Is honoring another person’s request submission?

Question: Good morning.  I was reading your web page on submission.  I am trying to find out more about submission and I have a specific scenario and I am wondering if you can help me. My boyfriend and I had an argument this morning about submission.  We are in a committed relationship and seeking God’s will…

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Can a widow remain unmarried but have sex with a married man?

Question: If a widow does not want to get married, can she fall in love with a married person who will take care of her sexual needs? In the past, this was the duty of the deceased siblings. How should they go about enjoying life? Answer: Having a relationship with a man married to someone…

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Help me understand more about the flaws in the Church of the Nazarene

Question: I am a music minister, called preacher and leader. I currently serve with the church of the Nazarene. I am shocked by the truth you revealed. I have been looking for this, but I really need help to understand it more. I have been feeling deeply uncomfortable with some things in this denomination, and…

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Is there any scientific evidence that Christianity is the true religion?

Question: I am not a Christian! But I have been thinking about that religion. I would like to know more about Christianity. Is there any scientific evidence that Christianity is the true religion? And didn’t the church oppose science some centuries back? Thanks. Answer: “Scientific evidence is the result of objective testing of a theory…

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Would constant exposure to nudity reduce lust?

Question: A link to your survey was sent to me by a girl in Nepal who has been reading the arguments we’ve made on our anti-porn-addiction web site. This is what I’m wondering: What would the answers to those survey questions have looked like from teens growing up in a “naked people group” culture? I believe their answers would put to shame…

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Can you tell me your source for your opening statement in “Social Drinking”?

Question: I’m an addictions counselor. Having recently read your article “Social Drinking,” (Dudley Ross Spears), I have a question: How did you come up (substantiation for) with your opening statement: “We live in a world where social drinking is accepted by over two-thirds of our entire population”? Answer: One of the sources I used when…

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What happens to burnt offerings?

Question: During the dedication of the temple, offerings were brought. What happens to burnt offerings? Are they consumed by the fire, does the high priest eat a portion, is any eaten, or is it all consumed by fire? Answer: The Mosaical Law contained a variety of offerings (Leviticus 7:37). Sin offerings were given when a…

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How can I restrain myself from doing foreplay with my girlfriend?

Question: How can I restrain myself from doing foreplay with my girlfriend? Answer: “Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman” (I Corinthians 7:1). The simple answer is to keep your hands off of her body. Rather than thinking about your desire…

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Whom do I marry, my current girlfriend or my former girlfriend?

Question: I have just been reading most of the answers under the topic of marriage and I have to say first of all thank you for answering questions from a biblical perspective. It’s all we need. My question is as follows: I got an older woman pregnant who is in her thirties. I am five…

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Are prenuptial agreements biblical?

Question: What is or is not biblical regarding a pre-marital agreement for handling money and possessions in the event of a separation or divorce? Answer: “And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a…

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What are some proper activities for a divorced woman?

Question: I am a divorced Catholic. After 40 years of what I thought was a good marriage, my husband abandoned me for another woman. I stay within all the guidelines of the Catholic church and feel ‘safe’ with activities within the church. I still act in every way as married since I don’t have an annulment, and I…

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Red, yellow, or green light?

Question: I love your site. I sent the link to my girlfriend. We are not romantically involved; we just only touch the upper part of our bodies, and we keep our clothes on. I asked the pastor where I go to church and he told me that it is a good question, but if she…

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I don’t know how to plan my life. Can you help me?

Question: I am 23 years old. I haven’t done sex, yet my friends at college enjoy their lives. I only study and listen to songs. I have no girlfriend. My dad is in his sixties. He married twice, and I am the youngest in my family. My dad has big expectations for me, but I…

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Can We Know? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 24:36-44   I.         A massive advertising campaign has started claiming that Jesus’ second coming and the Judgment Day will be on May 21, 2011.             A.        Different billboard proclaim slogans, such as “The wise men knew, we can know” or “Noah knew, we can know.”             B.        Most of us understand that this…

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When should I tell my girlfriend that I’m not a virgin?

