Did I do something wrong?

Question: Hello! I have a question for you guys: Does having sex with someone makes you a married couple? If not, then am I obligated to marry the man I had sex with? I have a doubt in my heart that’s been tormenting me. I had sex with some guys before getting married. I was…

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Feeling Guilt

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Feeling-Guilt.mp3 by Raymond Warfel Download Audio

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My Sin Is Always Before Me

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/My-Sin-Is-Always-Before-Me.mp3 Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ezra 9   I.         God is Holy, but we fall short             A.        Sin is a not a part of the nature of God – I John 1:5             B.        To be in fellowship with God, we also must without sin – I John 1:6-7                         1.         But notice that God is not expecting…

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I fear people will judge me because of my sinful past

Question: Hi, I was backsliding in my teenage and youthful days. I was in a relationship with a Christian, but now, I am married to another girl. I didn’t attend the church services regularly for years due to some issues. I feel guilty for missing the fellowship and because of the sins of my younger…

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I’m feeling extreme guilt

Question: I feel extreme guilt for past sins. Sins that most would count as minor. Breaking the law whether intentional or not … not confessing to things I know about from years ago, breaking rules at home, work, friendship-wise, etc. It’s the wee hours of the morning, and I feel terrible thinking how horrible of…

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I still struggle with sin

Question: Hi, I came to your website to get answers to hard questions in life, and it is a blessing that you are willing to address the questions of people no matter their background. I have been baptized in the church of Christ so please don’t be so hard on me because I should know…

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The Embarrassment of Sin

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/The-Embarrassment-of-Sin.mp3 by Raymond Warfel

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https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Yesterday.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 90   I.         Yesterday only exists in fading memories, worn out photographs, and history books             A.        It is a collection of, often times, imperfect records kept in imperfect medium II.        Yet, it is also one of the finest learning centers available, if we are willing to go there to learn             A.        Paul…

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No Condemnation

by Ken Green “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his…

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Have We Forgotten Our Shame?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Have-We-Forgotten-Our-Shame.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 44   I.         It is surprising the odd ideas people have about forgiveness             A.        Forgiveness is the dismissal of any debt or obligation to me                         1.         I cannot forgive someone’s sin.                                     a.         This is only something God can do, because our sins incur a penalty, which God – not you or I…

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My husband doesn’t know, but I committed fornication before we were married

Question: I found your website, and I’ve been reading it a lot. I’m overwhelmed with grief and shame. I’ve been married for over 10 years. I love my husband and children dearly. Before we were married I committed fornication. He doesn’t know and assumed I was a virgin. We never spoke about it. I’ve repented of my…

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I feel guilty about my past

Question: Hello, I’m 16 years old. I became a Christian several years ago. I’m writing to you today because I’ve been recently feeling guilty about something I did when I was younger. My family and I were in a store and I went into the aisle and saw a pack of candy open, so I…

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I feel unworthy of being forgiven

Question: I know you don’t want to hear this from a 19-year-old teenage girl. I’m just lost and carrying a huge burden on my back of guilt and shame. Romans 6 tells me I’m no longer a slave to sin, but somehow I feel unworthy of that title. Answer: I don’t know anyone who deserves…

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Let It Go

by Jefferson David Tant A popular song is “Let It Go,” from the movie “Frozen.” The title reminds me of a Biblical principle. As humans, we tend to want to hold on to things—possessions, relationships, anger, bitterness, ill feelings. Of course, some “possessions” are proper, but others are harmful and destructive. In summer sometimes children…

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How do we know if God is giving us a disease because of our sins?

Question: In Psalms 38, David tells of his physical pains produced by sin and highly suggests that God is behind his sickness due to his sin. Do we really know when and if God gives us a disease because of our sin? Do we really know how He works regarding disease and sin? Answer: One of…

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Is God punishing me for not following His plan?

Question: There is a longer version of the story behind this question, but for now, I will give you the short and sweet version. Several years ago, God gave me an opportunity that I believe was His intended plan for my life. However, I ended up not taking it because I was struggling with false…

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My bad past is affecting my current relationship

Question: Hello there, I have something on my heart and I saw your site and decided to reach out. I was raised Catholic and in high school was allowed to choose what religion I would be and went from Catholicism to non-denominational Christian. My reasons were that I believe God loves all of his people,…

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Do we feel guilty because God is disciplining us?

