How do I talk to family members who are committing fornication?

Question: I have a question regarding two people getting married. Someone in my family was once married and got divorced. In Matthew 5:31-32 it says that one can’t divorce her husband or his wife except for sexual immorality. This family member did not divorce her husband for sexual immorality but for another reason. She wants…

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How do I treat my husband who has left God and the church?

Question: My husband has recently decided he no longer believes in a God.  He has stopped going to services or anything to do with God.  We have young children we homeschool and most of our work centers around God and His word. How do I parent and teach our children, whose father has fallen? How am…

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How do I deal with my lesbian daughter?

Question: My daughter is in a lesbian relationship and recently became engaged.  She is aware that I believe homosexuality is condemned in the Bible as a sin and also that, regardless of whether or not she chooses to live in sin, I will still love her.  The problem is not whether or not she is…

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How do I deal with in-laws who are not nice?

Question: Hello and good morning, I recently came upon your website and saw a question and answer section and wonder why more churches of Christ do not have this. I struggle with pride and sometimes do not wish to ask questions at church or there just does not seem to be an opportunity. As I…

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How do you handle an annoying younger brother?

Question: Hi, I read one of your answers to a similar question, and I was hoping you could help me with mine: I’m 17 and I have a younger brother, age 14. The past few days he has been using really bad words –words that would make anyone angry. He has been avoiding me, constantly…

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How do I teach my worldly family when I visit them?

Question: Hello, I am visiting my worldly family right now and plan to be here for the next few days. I would like to at least spread some seed while I am here. I feel as though I could explain the basics of Christianity well enough if someone were already seeking to be a Christian…

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How many times do you have to have a baby?

Question: How many times do you have to have a baby? Answer: There has never been a requirement for having children beyond God’s general command to mankind to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 9:7).

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How do you honor a bipolar mother and an autistic brother?

Question: I’m trying to follow the whole honor thy mother and father thing. My father is not around and my mom is hard to deal with. She and I argue sometimes, but she is also skitzo and bipolar. She seems like she’s a normal person, but she told me I have no idea what she…

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Should a parent visit a child who is now unfaithful?

Question: A parent has a child who is unfaithful and living in another state. Is it wrong based on Ephesians 5:11 to visit that child and spend weeks or months in the same house? Answer: If the child is a fallen Christian, then “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named…

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How do we deal with our son who committed adultery?

Question: I am a Christian. I try to follow the Bible best to my ability. I am a member of a conservative church of Christ. My question is about my son. He grew up in church and was baptized before he joined the service. He is no longer faithful. He married and has a child.…

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My 30-year-old son moved back home and won’t leave

Question: I’ve been a Christian for over 30 years. We took our kids to church until they grew up and got married. One got divorced. Because of that he started going to church and got saved. He moved in with me and my wife. Now I’m having problems with him. He’s trying to change me…

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Why won’t my drug-using cousin leave?

Question: Hello, I’ve been praying for a cousin of mine who lives with my family to leave this house or change. His mother has left with his sister to another state but he stayed behind. He uses drugs and steals from us. He causes my family and me anxiety and stress. I can’t sleep thinking…

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God’s Home and Ours by Robert Speer The Home

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Does the husband have to be the provider of the family?

Question: Does the man have to be the provider or breadwinner of the family in all circumstances? Is it acceptable biblically for a family to be comprised of a house husband and a career-orientated wife? What advice would you give to someone who is about to be, or is in this situation? If it is…

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Our family is having arguments over money. What do we do?

Question: We are a couple, married and staying with family. Ever since I can remember my brother was the favored one being born after several girls in a country where males are preferred. I grew up knowing I shouldn’t have been born as that would split the inheritance. Today we live as the despised ones…

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Does a husband need to love his wife more than anyone on earth?

Question: Does a husband need to love his wife more than anyone on earth? Even his children? Answer: The question implies there is a set quantity of love that a person can give. It also assumes that love for, say children, is at odds with loving your wife. The greatest commandment is loving God, the…

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Am I being inhospitable not to want my father-in-law around so much?

Question: In this question, I’m honestly not sure if I am being inhospitable, or if I have genuine concerns.  Thus why I seek to ask this to you.  My wife and I have been married for still a relatively short time, and have a child.  My father-in-law lives a couple of hours away, but still…

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Should I go to my aunt’s civil union?

Question: I write to you today with a question. I am relatively sure that emotion makes it more difficult than the question itself truly is. An aunt of mine is a lesbian. The state that I am in recently legalized civil unions. Being that it is not truly a wedding but instead (acknowledged by the…

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How do you handle a violent father?

Question: I am really disturbed. My dad who has been very violent since my mum joined him in a foreign country. He was broke and moved to this new country for business. Several years down the line, my mum came and joined him, but he has become proud and arrogant. Worse still there are rumors…

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Faithful Fathers

by David Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 56, No. 29, July 20, 2007 Our world seems to take delight in bashing men. It is not fashionable to be a man, a husband, or a father. As such, it is getting harder and harder to be a man, a husband, or a father. Fortunately, those of…

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Where do you draw the line with sinful relatives?

Question: My husband has a relative that is a practicing Wiccan doing witchcraft and ‘spells’ and always wears her ‘Wiccan necklace’ that she’s proud of. She was raised to know about Jesus and God. But in her early teens, she got caught up in witchcraft. My husband’s question is: is it wrong for all his…

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Do I let my son and his live-in girlfriend come for Thanksgiving?

Question: My son is in his late twenties, a college graduate, and in the military. He is very responsible and has had a Christian upbringing. He has just returned from deployment, and his wife has left him. He is now “serious” about someone else and living with her. Now says that he believes this is all…

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How do you deal with an easily angered father?

Question: How should a Christian deal with a person who is easily angered? Well, let me rephrase that — how can a Christian deal with a very easily angered father, who is always speaking negatively about people, things, and me? Answer: I’m not certain how old you are, so let me cover a few points.…

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Should an absent father be invited to graduation?

Question: My neighbor has a son who is confused about whether to invite his father to his 8th-grade graduation.  The parents are divorced and his dad has only called twice in the last two years.  His father has only visited a handful of times over the past twelve years. The father feels that the son…

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