Question: Hello. I have been looking over your site and have been blessed by it very much. I was looking for a question but couldn’t find it, so I thought I would ask myself. I know that going into details about my sinful past with my current girlfriend isn’t necessary, but I do feel I…

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Can We Trust Our Feelings About Salvation?

by Mike Johnson via Some people claim to rely solely on their feelings for assurance of personal salvation. They may say, “I know that I am saved because I feel that I am.” They will often ignore very plain passages in the Bible about salvation because of a “feeling” that they have. Some are heard…

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What If …?

by Ken Leach via Biblical Insights, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 2009 I am familiar with a situation wherein a young female college student became pregnant out of wedlock. This young Christian and her parents experienced a range of emotions unlike any others in their lifetime. It has now been more than twenty years since those…

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Growth — The Good and the Bad

by Gilbert Alexander The growth of true New Testament Christianity is good, even vital, because it means that souls are being saved from eternal condemnation, and lives of promise and hope are being embraced. What makes one a Christian makes him free from guilt and condemnation for his past sins (Romans 6:17,18), makes him a…

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How do I know my repentance is genuine?

Question: I have doubts about repentance. I suffer from depression. At times I feel really sad, at times I feel really angry, but at times I feel nothing — not sad, not happy or angry, just, an empty room. So I hope that what I’m going to tell you is caused by depression. My boyfriend…

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Grains of Sand

by Sam Stinson “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in…

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The Organization of the Church

by Earl Kimbrough via Searching the Scriptures, August 1978, Volume 19, Number 8 The Lord designed the church according to his own will and circumscribed it with certain distinguishing marks that are clearly set forth in the Scriptures. No one of these essential features of the church is more important than any other. “All things”…

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The Gospel Paul Preached

by Sean P. Cavender The book of Romans is Paul’s defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Throughout the epistle, Paul details man’s sin, man’s need for justification, the conditions for justification, the effects of God’s grace, and the assurances of the child of God. He makes several statements of his dedication to preaching this…

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God’s Name

by Netagene Kirkpatrick I call the name of Jesus, or Lord God when I pray. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not by-words to say! It bothers me to hear someone who takes God’s Name in vain. If I ever slip and do that, I know I’ll be ashamed. Some things are often cut,…

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How do you prepare for missionary work?

Question: Recently I’ve really been wanting to die to self and my dream desire is to live in a really poor area, hopefully in China — not the U.S. It’s hard to be an evangelizing Christian in the U.S. where it’s so wealthy and most people already know Christ. However, I don’t know how to…

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Can a woman be an Associate Campus Minister?

Question: I’ve been attending the church of Christ. I’m fairly new there. It’s almost 30 miles away and there is no other acceptable church that I know of. My concern is with their campus ministry. My husband only recently noticed a flyer in the church hallway announcing a woman as the new Associate Campus Minister.…

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God Shows No Partiality

by Bryan Matthew Dockens Racial discrimination is senseless and ungodly. God’s plan for salvation has always been open to all. Centuries before Christ came to fulfill the divine promise, Isaiah prophesied of the church that “all nations shall flow into it” (Isaiah 2:2). Indeed, the very day it was established, the church included members “from…

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Man’s Duty To “Prove All Things”

by B. C. Goodpasture Men are prone to go to extremes.  This has always been true. Paul seems to have been guarding against this tendency when he wrote, “Despise not prophesyings; prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (I Thessalonians 5:20-21).  In his day, there were those who claimed to “prophesy” by the…

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God Breathed

by Stan Cox In II Timothy 3, the apostle Paul penned a wonderful sentence that establishes both the precious nature of the words contained in our Bibles and their efficacy in ordering our lives as His servants. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for…

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God Bless You! Bless Your Heart!

by Netagene Kirkpatrick eu’phe-mism, n. (Gr.: well + to speak). The substitution of an inoffensive or mild expression for one that may offend or be unpleasant; e.g: “passing away” for “dying”.  ~ Webster’s Dictionary, 1961 Some people say “God bless you”, Or sometimes, “Bless your heart!” I know they mean it all in love, God’s care…

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The Washing of Regeneration

by Jim Ward via The Lost River Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 4, September 2008. The denominational world has spent centuries trying to oust baptism from God’s plan of salvation. One of the most common efforts centers on works. Notice this argument in syllogistic form: First Premise: Works do not save: (Titus 3:4-6). Second Premise: Baptism…

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Born Again Into The Kingdom

by H.E. Phillips via Searching the Scriptures, February 1992, Volume 33, Number 2 The church is the people who are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (I Peter 2:9). The…

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A Marriage in Decline

by Steven Harper Throughout the Bible, God uses the analogy of marriage to describe the relationship of God with His people. In the Old Testament, God spoke of how He was “married to” the ones of Judah (Jeremiah 3:14) and “was a husband to” the Israelites (Jeremiah 31:32), and even used the analogous picture of putting away and giving a…

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