Question: How do we know if God is disciplining us? When we feel guilty after sinning, is that discipline? The Bible says that God disciplines those He loves. I sometimes wonder if God disciplines me, and I find it comforting to imagine that He does because it reminds me He loves me. Answer: “You have…

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I realize now that I can be forgiven, so how do I get past the guilt?

Question: I’ve obsessed for a long time about committing the unpardonable sin, as some have called it. I have struggled with some addictions for a while (alcohol and pornography), and a few times had the thought come into my mind: “if you give in to certain temptations, you will lose the Holy Spirit.” Well, I…

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How could someone become a mass murderer and not feel bad about it?

Question: Hello, I have a question regarding evil. Are people born evil or does life make them that way? I ask because I was reading this case of a serial killer in Ukraine who killed 52 people. How does someone become this twisted and not feel bad about it? I know it’s not right to…

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How to Deal with Guilt

by Ken Weliever via The Preacher’s Word Although it may be fictitious, the story is told of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, who pulled a clever, but a cruel practical joke on twelve of the best-known men in England. He anonymously wrote a short, unsigned telegram with six simple words: “All is…

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I’m afraid my past stealing will come back to haunt me

Question: Hello, Please, I am 15 years old, in school and I have stolen. I took someone’s card details and bought some items for myself. I went to the person and told him, but I only told him about three items and paid him back while there were four items. I confessed my sins to…

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Is my boyfriend the reason for my nightmares?

Question: I had a boyfriend. We have been in a relationship for a while. We were involved in sexual things, but we didn’t have sex. But I had some spiritual issues, and I got delivered, but I went back to it. I had a dream that if I continued with the sins, I wouldn’t be…

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How do I let go of the guilt of having committed adultery?

Question: I was friends with a married man. It was all very innocent until one day. I met his wife and children, and they were all so lovely. He dropped me off at home, and it just happened. I can’t believe that I allowed myself to accept a married man in my bed. I am…

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Why do some people not feel guilty for their sins?

Question: Hello, I just wanted to ask about a question that’s been bothering me for a while now. I understand that when a person does something wrong, they will feel guilty about it (usually). From a Christian’s point of view, it’s often the Holy Spirit’s discipline that makes one feel guilty. What about psychopaths though?…

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Living With Guilt

by Dan Gatlin Do different sins carry different consequences? Well, that depends on how we look at it. From a spiritual perspective, the answer is no. The Bible tells us that all sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). Though man distinguishes between “big sins” and “little sins,” the New Testament does not. James writes,…

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What is the difference between feeling guilty and feeling convicted?

Question: Is it true that if you don’t know if something is a sin that you should not do it if it makes you feel convicted? So what is the difference between feeling guilty or feeling convicted? Sometimes I put a lot of thought into something that I bought. I bought the entire collection of…

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I’m haunted by the bad I’ve done. What should I do?

Question: So I have done some really bad things in the past that I feel bad about. Nobody knows I done these things. I asked for forgiveness but still felt really bad yesterday. I was listening to the Bible, and I started crying really bad. I want to move on with my life, but I…

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Why don’t I feel guilty after committing fornication with my fiance?

Question: I became a true Christian about three years ago! I have Calvinist points of view, and I tried to be hyper-serious to keep a holy life. I’ve been raised in a Christian family, but I had committed fornication before Jesus touched my life. When I left my non-Christian boyfriend and I’ve been alone since.…

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Why do I feel guilty over everything I do?

Question: Good day and may God bless you. Please, I want to know why I am always feeling guilty over virtually everything I think or do. For example, if I look at somebody’s car and feel that the car is not beautiful, instantly I will begin to feel guilty and start saying to myself, in…

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Should I turn myself in to the police?

Question: Hello, I am a 22-year-old college student and am a strong Christian believer.  My question is should I turn myself in to the police because of a crime I did when I was 14 or 15.  Let me explain.  I had a huge crush on this girl in High School and we kind of…

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