Why are embellishments wrong?


Hello brother,

I have a question for you about the topic of "The Christian and Social Media" there is a statement:

"Never lie (Ephesians 4:25; Colossians 3:9-10; Revelation 21:8). And embellishment is the same as lying."

What does "embellishment" mean and what do you mean by it? Can you give me more explanation about it? I don't know much English. I was hoping maybe you could clarify it for me.

Thank you, may God bless you.


An embellishment in a story means: "a detail, especially one that is not true, added to a statement or story to make it more interesting or entertaining" [Oxford Languages]. It is the "not true" aspect that makes an embellishment wrong. Some people think that dressing up a story makes it more interesting, even though the added details have no basis in facts.

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