What about affirmations?

Question: Hello Minister, I hope you are well! My question is about saying “I am” affirmations. I know that many people in the new age spirituality movement say a lot of affirmations regarding love, beauty, prosperity, etc. However, I am wondering if it is okay for us as Christians to say them as long as…

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Is there no proof of Christianity’s truth?

Question: My sister told me to grow up. She said, “I feel like I’m talking to a younger me,” and told me that I’d understand what she spoke of when I was older. What did she speak of? She denied Christ and said, “I am sure Christ made mistakes.” When I told her the reason…

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Does the CIA Gateway Process interfere with Christianity?

Question: Does the CIA Gateway process interfere with Christianity? Answer: I had no idea what this was, so I glanced through a few sources. In 1983, Wayne M. McDonnell, a Lieutenant Cornel in the U.S. Army, gave the CIA a paper claiming to have a procedure “to help people access the intuitive knowledge of the…

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Do you tell others about your sins they know nothing about?

Question: Hello! I have a question, and it’s kind of been bothering me for a while. When the Bible mentions Matthew 5:23-24, “So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,24 leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your…

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How do I deal with a person with strange beliefs?

Question: I had a conversation with a person of interesting beliefs. Their beliefs were: The Holy Spirit gave us the name “God” to comprehend him. Aliens and other life forms have different religions, like having a different Christ, as we have. The Holy Spirit didn’t mean everything literally, like in Genesis. I go with whatever…

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When am I acting as the Judge?

Question: Hello Brother, I hope you’re doing well by God’s grace. Thank you so much for your time. Please, I have a question. On one of the web pages of a church of Christ, the question is asked, “Are my parents lost because they did not practice the things you teach?” The answer given by the writer…

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Should VBS material be used that help support Baptist Missions?

Question: The elders at the church where I worship are asking us to do something that I have never been asked to do in the church. They have bought Southern Baptist VBS material. The proceeds from the sale of this material go to Baptist missionary work. Please give me some direction on how to approach…

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Am I wrong to associate with someone who steals?

Question: I have some friends who live in a senior retirement home. I met one of them about a year ago and was introduced to some more of his friends. I also live in the same retirement home. I am the only one who is a member of the church of Christ. Hearing them talk, I…

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Are fellowship halls optional?

Question: Good morning, brother Jeffrey: I have had several discussions with an elder of a church of Christ. First, the issue of fellowship halls. I sent him the article entitled “Kitchens and Fellowship Halls, What Was the Issue?” His response was because the early church met in homes for worship and fellowship, there was a…

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If I don’t see it as sexual in any way, is it a sin?

Question: Hello. I have a few questions about things that I have committed with my partner. I am Catholic. He and I had sex, and now, officially, I failed to complete one of the commandments. Now, along the way, we have done some things like blow jobs and everything. My first question is if my…

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We were pleased to visit your congregation

Question: Yesterday, we visited your church, and we were so pleased we did! The Bible study was informative and thought-provoking. We definitely enjoyed all the fresh perspectives voiced during the discussion! The members are so genuinely friendly and welcoming. We loved the acapella songs. I found your church while doing some research online. I have…

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Do I go to Bible study and worship?

Question: Good morning, sir, I am writing from Nigeria in Western Africa. One day, in the village where I visited a brother, the King sent his town crier (messenger) to announce that the weekend would be used to perform some ritual rites from Saturday morning to Sunday night. They warned that no human must be…

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I think one of your tags was misspelled

Question: Hello, I found your church’s website via my Google search for “responsive reading of scripture in the early church.” I found several articles, mostly answers to questions where the responses were based on scripture and the writings of early church fathers, as well as written observations from early-century historians. I have been approached directly…

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Does God honor all marriages?

Question: Good morning, I would like to know if God honors all marriages. I was recently in a study and they brought up Hebrews 13:4. I was told this verse God applies to Christians who are in the church. God does not honor marriages outside of Christ. For example, if I am a Baptist and…

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Should a couple marry because they will be having a child?

Question: Hello, What do you think about a couple who have been dating for five months, argue often for various reasons, and she gets pregnant? The guy is not sure she could be a good wife because he doesn’t like things about her. Do you think they should get married just because they’re having a…

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Was Vashti wrong for refusing her husband’s request?

Question: Hi Jeff, I have a question about Queen Vashti in Esther 1:12. Was she wrong for refusing to appear before the king and his guests? Are wives not commanded to be submissive to their husbands? Please explain if her actions were right or wrong. Answer: First, remember that we are talking about the Persian Empire’s…

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Does Zechariah 5 show there are female angels?

Question: I read your posts on the internet with great interest. But I have a question. The Bible frequently speaks of angels, which are implied to be male. However, I find an allusion to female angels in Zechariah 5. Will there be female angels and male angels in heaven? Thank you for your time and…

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Are women not leaders in the church because they are weaker?

Question: Hello, brother in Christ! I am currently stuck with understanding the application of I Peter 3:7. When we were having a Bible Study on the roles of women in the church, some cited I Peter 3:7, specifically highlighting the part that says “women are weaker vessels” as one of the reasons why God chose…

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Is celebrating diversity wrong?

