’t live it.” A. It is true. In religion, hypocrisy is a major problem. B. But before we can solve the problem, we…
Read MoreMen of Honor Text: Philippians 2:14-18 I. It was not long ago that people admired men of integrity. People whom you could count on to act honestly, even if it was to their disadvantage. A. In 1999, a prisoner escaped and the papers were tracking his movements through the state. He had robbed people, killed policemen, and still…
Read MoreLying, Cheating, and Stealing Text: Revelation 21:1-8 I. What is it that we teach our children? A. What do tell them about lying, cheating, and stealing? B. Most of us would be confident that they understand these things are wrong. C. But are you certain? D. Far too often we send mixed messages. E. One very perceptive mother sent three examples from her…
Read MoreWhat does a wife do when she finds out her husband lied about committing adultery against his former wife?
Question: This question is in reference to a friend. She grew up in the church, and she was baptized. She entered into a marriage with someone, but her spouse committed adultery against her. My friend remarried sometime later and was under the assumption that she was entering into a scriptural marriage. Her new spouse had…
Read MoreWas David’s “trick” on Ahimelech a sin?
Question: Hi Jeff, Is a trick a sin? When reading I Samuel 21:1-9, can we say that David lied to Ahimelech or tricked him? In many cases in the book of First Samuel David used a trick to get himself out of trouble. Answer: “David said to Ahimelech the priest, “The king has commissioned me…
Read MoreIs it a lie to click the “I have read and accept the terms of agreement” boxes when you haven’t really read it?
Question: When installing something online, is it a lie to check off the “I have read and accepted the terms of agreement” boxes when you haven’t really read through them because they are usually pages long? Answer: By clicking the box, regardless if you read it or not, you automatically agree to the terms of…
Read MoreSpiritual Wisdom and the Internet
by Matthew W. Bassford The Internet is one of the most powerful inventions in human history. If we use it to seek the Lord, it can accomplish great things for Him. Without the Internet, I certainly wouldn’t be able to blog, and I probably wouldn’t be able to write hymns. This is to say nothing,…
Read MoreThe Difference Between Truth and Lies by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 18:33-38 I. Truth is critical A. Truth brings stability to a nation – Proverbs 29:14 B. Truth makes us free – John 8:32 C. Jesus is the way and the truth – John 14:6 D. Jesus’ words, which are truth, judges us – John 12:48 E. What distinguishes truth from lies? Pilate asked…
Read MoreHow can you know if the person to whom you lied knows that you lied to her?
Question: How can you know if the person to whom you lied knows that you lied to her? Answer: You are asking the wrong question. You are worried about whether you were caught in a lie. What you really should be concerned about is that liars end up in Hell. “But for the cowardly and…
Read MoreI caught my fiance lying and now I can’t trust him
Question: Hi and good day, My fiancé and I have both been Christians for some years now; however, I strongly believe that he has a problem with lying. He lies and makes others look bad, and he looks like the victim. Accidentally, I found out the truth about a matter, and only when I confronted…
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