Question: Good morning, I am a Resident Assistant at my college. Part of my job is doing programming for celebrating different cultures with programs such as Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Arab Culture Month, etc. I just recently read your statement on Black Lives Matter, and I was wondering if I would be in…

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Are there inappropriate times to sing or pray?

Question: Are there times it would be inappropriate to pray or sing hymns? I’ve often wondered if you should pray or sing while taking a shower, for example, when you’re quite literally wholly exposed. Is it wrong to approach God in prayer like that or to worship Him in a song like that? Or even…

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Are there qualifications for who performs baptisms?

Question: Dear Minister, May I ask for further clarification? You stated, “There is nothing in the Scriptures listing out a requirement on those doing the baptism” in the article “What is successionist baptism?” My query is, when Matthew 28:19 says, “Go and make disciples,… baptizing them..” doesn’t it imply that saved people are the baptizers…

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Is it wrong to have a homosexual family member living at home?

Question: I have a question that I would like your understanding and advice on. I have Christian relatives who denounce homosexuality but have a daughter who is a lesbian. Being family, they have, at times, allowed the lesbian daughter and her “partner” to live together in the house with them and later assisted the two…

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Did I correctly repent?

Question: I can remember on the night before I was baptized, I sinned. After that, I prayed to God, told Him I was sorry, and wanted to live my life for Him. I don’t know if I had time to turn from my sins since I got baptized the next day, but I was so…

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Is talking to people about the gospel once a week enough?

Question: I have a question about sharing the Gospel Truth. Is it okay to make attempts to share the Gospel every Saturday, or am I to make attempts to share the Gospel daily? I did try to share the Gospel daily with strangers, but then I felt as though I wasn’t doing enough because I…

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Does God not give us an equal amount of faith?

Question: Thanks for the excellent website. I hope and pray that it will continue for many years to come. My question is regarding: “For by the grace given to me I bid every one among of not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each…

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How do I help new Christians start their journey?

Question: Hello brother, Two of my friends were baptized less than two weeks ago. I want to help them along this journey. Are there any tips you can give me about how to help these new Christians? Answer: “By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one…

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Do the dead return to haunt their killers?

Question: Dear brethren, I hope I find you well. I need your input on whether the dead return to haunt or get revenge on their killers. It’s a hot topic in this region. One preacher wrote the following arguments in favor of the spirits avengers. Afternoon, Brother’s. Allow me to draw back a little bit…

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Is child molestation a form of fornication?

Question: Is child sexual molestation a form of adultery or fornication since they both consist of sexual activity outside of marriage? I am just wondering if child molestation falls under adultery or fornication since they both consist of sexual activity outside of marriage. Why is it that people see a boyfriend and girlfriend who are in…

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I wished you had softened the blows of the truth

Question: Good morning, I stumbled across your site this morning. I found it very useful in my personal endeavor, so naturally, I began exploring this new goldmine of wisdom and scripture. I admire your work, and I very much appreciate this amazing resource shedding light and truth in a dark world. I will be upfront.…

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Will there be hugging and kissing in heaven?

Question: Hi! I came across your website! I’m an autistic Christian. I’m aware that marriage in the new earth will be between Christ and His Church, and there likely won’t be human sex between a male and female. Whatever sex points to when all the pieces are put together will be shown somehow in the…

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What can I do to get my life right?

Question: Hello sir, I came across some articles on your website. I have personal concerns, and I need biblical guidance. I am a Christian lady. I’m 27 years old, and I am very confused and frustrated. I was recently in a courtship relationship, but my fiance and I had sex a couple of times, even though…

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When should the treasurer be allowed to teach after stealing from the church?

Question: Our treasurer stole from our church. She has repented but hasn’t made restitution. She wants to teach. What does the Bible say about this? Answer: A part of repentance is attempting to repair the damage caused by your sins. Paul “kept declaring … that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate…

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Any advice for a single Christian?

Question: Hello, I came across the “Hope for the Future” article, and it resonated with my current situation. At 28 years old, I have not yet had my first relationship. I’ve dated before but have not yet found the right one. As a Christian, it can be discouraging to see non-Christians seeming to have flourishing…

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My life has been spiraling into an OCD nightmare

Question: Hello, I really need your help with this struggle. “But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). My life has been spiraling more and more into an OCD nightmare because I keep thinking about this verse.…

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Were the apostles given authority to bind laws in heaven?

Question: Hello brother, Matthew 16:18ff is one of those many verses that we more frequently use. As I continue to read and study it, though, I realize I have not studied it as well as I thought. Matthew 16:19 is phrased as such: “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,…

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Does the number of sexual partners make a difference?

Question: Hello, I was wondering about body count, as in multiple sexual partners. There have been recent talks about it, so I might as well ask since it has bothered me a bit. There have been videos and posts of people being proud of their body count, but there have also been several posts and…

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Am I bound by a childhood promise?

Question: Hi, Mr. Hamilton. When Jesus says, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no” in Matthew 5:37, he means that Christians ought to be people who keep their word, whether they formally call it a vow or swear an oath. If Jill tells Jack, “Yes, I will marry you,” she has made…

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